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Unable to login into SWTOR


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On 3/15/2024 at 10:44 AM, JackieKo said:

Hi everyone, 

Thanks to all who are providing info the team needs to investigate this issue further. There is a follow up troublshooting step they would like you to try if deleting the client_settings_ini file AND adjusting the graphicsquality line to 1 does not work. 

For players who are unable to get past the key art loading screen, can you:

  • Open the client_settings_ini file to edit it.
  • Under the [Renderer] section, delete all the lines save for the GraphicQuality line and adjust that to 1

As an example, your file should now look something like this. 

GraphicsQuality = 1

MoviesFolder = ..\..\Movies
SwtorRegKey = SOFTWARE\BioWare\Star Wars - The Old Republic

  • Save and load up the game. 
  • Please report here whether or not that fixed your issue. 

I do ask that comments are kept to providing the info asked for, so we can quickly collect responses. 


I followed the instructions here and the launcher still freezes on the loading screen. I went back to the free-to-play account, turned my graphics up, adjusted my screen option (windowed), and it's been running smoothly.
I repeated this on our father's laptop and the result was still the same for both accounts.

Edited by rquinnG
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6 hours ago, OwenBrooks said:

connection error to one particular server can occur if a router has dropped a route or has an old path in its routing table 
usually this resolves when the problem router refreshes its routing table 

using a VPN normally lets those with this issue to access the affected server

edit: just in case try a dns cache flush https://grok.lsu.edu/Article.aspx?articleid=19328 or test with a different dns server , it is another possibility but rarer 

edit: just re-read your previous posts regarding accessing darth malgus on a new account , this is likley related to what StefanXKromka is seeing https://forums.swtor.com/topic/934089-unable-to-login-into-swtor/?do=findComment&comment=9805315

His post has been sent to the QA team to investigate as that was also Darth Malgus

Hi.  I tryed what you said but i still cant log.... nothing changed , thanks anyway 

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24 minutes ago, RogueFlamingo said:

Have tried logging in on multiple computers, including one where other subbed players are connecting. Still cannot access account. It does not seem to be the computer, based on basic troubleshooting. 


  • 1 account unable to be access on multiple computers
  • all but 1 account able to be accessed on 1 computer.

I consider that an excellent starting point as far as troubleshooting goes.

It it locks down the problem to being tied to specific accounts. Whether it's related to number of toons on a server* or the equipment of the toons remains unknown.

This amount of troubleshooting alone should be enough for Broadsword to come up with a test case scenario, if not already. I would think Broadsword would just need to clone someone's account to a dev build server and try log into it. Maybe they would have access to additional log output to determine the cause.


On 3/14/2024 at 11:17 AM, KormiCznew said:

Mine has been stuck here for an hour. Twitter post says servers have been back up since 1135. What's going on?

Is your C:\ drive full? I ran into the problem you're seeing once when I tried to install the game on the wrong drive (which was completely full).



5 minutes ago, Thazicus said:

Is not about many chats ,my acc have 5 chars and only one is lvl 80

Great information. Thank you

Edited by Traceguy
Number of toons may be irrelevant
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I had trouble logging in the day before the update- it would always say the server (The Star Forge) was down/unavailable. It wasn't until later that evening that I was able to finally get into the game, and all I had time to do was get the daily login thing before quitting for the day. That was the last time I was able to get on. Did this happen to anyone else?

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None of the posted fixes have worked for me.  The game was working just fine for me prior to the patch, and even for most of the day and evening after the patch.


I was able to play on the patch on Tuesday just fine up until I was in the Copero SH and logged out from there.  Upon logging out from the character in the Copero stronghold, I met the frozen splash screen (I did not make it back to character select).  I have not been able to play/login since.  It is weird that I was able to play fine all Tuesday and even start some of the seasons track, set some decos in Copero, and then logging out caused me to freeze on splash screen.


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25 minutes ago, GalaxyWeasel said:

I had trouble logging in the day before the update- it would always say the server (The Star Forge) was down/unavailable.

There was a bug on the Star Forge GTN so they shut it down for maintenance.

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I did try something different, and got halfway there. I logged on, but then between hitting the launch button and the game starting to load, I put my laptop into airplane mode. Then it booted me to the server select screen, and from there I reconnected to the internet and was able to go into my graphic settings, and I dropped them to the lowest possible potato settings. (I ran my game in mid-high without issues before) and then tried again. Unfortunately, it had the same problem even after that. I'm going to keep trying to get it to let me pick a different server (one that has less toons on it.) We'll see...

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So, after dropping internet, and reconnecting, then tabbing out and back in, I was able to get into the satele shan server (I have ten toons there, but my highest is 19, and level 1 legacy) I was able to log on and play my characters like normal.

The server select window did show -1 for each one though for character count, so I'm not 100% sure why it let me in this time, where it didn't last time. 

I was able to back out to the server select screen, and this time it shows the correct number of characters per server. I was also able to log into the Leviathan, and play the one lone character I have there.

However, when I went back to the server select screen and tried to log into Star Forge, it got stuck on the loading screen again with the issue.


(I also know that I've probably got at least one character, if not two or three, in each stronghold I have on Star Forge. That's where I usually log off)

Edited by Jade_Starchaser
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7 minutes ago, Jade_Starchaser said:

So, after dropping internet, and reconnecting, then tabbing out and back in, I was able to get into the satele shan server (I have ten toons there, but my highest is 19, and level 1 legacy) I was able to log on and play my characters like normal.

The server select window did show -1 for each one though for character count, so I'm not 100% sure why it let me in this time, where it didn't last time. 

I was able to back out to the server select screen, and this time it shows the correct number of characters per server. I was also able to log into the Leviathan, and play the one lone character I have there.

However, when I went back to the server select screen and tried to log into Star Forge, it got stuck on the loading screen again with the issue.


(I also know that I've probably got at least one character, if not two or three, in each stronghold I have on Star Forge. That's where I usually log off)

That was very interesting, thank you. I was able to get to the server screen and also saw -1 for all the servers. I was able to adjust graphics (thankfully) but still unable to login. Clearly there is an account issue with all those -1s. 

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10 hours ago, StefanXKromka said:

Okay I was able to get past the Heta loading screen on my crappy laptop. Here's what I did: after logging in to the launcher (steam version btw) I clicked play and quickly unplugged my ethernet cable and was able to quickly get through the Heta loading screen, then I entered sleep mode with my laptop for a few seconds while plugging in my cable and after coming out of the sleep mode the character count on the server browser was displaying -1 on all servers. Then I was able to login to Star Forge where I have 1 character but not to Darth Malgus where I have 17 characters.


My gpu: Intel HD 630 128mb (integrated)


Got back from work and testing this out. So far, I can log into Shae Vizla (0 characters) and create one. I can log into Tulak Hord and Leviathan (2 characters each) and play the game with no issues. I can also log into Darth Malgus (7 characters, legendary status) without a problem and successfully played for awhile doing various content and playing on several worlds/zones including Imperial Fleet and the new Copero stronghold. My GPU and CPU are easily handling the game itself once past the character select screen, even when I open several other apps. I can log into Satele Shan (15 characters) without issue. 

But as soon as I tried to log back into Star Forge (my main server, 28 characters, it froze up instantly. So as far as I can tell legendary status is not the issue, my computer hardware is definitely sufficient to run the game but could be compounding another issue, and my account is not the issue. I still can't rule out a character or armor related glitch. We also know this is not server-specific, since I can play on Darth Malgus but not Star Forge, the opposite of what Stefan reported. I am guessing number of characters is not the issue, since I have 15 on Satele Shan and can play on that server, though I can't be certain. 15 is still less than Stefan's Darth Malgus roster.

I did some digging through the game files and found one labeled ContextError. A text file. This is all it contained:
GUI_CharacterSheetVisible = false"
I tried deleting it and it popped back up after I tried launching the game again. The game still froze up. Is this relevant?

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5 hours ago, JackieKo said:

Hi everyone, 

Thanks to all who are providing info the team needs to investigate this issue further. There is a follow up troublshooting step they would like you to try if deleting the client_settings_ini file AND adjusting the graphicsquality line to 1 does not work. 

For players who are unable to get past the key art loading screen, can you:

  • Open the client_settings_ini file to edit it.
  • Under the [Renderer] section, delete all the lines save for the GraphicQuality line and adjust that to 1

As an example, your file should now look something like this. 

GraphicsQuality = 1

MoviesFolder = ..\..\Movies
SwtorRegKey = SOFTWARE\BioWare\Star Wars - The Old Republic

  • Save and load up the game. 
  • Please report here whether or not that fixed your issue. 

I do ask that comments are kept to providing the info asked for, so we can quickly collect responses. 


I tried to do this. It still crashed when I tried to load into Star Forge.

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I am becoming concerned that what they have done is hosed certain accounts and they have no idea how to fix the issue. Not to be dramatic, but if years of accounts can be hosed in an instant with an "oh well" response, I'm not sure the new management is going to work out for me.

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54 minutes ago, CarrieCutter said:

Could this be we logged out ina Stronghold and is there a way to kick us out of the Strongholds 

I'll test this on my alt account, in a minute

Update: No problem.

Edited by Traceguy
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16 hours ago, Keirowyn said:

Yeah, was already in the process of doing that when I saw this.

So.  Things just got interesting... I can get into both my subbed accounts on my wife's Ryzen 7 5800U laptop, which has a Radeon GPU (not sure which one but I'm sure its integrated).

Okay... update.  My main server is Star Forge.

Got on my wife's Ryzen laptop and logged into my subbed account... able to get to character select (which defaults to Star Forge since that's where I always play).  I went back to sever select and went to Satele Shan, where I have one character.  I logged in on that character... then logged out, so that would now be my default character.

Went back to MY computer (which is hanging on the key art) and logged into my subbed account... got past the key art and it went straight to my character on Satele Shan. I'm able to login and play that character on Satele Shan.

Logged out and went back to server select and picked Shae Vizla... have a dozen (all level 1) chars there.  Can log in fine.  Went back to sever select and picked Star Forge (I have 22 chars there).  As soon as I click "play" (or whatever the button says, I wasn't paying attention), the key art splash screen appears and the game freezes.

Could it be something related to the Star Forge server?  What server does everyone here play on (or last logged out on?  since that's where it attempts to log you into when you launch the game).

This is NOOOOOT an issue my VRAM or graphics settings or firewall or whatever... stop telling me its my computer.

Edited by Keirowyn
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4 minutes ago, Keirowyn said:

Okay... update.  My main server is Star Forge.

Got on my wife's Ryzen laptop and logged into my subbed account... able to get to character select (which defaults to Star Forge since that's where I always play).  I went back to sever select and went to Satele Shan, where I have one character.  I logged in on that character... then logged out, so that would now be my default character.

Went back to MY computer (which is hanging on the key art) and logged into my subbed account... got past the key art and it went straight to my character on Satele Shan. I'm able to login and play that character on Satele Shan.

Logged out and went back to server select and picked Shae Vizla... have a dozen (all level 1) chars there.  Can log in fine.  Went back to sever select and picked Star Forge (I have 22 chars there).  As soon as I click "play" (or whatever the button says, I wasn't paying attention), the key art splash screen appears and the game freezes.

Could it be something related to the Star Forge server?  What server does everyone here play on (or last logged out on?  since that's where it attempts to log you into when you launch the game).

This is NOOOOOT an issue with our computers.

Satele Shan here. It doesn't seem limited to one server. Just where your main/largest account is.

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I also had a file called "context error", but could delete it successfully. 

Another thing I noted, was, when I went to device manager and right clicked on my graphic cards, they were all disabled and I had to enable them manually. I never disabled them ever. One I had to even reinstall, as it said it wasn't working. May be that is something you wanna check, too. Just in case.


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21 minutes ago, RogueFlamingo said:

I am becoming concerned that what they have done is hosed certain accounts and they have no idea how to fix the issue. Not to be dramatic, but if years of accounts can be hosed in an instant with an "oh well" response, I'm not sure the new management is going to work out for me.

My account is fine... I can log into Star Forge (pretty much the only server I play on, even though I have characters on other servers) on my wife's Ryzen laptop.  I can log into other servers on my laptop too... just for some reason when I attempt to log into Star Forge on my laptop, it freezes.

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i was also on star forge...and they just "fixed" that server prior to the great lock out..maybe they should look into that instead of blaming our pc's


this is my largest character server with 33 characters

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1 hour ago, CarrieCutter said:

Could this be we logged out ina Stronghold and is there a way to kick us out of the Strongholds 

I had this same thought.  The character I last played was in my Yavin IV stronghold... logged into my account on my wife's Ryzen laptop and ported back to my ship, then logged out.  Attempted to log in on my computer and it freezes still... so I guess it's not that.

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