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Enable Master Mode for Veteran Mode-only Operations


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So, it has probably been brought up in the past, but after the recent Exploit making some Master Mode Operations accessible on the live servers, I would like to bring it up again:


Eternity Vault, Karragas Palace, Ravagers, Temple of Sacrifice and the R4 Anomaly all lack a dedicated Master Mode right now. The recent exploit (that I have not taken part in) has shown us that there are some interesting mechanics in those Master Modes that do not appear in the current Veteran Mode - so some work has at least been done in the past. I am not asking for full fledge, mechanically challenging encounters - I personally don't really like boss fights where you have to click lots of items, buttons and such things, even though I can enjoy them. However, after the recent Gear-Upgrade to 344 (and even from the raise to 340 from 330), most encounters have become not really challenging without those kinds of mechanics. The top groups can 7-man those raids, and even for the groups that defeated the most challenging Master Modes - Dxun and Gods from the Machine - 7manning the Old, (we call them Legacy-NiM) wouldn't be out of the realm of possibility.


What I am asking for is, not to include more new mechanics to those old Veteran Mode (to be MM) Operations - a complete rework would probably take resources you are not willing to invest right now. Instead I'm asking for you to simply upscale those encounters in a dedicated Master Mode when it comes to DPS and Heal-Checks - the release-version of Revan Veteran Mode was much more challenging than today, where you can kill the Machine Core Burn with two DPS alive - you don't even need Healers, if those DPS are Annihilation Marauders. Making those challenges tough for the average Master Mode Operation-player would go a long way in providing us with content for the forseeable future. And not only that, it would also enable you to make Ravagers and Temple of Sacrifice more accessible in the Veteran Mode - currenty, Master&Blaster and Revan are serious roadblocks that cannot be killed by a group that was able to beat the Legacy-NiM Veteran Modes such as Dread Fortress, Dread Palace, Terror from Beyond, Scum and Villain, Karragas Palace or Eternity Vault. I would even go so far and argue that Master&Blaster Veteran Mode are, mechanically, harder than many Master Mode encounters right now. So not only would a Master Mode (and thus indirectly an easier Veteran Mode) provide content for the highest-level raiders, but also for the average not-solo player that's currently pretty much only doing Karragas Palace, Eternity Vault and maybe another Veteran Mode Operation once in a blue moon.


Edited by Exocor
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100% agreed on returning EV and KP MM, and I would love to see master modes for ToS, Ravagers and the one that we aren't allowed to mention.  

However, if someone struggles with Master & Blaster and Revan HM mechanics, it only means they need to work on their raid awareness. Those are pretty good fights to discover who's got it and who doesn't.

If those same people clear legacy nims, it means they were in a group were most people already knew the fights and someone else probably did the mechanics. Personally I wouldn't take someone who can't clear M&B and Revan to any NiM content, because even if they'll be able to clear it with a good group, they are going to have issues later when a group is less experienced and can't carry someone who is unable to see or understand what's happening around them. 

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Am 6.2.2024 um 07:33 schrieb DeannaVoyager:

However, if someone struggles with Master & Blaster and Revan HM mechanics, it only means they need to work on their raid awareness. Those are pretty good fights to discover who's got it and who doesn't.

If those same people clear legacy nims, it means they were in a group were most people already knew the fights and someone else probably did the mechanics. Personally I wouldn't take someone who can't clear M&B and Revan to any NiM content, because even if they'll be able to clear it with a good group, they are going to have issues later when a group is less experienced and can't carry someone who is unable to see or understand what's happening around them. 


Sorry, maybe I wasn't quite clear. I was talking about people that are able to clear other Veteran Mode Operations not being able to progress past Revan or M&B VM in most cases.


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EV and KP used to have Master or rather Nightmare modes. They didn't delete the content, they just turned them off. The problem is they really didn't scale.

When they devs rescaled the ops to more appropriate character levels, they reworked Vet to make it harder. Modern Vet EV and KP are about as difficult as old Nightmare EV and KP (They were really not hard by today's standards and we used to knock them out in under an hour consistently.

I think we'll see them at some point, but as of now there's not much to be gained by an EV or KP master except for a small percentage of high-skill raiders.

Keep in mind a large chunk of the player base never touch endgame content and of those that do I'd not want to bring the vast majority of the people I've run with into a Vet KP let alone a Master.

And only the most dedicated groups would even touch a master Rav or ToS. The Vet modes are already too difficult for the vast majority of players. My group has cleared both ops, but that is NOT the common majority experience.

The thing we have to remember as players is not everyone plays the same way we do and the devs tend to focus effort where it has the highest impact

That's why the expansions focus on the story not the one or two ops/flashpoints we get and even then the flashpoints usually have more effort than the ops again because flashpoints are run more often.

Nature of the game I'm afraid.

But maybe with Broadsword they'll find the resources to allocate in the near future? Who knows? Time will tell.

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