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Woudn't it be nice.....


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If there was MORE communication from BS or other developers or community managers about the game.....
Like when is GS 6 coming out?
What are the plans for the next month or three?
I get that we were in holiday mode, but January is almost over and nothing communicated about the game for future fixes, enhancements, events, etc.
Makes me go play other games and do other things and puts SWTOR on the back burner for when/if something "might" happen....

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1 hour ago, Saeten said:

If there was MORE communication from BS or other developers or community managers about the game.....
Like when is GS 6 coming out?
What are the plans for the next month or three?
I get that we were in holiday mode, but January is almost over and nothing communicated about the game for future fixes, enhancements, events, etc.
Makes me go play other games and do other things and puts SWTOR on the back burner for when/if something "might" happen....

I think the lack of anything being said is all your need to know, alongside Keith saying last year, for players, nothing would change when the game switched over from BioWare to Broadsword. 

What you've noted is the norm for how SWTOR is run for years now. 

If Broadsword has any intention of somehow doing more with the game than BioWare used to, in terms of playable content updates, it's way too early in their working on the game to see any results. I don't believe they will be better or much different, however. If anything, there will be fewer meaningful content updates in this and future years (story, FPs, new open world areas, PVP maps, Operations, etc).

Though not practical, I almost wish the team would work for however long it would take to finish cutscenes and recordings for the entire remaining story, and then release it at once. 

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Also keep in mind that a huge chunk (almost 10%) of the game developers under the Microsoft umbrella just lost their jobs.  These are their friends and peers and those are their lives.  That's a lot to process and we need to be a little more empathetic and patient.  This is a game we play in our spare time...it's not that important.

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8 minutes ago, PianoMatt said:

Also keep in mind that a huge chunk (almost 10%) of the game developers under the Microsoft umbrella just lost their jobs.  These are their friends and peers and those are their lives.  That's a lot to process and we need to be a little more empathetic and patient.  This is a game we play in our spare time...it's not that important.

What kind of excuse is this lmao

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6 minutes ago, PianoMatt said:

Also keep in mind that a huge chunk (almost 10%) of the game developers under the Microsoft umbrella just lost their jobs.  These are their friends and peers and those are their lives.  That's a lot to process and we need to be a little more empathetic and patient.  This is a game we play in our spare time...it's not that important.

While I recognise the kindness in your comment if I was paying Netflix or Disney EUR13 per month I'd expect a reasonable roll out of content, I don't see how a computer game that depends on subscriptions to be any different.  They are competing to entertain me!  And I do wish all the devs and Broadsword every success in their endevours.

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We'll always ask for more, we are players and won't ever be all satisfied...
Devestream about 7.4.1 and 7.5 sneakpeak/infos is 14th feb.
Till then we have to wait... and yes, that's long and hard wait but no choice so we have to become althoolics or play another games till next patch comes out ;)


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7 hours ago, Kazuone said:

We'll always ask for more, we are players and won't ever be all satisfied...

At this point we really aren't asking for much ^^ I hope the stream is good and addresses some of the issues this game has.

Edited by Whykara
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22 hours ago, Whykara said:

Livestream is on Feb 14th, they will announce GS6 there, as well as 7.4.1 and a teaser for 7.5. But yes, I'm always for more communication. 

Where is this posted? I definitely missed this announcement. Seems like it's been ages for any information.

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Found it.  Dec 20th.  No posting update or on calendar.



7.4.1 livestream that we are tentatively scheduling for February 14th! 

This livestream will focus mostly on 7.4.1, where we will give you a glimpse of everything that is coming in that update. We’ll also share an early sneak peek of Game Update 7.5 as well.

As I said in the 7.4 dev stream, there’s more to come, and we’re looking forward to announcing further details in due time.



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On 1/27/2024 at 6:27 PM, Saeten said:

If there was MORE communication from BS or other developers or community managers about the game.....
Like when is GS 6 coming out?
What are the plans for the next month or three?
I get that we were in holiday mode, but January is almost over and nothing communicated about the game for future fixes, enhancements, events, etc.
Makes me go play other games and do other things and puts SWTOR on the back burner for when/if something "might" happen....

We've been asking for this for 12 years, it never happened and obviously never will if it didn't already.

They've said 7.5 and 7.6 are for this year so basically that's it and the recent updates show clearly how much we can expect. If there ever is any 8.0 """expansion""" it won't be till 2025 if we're lucky

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On 1/27/2024 at 4:26 PM, PianoMatt said:

Also keep in mind that a huge chunk (almost 10%) of the game developers under the Microsoft umbrella just lost their jobs.  These are their friends and peers and those are their lives.  That's a lot to process and we need to be a little more empathetic and patient.  This is a game we play in our spare time...it's not that important.

Broadsword is a small company located near Washington DC. Microsoft is a completely separate company located in the Seattle area. I fail to see what this has to do with anything. That's like saying that Walmart employees are struggling with their work because there were layoffs at Trader Joes.

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23 hours ago, joshuadyal said:

Broadsword is a small company located near Washington DC. Microsoft is a completely separate company located in the Seattle area. I fail to see what this has to do with anything. That's like saying that Walmart employees are struggling with their work because there were layoffs at Trader Joes.

Okay, I'll respond to this by saying that my initial response was after reading a whole bunch of Broadsword flaming that was going on in regards to the lockout passing issue.  People were being flat out rude and talking "at" people with no regards that an actual human would be seeing it.   That goes in general for a lot of issues within these forums: a whole bunch of entitlement combined with a poor attitude and poor emotional intelligence.  A great descriptor that most people would understand is "our forums are full of Karens"  Here's an example:


Dear Broadsword, you have just demonstrated complete and absolute idiocy when coding your own game. You just screwed over the entire player base with your most recent update regarding ops. You failed to code YOUR game, to allow people to pass locks. Ops lead switches, phase resets to HM. Ops lead DC's resets to Hardmode. Timer goes, and lock goes. Like do you guys even know your game? Seriously the incompetence shown with your coding and management of this game is astounding. Teams are unable to receive lockouts now from people. Its seriously astounding how you can screw this up. Do you want to kill your own game?

Passing lockouts is a huge part of our raiding to help prog some harder content in this game. I just cannot get over how bad you guys are with your own game. 


Congrats Broadsword on assisting to kill your own game. Well done. Fix it! 

Does that really apply to the dialogue in this current thread?  Not so much.  So I apologize if my post was misdirected here... I was just coming off of reading things like that.

Now, in regards to what I did say.  If you don't think the 2nd largest video game company in the world having a massive developer lay off is going to cause a lot of disruption in gaming workplaces (both large and small) then I would ask you to consider the following questions that might be brough up in the work place: Is microsoft setting a new trend and is our company going to follow suit?  If we do, am I going to be one of the ones who gets booted?  Are the people that were fired more talented than I am and would I be replaced if they applied for my job?   

Hypothetical questions, but enough to put some people in a much scarier position than they were in prior to all of those lay offs.   Let's not forget that the entire studio had it's world turned upside down when Broadsword took over.  There are human elements in all of these things and they shouldn't be disregarded with an eyeroll.   "It's their job" or "I paid for this" are not helpful or constructive.  They know what their jobs are, they are working as hard as they want to, and if you want more and are not getting what you want from your sub, the only one to be upset with is the person continuing to buy it and expecting different results.  (insanity, anyone?)   If you can only focus on the negative, you are not the type of consumer most places are concerned about or want to cater to... especially if you don't even have the common decency to speak to a stranger like they are an actual person.   We ask for communication...would you want to engage with some of the people who play this game after some of the stuff that has been said by the player base?  I would not.

Again, this is the wrong thread for this, but I hope you can understand my viewpoint.  I don't like seeing people bullied and that happens more often than it should in this game.  You don't have to agree, but if you do, this is a perfect time to send a developer a message and (1) introduce yourself because that's polite and (2) engage them in a conversation if there's something that is important to you (3) just let them know what you appreciate about the game and the work that they do.  Treat them the way you'd want to be treated.  I do this regularly and they always respond.  Every time. 

You have lots of choices you get to make in life... please don't be a Karen when you make them.


Edited by PianoMatt
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On 1/27/2024 at 11:27 AM, Saeten said:

Like when is GS 6 coming out?

GS5 just ended. It's completely rude to complain and ask about it so soon. We have 5 galactic seasons in our history to estimate for ourselves when the next one is coming.

Just looking at the dates above, you should wait until March/April before inquiring any further about GS6.

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On 1/27/2024 at 1:12 PM, arunav said:

Though not practical, I almost wish the team would work for however long it would take to finish cutscenes and recordings for the entire remaining story, and then release it at once. 

At the rate they're going, the base game with 8 fully fleshed out stories across nearly a dozen full-sized planets packed with fully voiced side-quests and planet-arcs, and a mountain of flashpoints. It should have taken them 50 years to complete


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2 hours ago, Traceguy said:

GS5 just ended. It's completely rude to complain and ask about it so soon. We have 5 galactic seasons in our history to estimate for ourselves when the next one is coming.

Just looking at the dates above, you should wait until March/April before inquiring any further about GS6.

We should estimate ourselves? We should just wait for communication for weeks and months?
You miss the point of the entire post. We should expect better communication, not less and not guess ourselves.
Your points are moot and nonsensical.
We should expect posts to create excitement for the continuation of the game.
We should expect more than 30 days of silence.
We should expect that the company would want to entice more and new gamers.  Look how SV has declined.
We should expect that the company would want to entice current gamers with future plans.
Why wouldn't they post a mid-month update on the livestream that was tentatively planned?

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20 hours ago, Saeten said:

We should estimate ourselves? We should just wait for communication for weeks and months?
You miss the point of the entire post. We should expect better communication, not less and not guess ourselves.
Your points are moot and nonsensical.

Stings doesn't it.

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