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Fresh Start/New Economy Server for North America


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It's clear that a very vocal group of APAC players want an economically broken server in the APAC. Let them have it and create a new economy server in North America where it will be appreciated. Then the non-APAC players currently playing on the APAC server will have someplace to go where they can enjoy a functioning economy instead of having to play on the current APAC server where they are only wanted to make the server look populated. Let the APAC players support their own server if they can.

No credit/item transfers in (only legacy, bound gear, and what your character can wear)

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Truthfully, I don't think there is enough interest to create another server. (if we are going by server population) I honestly think neither group can sustain a server by themselves.( I for one went to the new server because its name was bounty hunter related, and It had toon names I wanted that did not require special characters. Thus I would be unlikely to move to another unless it was a classic server.) It would be smarter to allow transfer with just limited credits. This is a compromise that APAC player are willing to accept. (The server is in their region and should benefit players that have continued to play from there.) 

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The simplest solution for NA is to move all the broken server people to one server (Star Forge since its the biggest) and open up a new fresh economy server with restricted transfers. That way those wanting to continue to play on the broken server with all their credits can and those that want to have a reset economy can as well. There is enough population in NA to support two servers (since it can support two servers now).

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54 minutes ago, DWho said:

The simplest solution for NA is to move all the broken server people to one server (Star Forge since its the biggest) and open up a new fresh economy server with restricted transfers. That way those wanting to continue to play on the broken server with all their credits can and those that want to have a reset economy can as well. There is enough population in NA to support two servers (since it can support two servers now).

I’m against that idea because I don’t want my toons from each server merged onto one. Part of that reason is because I’d go over my limit allowed for one server. Another is that I have the same names on both servers and have no desire to have to rename all of them. Even if they label it as a new start/new economy server you will still get people asking to be able to transfer characters with their credits anyways. 

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5 minutes ago, Darcmoon said:

Even if they label it as a new start/new economy server you will still get people asking to be able to transfer characters with their credits anyways. 

That's why you make it clear from the start that will not happen. The issue on SV was that it wasn't clear whether it was going to be a reset economy server or just another regional server (that gave the wiggle room to push for transfers). If you're clear up front, no one can argue (well they can, but they have no ground to stand on)

Edited by DWho
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At this point man, instead of opening a new server to try and have a balanced economy, you'd be better off making a new currency altogether.

Just make "Galactic Credits", which are yellow instead of green. Autoconvert all credits from everyone into the new currency with a ratio of 1000 to 1

That way, someone with 100b has now 100M which is *much more* manageable. This will impact everyone, but since you'd earn the new currency just like you did the old one (so a quest rewarding 100 credits now rewards 100 GCredits) you won't destroy new players' money since they'll earn currency just like they used to.

There, fixed it and no need to open a new server or anything.

At this point instead of wanting half-baked solutions, fully commit to one that will actually solve the problem without angering whales. Which is what Broadsword is trying to avoid.

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