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Hk 51?


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I've heard rumors that you can get HK 51 at some point in the game as an optional companion, possibly a replacment for your current service droid on your ship.


I haven't found any decent methods to how he's gotten yet though. So far I've only managed to find that you can do it only at level 50. I've gotten there at the moment, and will likely try to find a way to get him. Does anyone know how he's gotten yet?

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I've heard rumors that you can get HK 51 at some point in the game as an optional companion, possibly a replacment for your current service droid on your ship.


I haven't found any decent methods to how he's gotten yet though. So far I've only managed to find that you can do it only at level 50. I've gotten there at the moment, and will likely try to find a way to get him. Does anyone know how he's gotten yet?


Can you people please put spoiler tags? Not everybody knows about HK-51! And see if you can keep stuff like this in the Spoiler section.

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