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21 minutes ago, Strathkin said:

@KeithKanneg Maybe Broadsword can rethink extending this to Jan 22th? 

  • Clearly everyone can makes mistakes, so hopefully they will try to address this...
  • I've mostly accepted the revised Credit Cap, even if I'd have liked it slightly higher perhaps... 

I wish you all the best of luck,

Kind Regards...

They need to stop alienating APAC players.

a first step to do this is to stop backdating these subscriber requirements.

TrixxieTriss had a good idea that should be adopted, granting free transfers depending on your subscription term.

I adopted this proposal elsewhere, which went like this:

  • 1 free APAC player transfer for FTP
  • 2 free transfers if Preferred
  • More free transfers for those who sub by an announced date (set in future from the announcement) for example:
    • 4 for 1 month sub
    • 6 for 2 month sub
    • 8 for 3 month sub
    • 16 for 6 month sub (or past 90 days of current subscriber term)

the more players on the server, the more activity, the more likelihood the server will be sustainable.

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I do not blame any of the players that have let their subscription lapse for not renewing now. Players should not subscribe just to hope for a future consideration that, so far, has not been suggested by BroadSword.

  • back dated requirements are unacceptable 
  • the limited credits on transfer are too restrictive (and unfair compared to other regional server transfers)

Players should not be giving the company money for the pathetic communication that has been given during the Shae Vizla server launch.

Hoping to be included in future updates / changes is not acceptable, BroadSword needs to earn a subscription, they do this by improving their communications and stopping this behaviour of excluding players.

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48 minutes ago, Strathkin said:

NOTE: Has anyone pointed out, the 1st mention of a 90 Day Subscription Requirement was Jan 19, 2024

  -- A valid reason to kindly ask reconsideration of Free Transfers to Jan 22nd, 2024

I did but did not put a date in, its been an after the fact condition, and its very poor form.

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It's hilarious how disconnected the Broadsword higher-ups and the APAC player base are. They want APAC players to play in the SV server, but introduce all these limitations and restrictions for APAC players to transfer their characters.

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49 minutes ago, Strathkin said:

Posted 17 Days after the Jan 2nd Date, was later announced only on Feb 12th, 2024

It should be from the date it was actually announced, as 90 days is too long there make it 30, it's not rocket science, all they are doing is digging a deeper hole with the APAC community

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20 minutes ago, FrontLineFodder said:

They need to stop alienating APAC players.

a first step to do this is to stop backdating these subscriber requirements.

TrixxieTriss had a good idea that should be adopted, granting free transfers depending on your subscription term.

I adopted this proposal elsewhere, which went like this:

  • 1 free APAC player transfer for FTP
  • 2 free transfers if Preferred
  • More free transfers for those who sub by an announced date (set in future from the announcement) for example:
    • 4 for 1 month sub
    • 6 for 2 month sub
    • 8 for 3 month sub
    • 16 for 6 month sub (or past 90 days of current subscriber term)

the more players on the server, the more activity, the more likelihood the server will be sustainable.

Yup perfect and would appease nearly everyone, but it doesn't force us to spend CC to do it, which is what I highly suspect is the cause of them doubling down on these stupid conditions. 

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9 minutes ago, Nommaz said:

Yup perfect and would appease nearly everyone, but it doesn't force us to spend CC to do it, which is what I highly suspect is the cause of them doubling down on these stupid conditions. 

EA does not get $/CC purchases from player playing other games

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@KeithKanneg @JackieKo It's been poor communication the whole time for the apac server transfers the Shae Vizla companion subscriber Reward in 2020 between August 28th, 2020 and October 5th, 2020 had better communication than this and i eligible for the16 free transfers blindsiding the apac player base with back dated requirements is not cool     

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5 minutes ago, emperorruby said:

@KeithKanneg @JackieKo It's been poor communication the whole time for the apac server transfers the Shae Vizla companion subscriber Reward in 2020 between August 28th, 2020 and October 5th, 2020 had better communication than this and i eligible for the16 free transfers blindsiding the apac player base with back dated requirements is not cool     

I am taking my money elsewhere, to where its appreciated. Or at least given the illusion it is, not being treated poorly helps.


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On 2/15/2024 at 3:18 PM, emperorruby said:

and i want the apac server to succeeded and not die again

It has died already. The path that Hasbro are taking is simply ensuring they have a justification to close the server in 3 months time, after they have grabbed the money from players spending CC.


If there was ever a sign that SWTOR is in maintenance mode, it is this dying gasp money grab.

Edited by FrontLineFodder
dying grasp. was supposed to read dying gasp
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2 hours ago, emperorruby said:

and i want the apac server to succeeded and not die again

I would like that too, very much, but the way they have rolled this server out begs the question, do they?

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I understand the cut-off date for non-subscribers for the general population to ensure people who just want to play the economy and transfer some Credits over don't simply subscribe to get 16 Alts transfer over. However for oceanic players there should be only two requirements

One must be a subscriber on the day Transfers start (set date).

Two are located in the oceanic region.

BUT!! Like they said they wanted to do in the live stream that made me spit my coffee If they truly want to support oceanic players returning to the game they would offer free transfers back to any oceanic player that was transferred off oceanic service Regardless of subscription status. This last point will encourage lots of Australian and New Zealand players to come back and install the game to transfer their characters and get the names they want. Once players installs the game and logs in there is a much higher chance they will continue playing and even subscribe. If they don't return in a set time They don't get the free transfers. 

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Sadly, my initial point has been validated.  Broadsword REALLY shouldn't have listened to the raiding community on this issue at all.  But they did.  They increased the credit cap to a level which is still going to hyper-inflate the economy AND extended the free transfer window and yet you guys are still acting like...this.

They actually listened to your feedback, take the win guys.

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15 hours ago, Gabriaye said:

And you say oh well now you can have basically NOTHING... you can have the clothes of your back, not even enough to buy the stuff we had before. 

Any items that appears unlocked in your Collections on your former Server, will transfer to your new Server with a Character Transfer; according to the post shown on Electonic Arts Website.  So you won't be required to Pay Additional CC / Credits on GTN to unlock all your previous gear, mounts, etc:

Star Wars: The Old Republic - STAR WARS™: The Old Republic™ Character Transfers (ea.com)

 Yes! All of your Legacy unlocks, earned Achievements, and triggered Collections will be waiting for you. 

Someone also expanded upon this to provide some additional details here:

This is what happens when you transfer characters - General Discussion - SWTOR | Forums

Kind Regards!

Edited by Strathkin
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7 minutes ago, Keegus said:

They actually listened to your feedback, take the win guys.

No they did not, if they had listened to the raiding people it would have been much much more credits, and we have all basically agreed the credit whiles still low is workable. But they did not listen to us in regard to transfers, and in fact continue to ignore one of the main complaints, it is not a win, it is a partial compromise.
They ignored the forced transfers to N/A not just server mergers, actual whole region forced off to NA to save a da money, they ignored our years of paying subs for a subpar experience compared to our NA.. well literally the rest of the world's player base.
and they ignored our many GOOD compromises on the matter of the transfers.
The only people "winning" here is the fresh start server crowd, it is certainly not the APAC regional players.

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10 hours ago, TrixxieTriss said:

And while there are still some people holding out for unrestricted credit transfers, many are ready to compromise. But many say the announced 15 million still isn’t enough to get them there. Some are saying 25 million & others 50 million. 

Personally, 25 million is my sweet spot because 25 x 16 = 400 million. But I’m not a raider & some of those guys want/need more. So I don’t want to speak for their needs. 


Yeah I agree with Triss, 20 to 25 mil per character is kinda the sweet spot. My 1 & only lvl 80 character currently on Malgus has only 23 mil earned over its entire playtime (subbed since Aug 2022). Never bothered playing the GTN; have only sold off Discovery Missions that I don't need for dirt cheap. Currently gearing 344 by doing solo vet FPs which per run earns around 20k but also racks up around a 20k repair bill after each vet FP 😅 


9 hours ago, SoraRaida said:

It's hilarious how disconnected the Broadsword higher-ups and the APAC player base are. They want APAC players to play in the SV server, but introduce all these limitations and restrictions for APAC players to transfer their characters.


Hmm problem is BS *secretly* never intended for this server to be a home purely for APAC players. If that were the case, they would not have all these silly restrictions for players in the APAC region; they didn't even bother to check the geo-location of the current player base & could have just granted free transfers to players from the APAC region regardless of subscription status.


Which begs the question then, who was their intended target audience all along? Imo, 

1) What's left of the APAC subscriber base who want low ping - a smaller number from the previously already small number subscribed

2) Brand new players to SWTOR who won't be hit with super high inflation

3) Existing players who want to escape super high inflation

4) Existing players who want a....fresh start experience /shrug

So yeah, as others have mentioned, SV is a fresh start server that happens to be in the APAC region.

Then again, if they allowed unrestricted transfers, it would open the floodgates for credit farmers from China 😅 that also happens to be in the APAC region, so I get BS' POV also

Edited by Xamodeus
Quoting another
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2 hours ago, Keegus said:

Sadly, my initial point has been validated.  Broadsword REALLY shouldn't have listened to the raiding community on this issue at all.  But they did.  They increased the credit cap to a level which is still going to hyper-inflate the economy AND extended the free transfer window and yet you guys are still acting like...this.

They actually listened to your feedback, take the win guys.

They used a classic marketing technique called anchoring they provided unrealistic options to start with so they could then give us what they really intended and act like it was then listening to us. Nothing at all has been done for the APAC community That only found out about this server on the 23rd of December most of us myself included were not able to subscribe straight away due to changes in EA accounts That were unable to be resolved during the Christmas And New Year holidays. I started to try to subscribe on the second of January and finally got my account resolved on the 23rd of January like many others you can check the EA forums for the countless posts about this issue. The only reason I wasn't subscribed to this game was the 500 plus ping I get on the current US servers . I played for a year during beta then all the way up to 2018 as a subscriber after the second transfer Off the West Coast of the US it became unplayable in game for most Australians. Now they expect us to pay $60 Australian To transfer eight characters because we weren't told about needing to subscribe to a server we didn't know existed even though we're excited it does exist most of us believe that we should be able to transfer back at no cost because we never asked to be transferred Unplayable servers. We got involved with this game and attached to our characters with the understanding that local playable servers would be available. I don't care about the credits I want my legacy and unique items I've collected over the years and that's all I worry about And I don't believe I should have to pay to transfer to a home server.


Edited by JohnnyGatt
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5 hours ago, AussieAlan said:

15 million credits, way to till 

4 hours ago, Keegus said:

Sadly, my initial point has been validated.  Broadsword REALLY shouldn't have listened to the raiding community on this issue at all.  But they did.  They increased the credit cap to a level which is still going to hyper-inflate the economy AND extended the free transfer window and yet you guys are still acting like...this.

They actually listened to your feedback, take the win guys.


Who exactly are you going to be grouping with when the raiders leave from being unable to afford to do any progress raiding? I have to farm heroics just to pay repair bills for 2 nights a week. I have zero credits for anything else other than repairs. How does that help economy you are desperate to protect?

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3 minutes ago, TormentAU said:

Who exactly are you going to be grouping with when the raiders leave from being unable to afford to do any progress raiding? I have to farm heroics just to pay repair bills for 2 nights a week. I have zero credits for anything else other than repairs. How does that help economy you are desperate to protect?

I just ran out of credits sending crew on missions. I would do some heroics but I'm tired from grinding tech frags on Star Forge, so I can buy the tactical before I transfer.

15m is not enough long term

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3 hours ago, JohnnyGatt said:

They used a classic marketing technique called anchoring they provided unrealistic options to start with so they could then give us what they really intended and act like it was then listening to us. Nothing at all has been done for the APAC community That only found out about this server on the 23rd of December most of us myself included were not able to subscribe straight away due to changes in EA accounts That were unable to be resolved during the Christmas And New Year holidays. I started to try to subscribe on the second of January and finally got my account resolved on the 23rd of January like many others you can check the EA forums for the countless posts about this issue. The only reason I wasn't subscribed to this game was the 500 plus ping I get on the current US servers . I played for a year during beta then all the way up to 2018 as a subscriber after the second transfer Off the West Coast of the US it became unplayable in game for most Australians. Now they expect us to pay $60 Australian To transfer eight characters because we weren't told about needing to subscribe to a server we didn't know existed even though we're excited it does exist most of us believe that we should be able to transfer back at no cost because we never asked to be transferred Unplayable servers. We got involved with this game and attached to our characters with the understanding that local playable servers would be available. I don't care about the credits I want my legacy and unique items I've collected over the years and that's all I worry about And I don't believe I should have to pay to transfer to a home server.


they might still be using anchoring today to make a subscriber reward for the 16 free transfers to celebrate the opening of transfers to shae vizla server     

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11 hours ago, JohnnyGatt said:

They used a classic marketing technique called anchoring they provided unrealistic options to start with so they could then give us what they really intended and act like it was then listening to us. Nothing at all has been done for the APAC community That only found out about this server on the 23rd of December most of us myself included were not able to subscribe straight away due to changes in EA accounts That were unable to be resolved during the Christmas And New Year holidays. I started to try to subscribe on the second of January and finally got my account resolved on the 23rd of January like many others you can check the EA forums for the countless posts about this issue. The only reason I wasn't subscribed to this game was the 500 plus ping I get on the current US servers . I played for a year during beta then all the way up to 2018 as a subscriber after the second transfer Off the West Coast of the US it became unplayable in game for most Australians. Now they expect us to pay $60 Australian To transfer eight characters because we weren't told about needing to subscribe to a server we didn't know existed even though we're excited it does exist most of us believe that we should be able to transfer back at no cost because we never asked to be transferred Unplayable servers. We got involved with this game and attached to our characters with the understanding that local playable servers would be available. I don't care about the credits I want my legacy and unique items I've collected over the years and that's all I worry about And I don't believe I should have to pay to transfer to a home server.


I'm in the same boat. Emails weren't sent out until somewhere in Mid December, so us returnee's had NO idea about the server opening until then. Then like any sane person, I played as f2p/preferred while leveling up new characters on SV because why would I pay to play free content that I've already played several times in the past (legendary status).
Then when I decided I wanted to sub, my account had payment issues due to being an "old and inactive account" and needed to go through support after the holiday period to get it sorted out. So even with the update, I am still not eligible for free transfers, and I will not be paying for transfers as a Founder with hundreds of $ through subscription alone. Especially since they seem intent on killing the server for whatever reason. Even if they backpedal all the way now and just have "be a subscriber for free transfers" as the only restriction, or give preferred a couple free transfers, too much damage has been done at this point.

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On 2/15/2024 at 4:13 AM, Xamodeus said:

Yeah I agree with Triss, 20 to 25 mil per character is kinda the sweet spot.  


They didn't even bother to check the geo-location of the current player base & could have just granted free transfers to players from the APAC region regardless of subscription status.

And yes, on Page 38 a few days earlier, I mentioned 20 to 25 Million as being a bit more acceptable; especially for people who have to pay for Transfer's!  I wasn't the only one who made that comment either, as It works out to 40,000 - 50,000 (at 50% off) Credit's per Cartel Coin; or 20,000 - 25,000 at Full Price.   

NOTE: Likely didn't get any likes, as I originally said the Jan 2nd, 2024 cutoff (sounded) fair, yet it's also the reason for my later post, where I said, "Has anyone pointed out, the 1st mention of a 90 Day Subscription Requirement was Jan 19, 2024?" 

  -- A valid reason to kindly ask reconsideration of Free Transfers to Jan 25th, 2024 not Jan 2nd, 2024.

  -- Then they can fairly say, we gave people 5 full days to subscribe after our announcement.  

So I've now slightly revised my Page 39 post to account for what @JohnnyGatt & @Skyzin said above.

Kind Regards, I've said all I'm going to say on this subject now.

Edited by Strathkin
Summary of 2 earlier posts, & minor update made.
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