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Gunslinger combat style animations


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Since 7.0 there are several ability animations that in my opinion need to be reworked but right now i wil focus on specific 2 from Gunslinger combast style. 
Recuperate and Surrender: they are both tied to the Smuggler idea of Gunslinger, right now they must become more neutral and not that much of scoundrel looking. 
From a long time i would like to make a trooper gunslinger but i always change my mind cuz i would have a trooper dressed like a bad ass soldier running around raising hands in sign of surrender with coins falling from his hands or from his pockets. Not to mention Recuperate: pretty strange to have a trooper or an Agent who swings a coin in the air and then hits it with the gun like in a spaghetti western. 

Animations for these two need to become moew adaptive for every origin story, at least if u ask me. 

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