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Who feels better about SWTOR's future now that we've heard from Broadsword's president?


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Today's news posting was the first we've heard from Broadsword president Rob Denton since Broadsword took over management of SWTOR in late June.  I have to think this happened in response to a number of people here expressing their wish to hear from Broadsword directly and Keith Kanneg was finally able to prevail upon his boss to provide a statement for SWTOR's player base.  For me today's message from Broadsword's president did not move the sentiment needle for SWTOR's future in either direction.  I am still in wait-and-see mode and not counting on any content past what has already been announced.  I was interested in hearing from Broadsword's existing management (pre-SWTOR transition) in the early days of the transition but actions, or lack thereof, I've observed in the 3+ months of Broadsword-developed SWTOR demonstrated all I needed to know.  Nothing so far has really changed from a player perspective which is what Keith Kanneg told us to expect back in June.

However I'm curious what those of you who wanted to hear from someone at Broadsword higher in command structure than Keith Kanneg (because you should know Keith Kanneg has been a  Broadsword employee since late June) feel now that you have heard from Keith's boss.  Did today's message from Rob Denton move your sentiment needle for SWTOR's future?

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It's good to finally hear something from the BS boss, even if it didn't go into much details other than confirming they will continue past 7.4. which is good news.

That said, I'm with OP in saying that taking the wait and see stance is the best option for now, until we get something more tangible to work with as it were..

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I do agree that hearing from the big boss, is good. However I like others are on Wait and See.

 I do hope they took what I and others said on my Post and start implement QOL changes that the player base wants. 

I do need to know how hands on Broadsword is going to be with SWTOR, it sounds like their just telling the Dev's continue doing what you are doing, which isn't exactly comforting given the games rough shape. 

I need to see more, before I can say whether the game is going to get better or worse. 


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1 hour ago, Otowi said:

It's good to finally hear something from the BS boss, even if it didn't go into much details other than confirming they will continue past 7.4. which is good news.


Finally heard from the new Boss but no details or real substance.

As others have stated, we will see. The same dev team still exists.

All that means is they might fix broken content and bugs created by the 7.4 release.



Edited by Lord_Malganus
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2 hours ago, Char_Ell said:

Today's news posting was the first we've heard from Broadsword president Rob Denton since Broadsword took over management of SWTOR in late June.  I have to think this happened in response to a number of people here expressing their wish to hear from Broadsword directly and Keith Kanneg was finally able to prevail upon his boss to provide a statement for SWTOR's player base.  For me today's message from Broadsword's president did not move the sentiment needle for SWTOR's future in either direction.  I am still in wait-and-see mode and not counting on any content past what has already been announced.  I was interested in hearing from Broadsword's existing management (pre-SWTOR transition) in the early days of the transition but actions, or lack thereof, I've observed in the 3+ months of Broadsword-developed SWTOR demonstrated all I needed to know.  Nothing so far has really changed from a player perspective which is what Keith Kanneg told us to expect back in June.

However I'm curious what those of you who wanted to hear from someone at Broadsword higher in command structure than Keith Kanneg (because you should know Keith Kanneg has been a  Broadsword employee since late June) feel now that you have heard from Keith's boss.  Did today's message from Rob Denton move your sentiment needle for SWTOR's future?

Other than the livestream details, there wasn't much information given that we didn't already know from previous announcements.

We still don't know what the future looks like after 7.4. Is it the same as before with expansions and content updates or just galactic seasons or only cartel market items or maintenance mode (no new content)? I think most people already knew the game was going to exist after 7.4. This will be the big thing I'm looking for in the new year after 7.4. I don't expect anything about that at this upcoming livestream, but it would be nice.

I guess one good thing is that it appears Rob Denton is taking a hands-off approach to SWTOR, letting the SWTOR team decide how to handle the game. If EA/Bioware was holding the SWTOR team back, this could be a very good thing. If SWTOR's problems were instead from the SWTOR team's own decisions, then it won't make a difference. Hopefully, the SWTOR team has more control over the money SWTOR makes, allowing them to reinvest more into SWTOR. I mean they will still have to pay Lucasfilm/Disney their cut for the Star Wars license and Broadsword a cut to pay for whatever resources they provide, but hopefully, no more situations like Anthem (SWTOR profits and developers being funneled into other another project).

So I guess my sentiment is cautiously optimistic? And that hasn't changed by the statement they posted. We need more info.

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I know they are good stewards of DAOC and UO those games keep running pretty much bug free now despite having a very small audience. SWTOR still makes EA money they have made EA 1.3 Billion dollars so far and counting and a lot of folks play this game, and the President (a former SWTOR dev) has a soft spot for the game ...that will more than likely mean more money to make more content SWTOR also has the Biggest dev team at Broadsword they aren't just going to sit on their hands and collect paychecks.


All in all I'm optimistic about the future. 

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Sadly, what Rob said was so generic (and empty) that it should had been a day one statement.


17 hours ago, ThanderSnB said:

I guess one good thing is that it appears Rob Denton is taking a hands-off approach to SWTOR, letting the SWTOR team decide how to handle the game. If EA/Bioware was holding the SWTOR team back, this could be a very good thing. If SWTOR's problems were instead from the SWTOR team's own decisions, then it won't make a difference.

Basically, this.

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19 hours ago, Char_Ell said:

Did today's message from Rob Denton move your sentiment needle for SWTOR's future?

Not one bit, but I still appreciate the message. Communication is key and I hope that Broadsword realizes that, if they haven't already. 

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18 hours ago, Pirana said:

Action, not words. 

^This right here.

The problem I see, which I've mentioned before I believe, is the fact they have kept the same line of thinking (developers) who consistently ignore what the players wish for, apply the 'duly-noted' tag and move on with continuing with the dumpster fire they are so proud of to develop.

I see nothing new here yet other than a hello from BS, which is what I expect to continue in this game - BS.

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first i wane see if there not going to make the same mistake's what bioware has done by not listing to the community at all if some things need a chance from the start and not month's or years later chance it the good way.

and also if there not make a bigger mess from this game by not creating a lot of problems from the start.

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20 hours ago, Pirana said:

Action, not words. 

I think the phrase "action speaks louder than words" applies better but to each their own.  Many people on these forums say they want more communication from the dev team and communication usually involves words, does it not?

1 hour ago, Amodin said:

The problem I see, which I've mentioned before I believe, is the fact they have kept the same line of thinking (developers) who consistently ignore what the players wish for, apply the 'duly-noted' tag and move on with continuing with the dumpster fire they are so proud of to develop.

I feel compelled to reiterate what I said in my OP.  I think getting an introduction from Broadsword's president only happened because some people on these forums said they wanted to hear from someone from Broadsword leadership higher than Keith.  I think this does not align with your view that the developers consistently ignore what the players wish for.  Just because the developers are unable to fulfill every player's wish doesn't mean they ignore everything that players wish for.  I think players that try to be fair-minded recognize that.

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48 minutes ago, Char_Ell said:

I think the phrase "action speaks louder than words" applies better but to each their own.  Many people on these forums say they want more communication from the dev team and communication usually involves words, does it not?


Irrelevant, the point was clearly made. Regarding your latter statement, or question, that would be obvious now wouldn't it. But I'll elaborate for the people with comprehension issues. Actions mean do something with the game, not a PR statement, because that's all that was. Understand now? 

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Only one week left.

Broadsword/Bioware employees works hard every day to make the game better according to EA/Bioware/Broadsword wish/needs.
If we're not happy, we'll go on ff14 or other. I think that if a game become a constant worry, player should change and come back later.... or not
There will always be disapointed players, Don't let them absorb other's palyers hope ;)

If the game has to die, it will (from launch accoording some beta players lol).

Let's watch the stream in zen mode and decide after that.


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21 minutes ago, Pirana said:

Irrelevant, the point was clearly made. Regarding your latter statement, or question, that would be obvious now wouldn't it. But I'll elaborate for the people with comprehension issues. Actions mean do something with the game, not a PR statement, because that's all that was. Understand now? 

Did you someone put something nasty in your coffee today?  I think it's inconsistent to say "actions, not words" and then say it's obvious that words are still needed.  You do you though.

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If they don’t go ahead with the APAC server soon or actually fix the horrendous ping spikes on AWS servers, then I have even less hope for the game than I did before I heard from him. 

The game is nearly unplayable for people with ping over 180-220ms because the lag spikes are constantly between 330-500+ms . And I hear it’s still annoying for people who play with less lag. 

AWS has so much potential, but only if they fix it soon, otherwise it will drive more players from the game.

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1 minute ago, Char_Ell said:

Did you someone put something nasty in your coffee today?  I think it's inconsistent to say "actions, not words" and then say it's obvious that words are still needed.  You do you though.

Not at all, I call things like I see it. Actions, not words, it's a very simple concept to understand.

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7 minutes ago, Pirana said:

Not at all, I call things like I see it. Actions, not words, it's a very simple concept to understand.

Agreed on all points (previous points in this thread).  Well said.  Simple and to the point.

Us old folks use to say:  "time to put up ... or shut up!"  And that's where I'm at right now!  It's their move (SWTOR).  This game will either change ... and begin a forward progression ... OR not!  It's just that simple.

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5 minutes ago, OlBuzzard said:

Agreed on all points (previous points in this thread).  Well said.  Simple and to the point.

Us old folks use to say:  "time to put up ... or shut up!"  And that's where I'm at right now!  It's their move (SWTOR).  This game will either change ... and begin a forward progression ... OR not!  It's just that simple.

I think you have me beat on age, but probably not by much. lol Us old folks state things the way they are, we don't sugarcoat things, especially in today's world. And you nailed it, put up or shut up. Don't feed the player base a bunch public relations nonsense, fix bugs, release content, that's what the players want. 

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