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Why are you charging me to walk out of my stronghold....


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6 minutes ago, TahliahCOH said:

No one is trying to cheat travel costs by using their SH to get from point A to point B (particularly on stupid mission chains that require you to visit multiple planets for five seconds each).

Yes, I frequently did this prior to the cost to exit a stronghold being added to the game and still do.  Nar Shaddaa was the main planet I used stronghold travel to avoid travel costs but it was more for convenience.  Exiting from Nar Shaddaa stronghold places my character in the Nar Shaddaa promenade area which is much closer to taxis I want to use than I would be by traveling to the planet directly.  I still do this even though I have to pay 300 or 400 credits now (can't remember for sure how much it costs to travel to Nar Shaddaa).

To be clear, any time a player uses the Exit to [planet name] button while in a stronghold the player will be charged the cost to travel to that planet by ship, even if they traveled to the stronghold from the same planet the stronghold is located on.  The only button that does not have an associated credit cost is the button that starts with "Return to..."

Of course you can express your displeasure with this change.  I know I'm not a fan of it.  However I have not seen the devs give any indication they are considering changing it back to the way it was so I think we're stuck with it.

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2 minutes ago, Char_Ell said:

To be clear, any time a player uses the Exit to [planet name] button while in a stronghold the player will be charged the cost to travel to that planet by ship, even if they traveled to the stronghold from the same planet the stronghold is located on.  The only button that does not have an associated credit cost is the button that starts with "Return to..."

Yes, I am aware of that; however, after having spent multiple millions of creds purchasing and then unlocking my SHs (add it up, how much to buy then unlock every single SH in the game? I have them all, all unlocked, tens of millions, more?), I don't see why I should now have to pay still more to be able to use a formerly-built-in SH perk: exiting my SH without being nickle and dimed (again, on top of what it costs to purchase and unlock the SH in the first place).

Why even have them, really? I mean unless you are crazed by decorating (and NOTHING wrong with that, I decorated a whole ONE of my every single SHs) or unlocked for the cq bonus (obviously, a big reason to do it), but one of the perks of owning a SH was ALWAYS that you could avoid map travel and its costs. That is gone now, so what's the point of them? If I were starting out, I would buy and open just enough for the 150% SH cq bonus and never use or enter them again (except my one that I decorated and still enjoy dancing around in). 

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6 minutes ago, TahliahCOH said:

one of the perks of owning a SH was ALWAYS that you could avoid map travel and its costs. That is gone now, so what's the point of them?

Who the heck uses strongholds as their main means of transport? Are you telling me you bought and unlocked multiple strongholds for millions of credits just to bypass travel costs? If so, I'm very sorry to break it to you that that was an incredibly ill-adviced financial decision.

Also, who pays for planet travel anyway, you just use the heroic weeklies to transport yourself directly on the planet surface from anywhere.

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11 minutes ago, TahliahCOH said:

Yes, I am aware of that; however, after having spent multiple millions of creds purchasing and then unlocking my SHs (add it up, how much to buy then unlock every single SH in the game? I have them all, all unlocked, tens of millions, more?), I don't see why I should now have to pay still more to be able to use a formerly-built-in SH perk: exiting my SH without being nickle and dimed (again, on top of what it costs to purchase and unlock the SH in the first place).

Why even have them, really? I mean unless you are crazed by decorating (and NOTHING wrong with that, I decorated a whole ONE of my every single SHs) or unlocked for the cq bonus (obviously, a big reason to do it), but one of the perks of owning a SH was ALWAYS that you could avoid map travel and its costs. That is gone now, so what's the point of them? If I were starting out, I would buy and open just enough for the 150% SH cq bonus and never use or enter them again (except my one that I decorated and still enjoy dancing around in). 

it's a micro-credit sink. Do you want to pay a few hundred credits to exit the stronghold, an amount so laughably small that most people can't even bother to remember the exact price, or do you want to remove micro-credit sinks and pay billions of credits for a single common gold set off the Cartel Market. If that's what you want we can revert back to the hyper-inflation from last December where a single hypercrate could run 8-10 billion credits, platinum weapons were running 5-8 billion credits, and some common gold sets were running 2-3 billion credits.


Edited by Darkestmonty
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Just now, Whykara said:

Who the heck uses strongholds as their main means of transport? Are you telling me you bought and unlocked multiple strongholds for millions of credits just to bypass travel costs? If so, I'm very sorry to break it to you that that was an incredibly ill-adviced financial decision.

Also, who pays for planet travel anyway, you just use the heroic weeklies to transport yourself directly on the planet surface from anywhere.

Exiting on a planet was always a perk of SHs, and no, I didn't buy them to do that (or I wouldn't have unlocked them, right, Mr. Condescending?).

And yeah, we all use Heroics to planet jump, of course. But some planets with SH's don't have heroics.

In the meantime, my point remains that SHs came with the built-in bonus (not just the cq bonus, a big deal in conquest guilds) of being able to exit to a planet without cost. That is gone now, so you are right in your inference that SHs have even less purpose and use now.

I can no longer stand to play this game with these changes, to be honest. They limit what I can do quickly, easily, and free, so I don't take part in most events now, and I certainly don't do a lot of things I used to do when I could travel for free (either QT or via my SHs). I'm not rich, I don't play the market, and I will not spend 5K to move from one part of a starter planet to another. Ridiculous.

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3 minutes ago, TahliahCOH said:

I can no longer stand to play this game with these changes, to be honest.

Oh come on. You can literally sell one (1) OEM on the GTN and use the proceeds to cover all your travel costs for the next 286 years.

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6 minutes ago, Darkestmonty said:

it's a micro-credit sink. Do you want to pay a few hundred credits to exit the stronghold, an amount so laughably small that most people can't even bother to remember the exact price, or do you want to remove micro-credit sinks and pay billions of credits for a single common gold set off the Cartel Market. If that's what you want we can revert back to the hyper-inflation from last December where a single hypercrate could run 8-10 billion credits, platinum weapons were running 5-8 billion credits, and some common gold sets were running 2-3 billion credits.

You are comparing apples and oranges, but you are making my point nonetheless. SH exit creds are chickenfeed, and as such do NOTHING to address inflation, so they are taxes on people who have already spend millions on SHs. Stupid. Where is the inflation a problem? Not in QT fees and SH exit fees but in the market, which is built to increase inflation. The problem is that the devs are dinging the little people who don't play the market, don't contribute to inflation, and are giving the actual causes of inflation a pass. My giving for free enough mats to unlock Dr. Lokkin does what to cause inflation? My friend damn sure won't be buying those mats, he just won't care or do it. Ever. My giving some new player a speeder for free doesn't cause inflation or impact the economy at all. Inflation in games is no more affected by individual barter or charity than it is in the real world. You get that, right? They are just hitting the people who are most vulnerable while keeping the inflationary measures protected. Want to stop in-game economic inflation? Stop allowing people to sell for credits something they bought for cartel coins. But they can't do that, right? So they just make the game horrible for everyone instead and pretend that charging players 5K to QT is somehow the same as stopping things that actually cause inflation. Sucking more creds out from the poorest is not the answer. It never has been in any real economy, and it won't be in any game economy either.

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Just now, Whykara said:

Oh come on. You can literally sell one (1) OEM on the GTN and use the proceeds to cover all your travel costs for the next 286 years.

1 RPM/OEM can sell for about 25 million credits. Even after GTN taxes are taken out that is enough for 76,666 exits from a stronghold at the cost of 300 credits each.

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5 minutes ago, Whykara said:

Oh come on. You can literally sell one (1) OEM on the GTN and use the proceeds to cover all your travel costs for the next 286 years.

LOL, so what? What you are suggesting is actually contributing to inflation, what I am pointing out is that the costs on QT and SH exits do NOTHING to affect the economy at all. Because the economy takes place in the GTN, where OEMs are bought and sold. Thank you for helping me out here. :)

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1 minute ago, TahliahCOH said:

You are comparing apples and oranges, but you are making my point nonetheless. SH exit creds are chickenfeed, and as such do NOTHING to address inflation, so they are taxes on people who have already spend millions on SHs. Stupid. Where is the inflation a problem? Not in QT fees and SH exit fees but in the market, which is built to increase inflation. The problem is that the devs are dinging the little people who don't play the market, don't contribute to inflation, and are giving the actual causes of inflation a pass. My giving for free enough mats to unlock Dr. Lokkin does what to cause inflation? My friend damn sure won't be buying those mats, he just won't care or do it. Ever. My giving some new player a speeder for free doesn't cause inflation or impact the economy at all. Inflation in games is no more affected by individual barter or charity than it is in the real world. You get that, right? They are just hitting the people who are most vulnerable while keeping the inflationary measures protected. Want to stop in-game economic inflation? Stop allowing people to sell for credits something they bought for cartel coins. But they can't do that, right? So they just make the game horrible for everyone instead and pretend that charging players 5K to QT is somehow the same as stopping things that actually cause inflation. Sucking more creds out from the poorest is not the answer. It never has been in any real economy, and it won't be in any game economy either.

if you can not afford 300 credits to exit your stronghold, you are doing something wrong in SWTOR.

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Just now, TahliahCOH said:

What you are suggesting is actually contributing to inflation

How? P2P trades do not create any new credits, in fact they remove them due to taxation. What I'm suggesting fixes all your problems and on top of that combats inflation.

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4 minutes ago, Darkestmonty said:

1 RPM/OEM can sell for about 25 million credits. Even after GTN taxes are taken out that is enough for 76,666 exits from a stronghold at the cost of 300 credits each.

And SH exit costs affect the economy how? By sucking creds out, sure, but as everyone is so keen to point out, it's not enough to make a real difference. So why bother with something that is clearly not going to affect the economy at all . . . except to push people into playing the market. And thus causing MORE inflation? I don't want to play the market, never liked it, but hey, I have some cartel coins, and I hear I can sell a hypercrate (that I bought with zero creds) for a brand new huge base price (again, that cost ZERO credits to make me many billions in credits). In the game economy. Do you people understand what inflation is or how it works?

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8 minutes ago, TahliahCOH said:

playing the market. And thus causing MORE inflation?

Again, trades on the GTN do not create a single new credit. It's just already existing credits being passed around. GTN does not contribute to inflation.

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38 minutes ago, Whykara said:

Who the heck uses strongholds as their main means of transport?

Lots & lots of people do. Once you have all the Strongholds, it is by far the most time efficient way of travelling around the galaxy instead of running backwards & forwards to your ship. 
Before the more recent changes, I would  quick travel to the areas using Mission quick travel & around the area with Quick travel. Then back to my Stronghold. If I have to go to an area that already had a stronghold, I would just travel to that stronghold. 
So while I was doing this because it was the most time efficient way to move around. I was also inadvertently avoiding the travel costs associated with using the ship. So I really have no issue with paying those travel costs associated with the SH. 
But I do take issue with the increase on Quick travel costs because I already paid the extra millions of credits to open up the fast travel feature for this. 

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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Just now, Whykara said:

Again, trades on the GTN do not create a single new credit. It's just already existing credits being passed around. GTN does not contribute to inflation.

they have no understanding of what inflation is, what causes inflation, or how to combat inflation. Which is why they don't understand why a 300 credit charge to exit a stronghold exists.

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18 minutes ago, TahliahCOH said:

except to push people into playing the market. And thus causing MORE inflation? I don't want to play the market, never liked it, but hey, I have some cartel coins, and I hear I can sell a hypercrate (that I bought with zero creds) for a brand new huge base price (again, that cost ZERO credits to make me many billions in credits). In the game economy. Do you people understand what inflation is or how it works?

That’s not why we have inflation or how it works in this game. 
Buying & selling items on the GTN doesn’t create credits or inflation. All it does is move credits from one player to another. 
It was the over generation of credits with not enough effective credit sinks in the game, that caused the inflation. 
If players didn’t have so many credits to start with, those prices would never have increased so much on the GTN because no one would have been able to afford them. 
Inflation can only happen when the value of the currency is continually devalued. Like when you have too much of it in the system.
If BioWare had kept a better eye on credit generation in 5.x-6.x, inflation would never have gotten so bad by the time 7.0 started & they wouldn’t have needed to take such harsh measures to rein it in.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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3 minutes ago, TrixxieTriss said:

Buying & selling items on the GTN doesn’t create credits or inflation.

Killing and looting a single mob on Tython contributes more to inflation than some excel sheet afficionado playing the GTN all day does. In fact "playing the GTN" removes large sums of credits, because every GTN purchase is taxed, which can sometimes take out hundreds of millions of credits in a single transaction.

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20 minutes ago, Whykara said:

Killing and looting a single mob on Tython contributes more to inflation than some excel sheet afficionado playing the GTN all day does. In fact "playing the GTN" removes large sums of credits, because every GTN purchase is taxed, which can sometimes take out hundreds of millions of credits in a single transaction.

Exactly 👆. Although I wouldn’t use starter planet drops as my example (even though you are technically right). Maybe try conquest rewards or selling excessive armour drops would be a better one to use 🤷🏻‍♀️.

High prices on the GTN are just a symptom of too many credits being in the system. Which some of us tried to make the devs aware of this during the 5.x-6.x era and we were ignored.

Then we had hyperinflation because some of us realised that the fastest way to get rich in the game was to play the GTN to accumulate as much of those excess credits as possible.

Once you are mega rich, you don’t really care how much something costs because you have way more credits than you actually need. And once there were enough people like this, inflation in the game became hyperinflation because those of us playing the GTN knew there were enough players that could afford higher prices & we kept jacking up the prices. 

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