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Guild Name on Character Select Screen


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Not sure if this was suggested in the past dozen years, but it would be nice to know which character is in which guild on the select screen when you first log in to the game. I have several characters making it a challenge tracking each one.


If you could put the guild name and it's avatar next to the character, that'd be really helpful.


thank you for your consideration.

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why not use word or exile also nodepad helps to do add stuff on it since its then easyer to find it back.

same go's for that other idea to have the crew skills to see on the character select screen use programs as word, exile or notepade.

let me gues what the next idea somebody is going to ask since there are to lazy to use programs like word or exile for stuff like this.

add on the character select screen with companion you have romance since i am to lazy to make note's from it.

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