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17 hours ago, AshleyRuhl said:

Jumping in here to say that we appreciate the love for all of our companion characters. It's both a gift and a challenge to have so many well-loved companions in SWTOR, and I understand how special that connection can be to your personal story.

Our goal with each story update is to bring in characters that feel appropriate to the setting. And whenever a favorite character returns, we want to make sure we have bandwidth to give them a personal moment for growth and relationship development. Above all else I never want to include a character that feels shoe-horned in, or whose interactions feel shallow because we didn't have capacity to give them more. It's very important to us to make these companion interactions memorable.

It's true Vette in particular hasn't been present in the story for a while, but that doesn't mean she won't be part of our future plans. Just know that when she is part of the story, it will be a moment that we're deeply passionate about fitting to Vette's character.

This is just lovely. Thank you @AshleyRuhl :)

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I'm pro Vette as well. I almost always save Vette and let Torian die (even some of my female Bounty Hunters who were married to him let him die.) I think only once did I save Torian in which I wasn't on a BH. A couple other times in which I skipped KOTFE/KOTET, I got Torian and lost Vette. Hence, why I will never skip KOTFE/KOTET again and alot of my toons are still waiting to start KOTFE/KOTET because I dread going through KOTFE/KOTET (I've run it enough on numerous toons.)


As for other companions, I either kill or imprison Quinn when playing a Warrior, even if my toon was married to him in the vanilla story. With Jaesa, if I was stupid enough to make her DS in vanilla story (I can't stand DS Jaesa,) I usually kill her during the alliance alert after Ossus, even if I was married to her instead of Vette (I usually pick Vette to marry in Vanilla.) If I have Light Side Jaesa, I will start a romance with her after Ossus (Of course, nothing has come of it since then. LOL)

If I'm on one of my Jedi Knights, I rarely do the Rusk/Skadge Alliance alert because if you do, Rusk loses his Autocannon from Vanilla and you are stuck with him using a blaster rifle after that. So, I always recall Rusk from the companion terminal on Odessen where he will have his autocannon (just don't run his alliance alert after that because he will lose the autocannon and have the blaster rifle.) Even if I'm not on a Jedi Knight, I usually skip the Rusk/Skadge alliance alert even if I'm on a bounty hunter. If I want Skadge back when playing a Bounty Hunter, I just recall him at the companion terminal on Odessen. I don't despise Skadge, so I don't feel the need to run the alert just to kill him or imprison him. Also, I never feel the need to kill/betray Rusk when I do run the alert.

At first, I didn't like the fact Aric Jorgan lost his autocannon and now uses a sniper rifle. But the more I thought about it, it makes sense that he uses a sniper rifle. Because in vanilla he always said in his story that he was part of the Deadeyes and you even go on a mission with him to help him save his old squad. So, it made complete sense that he has a sniper rifle. Even if you now create a new trooper toon, Jorgan will now have a sniper rifle in Vanilla (no longer an autocannon.) So, people who didn't play the game prior to KOTFE, never got to experience Jorgan with an autocannon. Prior to KOTFE, when we had to gear up our companions, a fully geared Jorgan teamed up with my commando DPSes would rip through the toughest mobs (back before everything got streamlined and nerfed.) It was fun doing double Commando DPS back then. I missed that with my commando DPS.

Was also disappointed that Torian lost  his staff and uses a blaster rifle now after KOTFE. Same with Scorpio. I liked having those companions as melee using a staff in Vanilla. Just never felt the same after they started using blaster rifles. Also, that is when most companions started feeling like cookie cutter companions. In addition to some of them losing their original weapons, most companions lost their unique abilities too, such as HK-51 losing his Assassinate (one shot) ability. Treek lost her tank/heal (at the same time) ability, Lokin doesn't stay in permanent Rakghoul form unless he is currently in combat (and not in heal mode.) But once combat is over, he reverts back to human form. I liked the fact, prior to KOTFE, you could keep Lokin in Rakghoul form if you wanted too. I'm pretty sure most other companions lost their original unique ability after KOTFE. I can't remember if Nadia lost her unique knockback ability after KOTFE, but it was fun using her prior to KOTFE when she would go nuts on a bunch of mobs with her unique knockback ability.

And one last thing about companions. Am I in the minority in wishing Jaxo should've been a companion for the Trooper instead of Elara Dorne? I didn't like the fact that if you chose to save Jaxo, all you got from her after the fact was a Dear John letter and you never hear from her again. And if you chose to save the people, she ends up dying. So, either way, no possibility of having her as a companion. Her personality is much, much better than Elara Dorne's, even after Elara warms up some towards the end of the Vanilla story. Elara reminds me too much of my great Aunt when I was a child. Strict with rules and regulations and rarely cracked a smile.


Edited by nootsie
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Hopping in to add my voice to this - I feel the companion stories are crucial to every aspect. Having their story suddenly dangle off a cliff never to be mentioned again takes quite a bit out of your characters personal story. I've enjoyed several of the companion stories, namely Vette and Torian, but Khem in particular. 

His story, for whatever reason, seemed the most ingrained into my character's story than any of the others I played. I grew very invested into it. At some point, I found myself wishing my character could romance him (this was the first year of the game, so that wasn't even a consideration in the dev's minds at that point 🤣). After I returned from a very long break, I heard rumors he was romanceable after Fallen Empire and Eternal Throne. I made short work of those expansions and after 2.5 days, got to the end of Ossus for what I was after.

My character *finally* had her relationship with Khem, after all those years. He would have to hunt sacrifices for the bonding ritual, and that it would take some time.

And then...that was it. There was no more. The story hangs in limbo, in a cliffhanger. Story-wise, he's been off on his mission...for several *years* now, while my Sith Inquisitor waits for him to return.

So I implore you and the other Devs...please please *pleeaaase*...continue the storyline, and hopefully more than just one scene. I'm sure I'm not the only one who wants that continuation.


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