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I'm not going to hide the fact that the Vette is my favorite companion. I really, really want her to come back. Fans of Arcann and Torian recently had the opportunity to meet their favorites again, which of course makes me happy, because even though I don't like these companions and they are always dead in my stories, I am somehow happy for others. In the addition about Ruhnuk, there was a great opportunity for Vette to return, but it didn't happen, which makes me sad. I love Vette, her catchphrase, Catherine Taber's voice, which reminds me of Kotor 1, where she voiced Mission Vao. I would love for Vette to come back, even eventually in the form of emails from her. I'm asking the writers to let Vette come back.

May the Force serve you well

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Every story comp has fans (even Skadge probably has fans).  It would be nice to have more interactions with all of them, even it's just the occassional letter.

Why are we getting so many letters from strangers instead of our actual companions?  There's no voice acting needed, just one writer who actually knows the class storylines and the companion personalities.

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57 minutes ago, Darves said:

I'm not going to hide the fact that the Vette is my favorite companion. I really, really want her to come back. Fans of Arcann and Torian recently had the opportunity to meet their favorites again, which of course makes me happy, because even though I don't like these companions and they are always dead in my stories, I am somehow happy for others. In the addition about Ruhnuk, there was a great opportunity for Vette to return, but it didn't happen, which makes me sad. I love Vette, her catchphrase, Catherine Taber's voice, which reminds me of Kotor 1, where she voiced Mission Vao. I would love for Vette to come back, even eventually in the form of emails from her. I'm asking the writers to let Vette come back.



May the Force serve you well


Vette was/is my favourite companion as well. Which is why I was never in favour of killing any companion off, even before this choice. Every companion is going to be someone's favourite. Torian was my least favourite, a character very happy to let other Mandalorian dies simply due to the fact they were fight droids and no other reason. Still Torian is still going to be someone's favourite comp. One of the reasons I hate to use a /70/80 token on imperial characters is you auto get Torian, except on the warrior but then you auto get dark side Jacia, just as bad. Just don't understand why BW take away the player choice like that. 

Going forward while there may be the odd on screen scene with former dead comp's they are going to get less and less.  Simply due to the fact it a growing number. Cannon Wise BW have already decided Vette was the character that died. As seen in the trailer for the Malgues story as you see Torin in it. 

Edited by Talleradax
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Vette is not my favorite. But I do agree that killing off companions is crummy. I loathe Skadge and Broonmark, but just have the option to accept or decline rather than kill them off. With Skadge, you can actually have him imprisoned which works for me. Even though I had zero issues killing him or Broonmark. I'm a Mando in the game, no doubt about it. I always let Vaylin take Vette. 

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17 minutes ago, Talleradax said:

BW have already decided Vette was the character that died.

I absolutely disagree with this, firstly, in my stories Vette is always alive, secondly, it's hard for me to imagine that in the story of a Sith Warrior, it would be chosen for Vette to die and Torian to survive. Therefore, what you mention as canon depends on the character's class, as you yourself pointed out that in the story of the Sith Warrior Vette (when you use the story token) she is always alive.


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I kill Vette on every character, she's so annoying. The same goes for Skadge, Broonmark and the Kaleesh (Xalek?).

Now I wouldn't mind if people who let Vette live for whatever reason, would get more time with her as long as she stays dead for me (or I get a chance to kill her again ;) ).

I'd love if we'd get to choose who Vaylin kills if we choose to skip KotET, but I guess that will never happen.

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10 minutes ago, Kendaric said:

I kill Vette on every character, she's so annoying. The same goes for Skadge, Broonmark and the Kaleesh (Xalek?).

Now I wouldn't mind if people who let Vette live for whatever reason

Very funny. I'm happy to kill Arcann with any character, but I don't need to remind people how annoying he is to me. I understand that someone may like this character and I don't have to be ironic like you. I love Vette and there was a time when I was about to start Kotfe for the first time, I postponed it because I didn't want to lose my wife even for a moment.

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17 minutes ago, Kendaric said:

I kill Vette on every character, she's so annoying. The same goes for Skadge, Broonmark and the Kaleesh (Xalek?).

Now I wouldn't mind if people who let Vette live for whatever reason, would get more time with her as long as she stays dead for me (or I get a chance to kill her again ;) ).

I'd love if we'd get to choose who Vaylin kills if we choose to skip KotET, but I guess that will never happen.

Sadly you're right if we skip Kotet. the game decides for you. The Empire kills Vette, the Pubs don't. The player should get to decide if you skip Kotet.  I loathe Broonmark and Skadge. I don't mind Xalek so much. 

Edited by VanessaBlackrose
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7 minutes ago, Darves said:

Very funny. I'm happy to kill Arcann with any character, but I don't need to remind people how annoying he is to me. I understand that someone may like this character and I don't have to be ironic like you. I love Vette and there was a time when I was about to start Kotfe for the first time, I postponed it because I didn't want to lose my wife even for a moment.


Play  Pub side, and skip Kotet. You don't lose Vette. 

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4 minutes ago, VanessaBlackrose said:

Sadly you're right if we skip Kotet. the game decides for you. The Empire kills Vette, the Pubs don't.

This is not completely true, if you skip Kotfe and Kotet, Vette is alive 5 times out of 8 because she is alive for every character from the Republic and for the Sith Warrior from the Empire

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Just now, Darves said:

This is not completely true, if you skip Kotfe and Kotet, Vette is alive 5 times out of 8 because she is alive for every character from the Republic and for the Sith Warrior from the Empire


Was for me when I used the commanders token and jumped right into Ossus, and skipped both Kotfe and Kotet.. maybe it was a bug. Regardless of who loves/hates Vette, the player should ultimately get to decide their fate. 

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27 minutes ago, Darves said:

I absolutely disagree with this, firstly, in my stories Vette is always alive, secondly, it's hard for me to imagine that in the story of a Sith Warrior, it would be chosen for Vette to die and Torian to survive. Therefore, what you mention as canon depends on the character's class, as you yourself pointed out that in the story of the Sith Warrior Vette (when you use the story token) she is always alive.


That is the difference between character choice and cannon. BW clearly show the Jedi Knight talking to Torian set long after the events of the chapter in which one died. so cannon wise Vette was the one that died. That cannon, not your individual choice when playing your own characters. As that is your story. 

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8 minutes ago, VanessaBlackrose said:

Play  Pub side, and skip Kotet. You don't lose Vette. 

That's not the point of this thread. My problem isn't skipping through history, because I never do that. My problem is that I want Vette to come back in future stories.

I really, really ask the writers to bring Vette back in future stories.

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17 minutes ago, Talleradax said:

That is the difference between character choice and cannon. BW clearly show the Jedi Knight talking to Torian set long after the events of the chapter in which one died. so cannon wise Vette was the one that died. That cannon, not your individual choice when playing your own characters. As that is your story. 

Sorry, but I'm not convinced by your argument. As I mentioned earlier, if you skip the stories, Vette is alive 5 times out of 8, so canon would say Vette is alive. Besides, the fact that BW supposedly showed some conversation between Jedi Knight and Torian doesn't matter at all, because this game is about choices, so in my stories Torain always sleeps in the dirt, so such a conversation couldn't take place. Moreover, I understand that someone may not like Vette, but I love her and I would like to be able to experience new stories with her.

I would like to ask the writers to bring Vette back in future stories, I love her.

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While she's dead on all of my characters, i'd not mind her appearing for people who kept her alive, problem is that it has to make sense for her to appear.

Torian and Akaavi show up for everything Mando related because it makes sense for them to be involved, Arcann mostly showed up for Valkorion related stuff and Force related stuff because it makes sense, Talos showed up on Elom helping with Nul's relics because it makes sense for him to be there. I just can't see where Vette would fit in any of the current storylines and how she would contribute in any of them tbh, especially since it has to be either something minor or something that can be done by someone else as she can be dead.

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12 minutes ago, Goreshaga said:

i'd not mind her appearing for people who kept her alive, problem is that it has to make sense for her to appear.

Torian and Akaavi show up for everything Mando related because it makes sense for them to be involved, Arcann mostly showed up for Valkorion related stuff and Force related stuff because it makes sense, Talos showed up on Elom helping with Nul's relics because it makes sense for him to be there. I just can't see where Vette would fit in any of the current storylines and how she would contribute in any of them tbh, especially since it has to be either something minor or something that can be done by someone else as she can be dead.

First of all, Vette is my wife, so her appearance again is highly recommended, as for me she can take part in every story. Secondly, what you say about sense is fluid and depends on the person. For me, for example, Arcann appearing anywhere makes no sense at all, because how can you let your greatest enemy live who took 5 years of your life? I also think that Vette is a character with great potential and a good screenwriter is able to come up with a great story in which she will take part.

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25 minutes ago, Darves said:

Sorry, but I'm not convinced by your argument. As I mentioned earlier, if you skip the stories, Vette is alive 5 times out of 8, so canon would say Vette is alive. Besides, the fact that BW supposedly showed some conversation between Jedi Knight and Torian doesn't matter at all, because this game is about choices, so in my stories Torain always sleeps in the dirt, so such a conversation couldn't take place. Moreover, I understand that someone may not like Vette, but I love her and I would like to be able to experience new stories with her.

I would like to ask the writers to bring Vette back in future stories, I love her.


Again your story is not cannon. that's your story. Saying what you do in game when playing your characters is neither here or there. Just the same as when you move onto KotFE the Outlander is which ever character you are playing at the time. Cannon wise all BW's official videos of game trailer updates  show it's the Jedi Knight who is the outlander. 


Cannon wise when I first played KOTOR Reven was female as that's the character I created. This was fine until official Cannon wise came out when Reven was introduced as male. That is the difference between official  cannon and your own game. Sorry but facts don't care about your feeling. Factually Torin is the one that lived by BW's official game release trailer for the Malus storyline. 


Official cannon however has no baring on your own in game character or story. As such for your own characters Vette is still alive. 

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While Vette isn't particularly high up on my list of favourite characters or characters I'd like to see more involved in the story, I absolutely think that she (and other class companions) should be more involved in current stories.

As for how Vette could be involved in the current story, we know that after raiding the Gilded Star she says that she's going to spend her share of the money recovering Twi'lek artifacts. We also know she's skilled at tomb raiding.

She could be raiding a tomb and discover additional Darth Nul artifacts. She could be returning artifacts to Ryloth and come back with information about Sa'har and her brother. And I'm sure there are plenty of other ways she could be involved too.

The biggest hold back isn't thinking of ways to add her to the story, but resource distribution and use with developing stories. Writing one story will mean that time doesn't exist to write something else. There's also the possibility that the current writers find it hard to write certain characters and don't trust that they'd be able to do a satisfactory job writing a fan favorite character's voice at the moment and don't want to disappoint the audience by writing a scene with Vette where Vette doesn't really feel like the Vette that people love.

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5 minutes ago, Talleradax said:

Again your story is not cannon. that's your story. Saying what you do in game when playing your characters is neither here or there. Just the same as when you move onto KotFE the Outlander is which ever character you are playing at the time. Cannon wise all BW's official videos of game trailer updates  show it's the Jedi Knight who is the outlander. 

I gave you an example that when you skip the story, 5 out of 8 times the Vette is alive. This can also be considered canon. You didn't address it. I see that I won't convince you, and you won't convince me. Can we differ beautifully?

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12 minutes ago, Talleradax said:

Again your story is not cannon. that's your story. Saying what you do in game when playing your characters is neither here or there. Just the same as when you move onto KotFE the Outlander is which ever character you are playing at the time. Cannon wise all BW's official videos of game trailer updates  show it's the Jedi Knight who is the outlander. 


Cannon wise when I first played KOTOR Reven was female as that's the character I created. This was fine until official Cannon wise came out when Reven was introduced as male. That is the difference between official  cannon and your own game. Sorry but facts don't care about your feeling. Factually Torin is the one that lived by BW's official game release trailer for the Malus storyline. 


Official cannon however has no baring on your own in game character or story. As such for your own characters Vette is still alive. 

That’s true but there’s no official canon contradicting his story either. They have not said what the canon ending for Vette or Torian is. I’m team Jaesa and don’t care for vette much but there’s no doubt she is one of the most popular companions with the wider community. Also, where are you getting the JK is “canon” outlander from? This is like the people who harped on the codex entries for each of the 8 classes as being the “canon” for each character (“SI is a female twilek”) even in spite of numerous BW devs and the lead writer repeatedly saying they were not. 

Also, it’s already been stated that 5/8 possible “automatic” class routes when you skip kotfe/kotet end up with vette alive, so I’m not sure how people can justify saying the canon is torian lived simply because he appeared later for people who saved him. Theron has had many appearances since too…  

Edited by SoyElSenado
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16 minutes ago, JenaSalton said:

As for how Vette could be involved in the current story, we know that after raiding the Gilded Star she says that she's going to spend her share of the money recovering Twi'lek artifacts. We also know she's skilled at tomb raiding.

She could be raiding a tomb and discover additional Darth Nul artifacts. She could be returning artifacts to Ryloth and come back with information about Sa'har and her brother. And I'm sure there are plenty of other ways she could be involved too.

I like your ideas. This is an interesting way to bring the Vette back into history. Maybe the writers will take this into account.

17 minutes ago, JenaSalton said:

The biggest hold back isn't thinking of ways to add her to the story, but resource distribution and use with developing stories. Writing one story will mean that time doesn't exist to write something else. There's also the possibility that the current writers find it hard to write certain characters and don't trust that they'd be able to do a satisfactory job writing a fan favorite character's voice at the moment and don't want to disappoint the audience by writing a scene with Vette where Vette doesn't really feel like the Vette that people love.

I don't want a Vette to not be a Vette. I understand limited resources, but I never complained when characters that others like returned, maybe it's selfish but I was really waiting for Vette's return and I look forward to her return very much.

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10 minutes ago, SoyElSenado said:

Also, it’s already been stated that 5/8 possible “automatic” class routes when you skip kotfe/kotet end up with vette alive, so I’m not sure how people can justify saying the canon is torian lived simply because he appeared later for people who saved him. Theron has had many appearances since too…  

You are absolutely right and I completely agree.

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1 hour ago, Darves said:

First of all, Vette is my wife, so her appearance again is highly recommended, as for me she can take part in every story. Secondly, what you say about sense is fluid and depends on the person. For me, for example, Arcann appearing anywhere makes no sense at all, because how can you let your greatest enemy live who took 5 years of your life? I also think that Vette is a character with great potential and a good screenwriter is able to come up with a great story in which she will take part.


The fact she's your wife is irrelevant, many LIs don't appear anywhere and they're also someone's spouse. They' simply don't appear because they're not relevant to any of the current storylines and trying to include every single one of them, while great would be a huge waste of ressources the devs don't have. Where they could maybe make some efforts would be by having our LIs send mails every now and then so that they'd at least feel like they're still alive, or maybe have some of them just pop in some scenes doing stuff in the background but not saying anything.

All the companions who appeared so far since KOTET ended did so in a context that made sense storywise for them to be involved and in most cases they either appeared in scenes where they could just remove them entirely or they had to give their lines to someone else if they had anything significant to say. They'll not waste ressources involving Vette, especially not in a big way in places where she has absolutely nothing to contribute storywise (like in all the Mando stuff for instance, because she has literally 0 ties to them and whatever they're doing).

Maybe they could involve her with Nul's relics, but it'll still either be something very minor, or have to be in a way where she can easily be replaced by someone else, like Talos for instance, or in a simple AA where she'll just talk about more personal things eventually somewhat related to one of the current plots like Torian's latest AA.

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