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Removal of Level Scaling


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There is a lot of content that is arbitrarily restricted behind the requirement of a group. Whether that be 3, 7 or 15 other players. While SWTOR is still regarded as an MMORPG, it's heyday has long since past, and most guilds have long since discarded any notion of attempting to clear anything beyond hard mode.

I myself have been playing for eight years, and despite how enthusiastic I remain for the game, I am met with frustration when considering the fact that I have yet to surpass even the fifty plus percent mark for various achievements, such as Operations or Flashpoints.

I believe it is time for Broadsword to make said content relevant again through the removal level scaling, thereby allowing players to experience this now defunct content that has remained dormant for way too long, gathering dust all the while.

PvE content requires a subscription to partake in. But since it is not feasible for an individual to partake in such content due to its sterile state, then there is no point to a subscription. As of recently, I have dropped my subscription and uninstalled the game. I know SWTOR can be played quite well as a preferred player, but I love the game too much to not bother with roaming about without also doing all that there is to do and exploring all that the game offers.

Seemingly, the only way to achieve a higher achievement score is to pay for carry runs, the content itself gated behind carry groups that refuse to allow it to grow and prosper in the name of personal finance and greed. They are also partially responsible for the state the economy is in, so my suggestion may help to amend that issue as well, though I dare not bet on that.

This is my request to Broadsword, and likely my final attempt to get back into a game that has left a notable imprint on my life.

Kind regards.

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is somebody counting the nummber of threads we not have all about the remove level scaling all since i am lost on how many threads we got all about this topic so if somebody is counting please tell me how much we got now all.

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I think better way to make the specific group content you are talking about soloable would be just making them soloable by adjusting their difficulty, rather than removing level scaling as a whole because then for max level player only planet that would fully be relevant level wise would be Ruhnuk.

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1 hour ago, Dragon_Vlad said:

Making operations solo in story mode would would work for story lore, but I would remove rewards, e.g. basic equipment drops, maybe chance of decorations.

Usually just ask in general chat, people always interested in ops

have there not try something like that all before to chance the group contant to solo that you can do it solo more and there have done notting with that idea at all.

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I think a reasonable compromise is that they might create some Story Mode versions of older Flashpoints. For some Flashpoints it could be as easy as just adding the Combat Droid. In a couple of Flashpoints they would have to change few mechanics.

It is a bridge too far, though, to ask Broadsword / SWTOR to make Operations soloable. That would require not just some minor tweaks but a fundamental redesign of far too many of the fights which currently require coordination amongst players -- which is the entire point of Operations. The resource / time investment to do so would far exceed the benefit in my opinion.



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