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AI generated voices for companions ...


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On 7/27/2023 at 6:19 AM, WayOfTheWarriorx said:

My reply was to the comment which had been non-specific. I took it to mean, like, everyone. heh

Certainly in the examples you gave, yeah, that would be of great benefit to such people, and could apply to other people with special needs as well.  There could be very beneficial aspects to it. As long as it's voluntary and isn't hurting anyone else, certainly they're be no need for any concerns.

I think a great deal of technological innovation really is about making things better, easier, and more efficient.

Let's face it, the computer has come to permeate into so many aspects of life. It's hard to imagine what people did before computers. It's become part of our daily lives as is a source of help, entertainment, even helps us at work.

I suspect some day it won't at all be uncommon for some people, maybe even a lot of people, to have some micro chips in their brains that can do all sorts of things. Maybe even to help with the health of people. A lot of possibilities to be sure.




I was born in 1977, so I have been there for the entire digital age.  This is one of my favorite songs, a parody of The Buggles "Video Killed the Radio Star."   Even though I was born before everyone had a computer and smartphones were still just a dream of a eccentric genius who died penniless with his only friend a pigeon he thought could shoot laser beams from his eyes, I can't today imagine my life without my computer and iPhone.

Digital Life by The History Teachers

Edited by AbsolutGrndZero
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Let's face it, the computer has come to permeate into so many aspects of life. It's hard to imagine what people did before computers.

Not for me. When I  was little, computers were mostly these big IBM mainframes that were the size of a large office. And for use in offices.

So for entertainment we did stuff like go outside & play, rode bikes, etc. Although I was part of the generation that watched alot of T.V. growing up.  "Video games" were pinball machines at the bowling alley.

When I was in college we learned to keypunch programs in PL/1 and COBOL.  It wasn't until the 1980s that we began to use personal computers at which point I taught myself Basic with a Radio Shack computer.  

So much has changed in a relatively short time.  Even compared to my parents and grandparents. My mother learned Gregg shorthand. And learned to type on a manual (non-electric) typewriter.  She also remembered street cars from when she was little. My grandparents saw the beginning of the automobile and airplanes.  (My grandfather served during WW1, my dad was in U.S. army during WW2). 

My kids grew up in the 1980s with computers.  My grandkids are part of generation "Z".  Who knows what THEIR grandchildren will live to see, if humanity manages to survive?  I hope more akin to the holographic types of things available in the holosuites of Trek, and a Data rather than the Borg.   As far as putting a chip in the brain? As long as it can be done without being able to "control" our thoughts. To be able to instantaneously translate something from a foreign language would be wonderful. It would NOT be wonderful to be constantly bombarded with advertising, or to be told to follow any particular political agenda. (Big Brother in your head? In the words of Vader..... "Nooooooooo!).

We will have to see how everything shakes out after the current strike by the writers, and see what sort of AI will be allowed and what won't.

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