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Main Cities?


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What are the main cities in this game? I've noticed that Corusant seems very empty (i know its massive), but you never really feel like there are that many people there. You go to the alliance fleet and thats always pretty empty as well. So where is everyone? I've only been playing a few days, but i haven't seen ANYONE with a "mount" yet?


In WoW you had Stormwind and Ironforge which were always really busy and packed with people of all levels. And then Shattrath as well. So is there another city im not aware of where everyone tends to go? Or is it just so spread out that you never get that?

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Are you on a lighter / newer server or playing on a server from the wrong coast because I never NOT see people anywhere on the server I'm on. Course I am playing on the Empire side...there tends to be on many servers a woeful lack of population of republic players.


Still the Fleet Stations are techincally "homebase" for both sides...mine's never not busy.


Over a week ago they were dead quiet because the game wasn't at launch and alot of people were working on getting access to the station..now its busy without being bogged down to a stoppping point.

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I am on one of the less populated servers definetly. It's normally showing as standard, but there are only 24 people in the main fleet when i checked a second a go.


If they ever do server transfers and your server is still light / standard I suggest going for a Heavy popu one (not full) but heavy...or atleast wait to see if they transfer people off the over crowded ones.


Republic has a smaller pop...Standard Servers must feel pretty empty thanks to that. Full Servers with queues...there's no such thing as dead space.

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