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Did I just lose my quest rewards now?


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Man, I FINALLY beat this mission called "Saving Face".

While I was standing at the quest giver trying to select my reward, I may have closed the dialog window with the rewards.

I was trying to go through my inventory and character sheet to figure out what was best.

When I went to close them all, I must've closed the wrong one.


Now when I go click on the quest giver, he just gives me a canned response line.


I didn't get any XP or reward, but I did get credit for completing the quest since I see that in the log.


Am I out of luck? If so that's pretty crappy.

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Got an answer to this and thought I'd pass it along.


If you do what I did and accidentally close the window. Look in the top right part of the screen and it should say something like "1 Pending". Click this and you can choose the reward.


Thanks to a helpful general chat player for the tip. I guess there are a few good people out there willing to help a n00b BH.

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