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Imagine a new star wars MMO game

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8 hours ago, eabevella said:

Dawn of the Jedi show/movie/thing. What it tells me is that Disney wants to write their own Old Republic era stuffs

That idea doesn’t have to be tied to the old republic or any republic. Even during the old republic, new republic & empire times, there are whole areas of the galaxy that are seperate. The Jedi coming from one of these seperate areas would make for an interesting story 😉

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7 hours ago, OlBuzzard said:

Hmmm ... just throw this out there:
** SWTOR:  RENAISSANCE  (a continuation of selected part of SWTOR with the lapse of a few years)
** SWTOR:  INSURGENCE   (a fresh start with new characters / stories / while utilizing perhaps a few key planets as a starting point 150 to 200 years in the future from the current SWTOR time line).

...  nah ....[/wads paper up and hits a perfect bullseye in the wastebasket]

Well... Maybe at least the story lines might work!

Yep, it’s also a good spin on it & pretty much in line with having swtor 2.0 being set 100-200 years in the future to add a hard separation from the swtor 1.0 time period so there can be a fresh start. 

I was thinking about something after my post about 2.0. What about races & character that live longer than that? Ie Scourge is what, 400 years old 🤷🏻‍♀️. In my head cannon for some of my characters, they have the potential to live hundreds of years. 

It would be awesome if you could somehow run into those older characters or even companions in a new version of swtor 2.0.

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39 minutes ago, TrixxieTriss said:

Yep, it’s also a good spin on it & pretty much in line with having swtor 2.0 being set 100-200 years in the future to add a hard separation from the swtor 1.0 time period so there can be a fresh start. 

I was thinking about something after my post about 2.0. What about races & character that live longer than that? Ie Scourge is what, 400 years old 🤷🏻‍♀️. In my head cannon for some of my characters, they have the potential to live hundreds of years. 

It would be awesome if you could somehow run into those older characters or even companions in a new version of swtor 2.0.

Yes, but wouldn't that require the new characters to have a background story? OK, you run into Scourge, but what's your connection to him? 

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7 hours ago, WayOfTheWarriorx said:

Well Disney is free to do whatever they want now, that's true.

As far as the "canon-teirs", that's very misunderstood. That actually didn't have anything to do with canon. Lucas only acknowledged his direct works as canon.

The tiers were used as a filing system for the holocron database. They were essentially search engine filters. The creator of the tiers and Pablo Hidalgo talked about how those tiers were misunderstood by fans.

"I think people over emphasize the importance of the canon level. The intent of the canon levels was, as the main intent was 'if someones looking for the ships from a film, they can than use those fields to check for them only in the films,and thus seperate that from what was in the EU. So we can look at it case by case. I think there is an over emphasis of what those fields mean and what they represent."

~ Leland Chee

"That 'level of canon' thus helps in terms of bookkeeping. Those 'canon levels' are for the holocron."

~ Pablo Hidalgo

ForceCast #273: The Galaxy Is Reading - Interview with Leland Chee and Pablo Hidalgo, 2013

Starts at about the 1 hour mark so 1:00 - 1:02 mark



"The G/C/S-level canon stuff is a construct specifically for the Holocron. Non-Holocron users would have no idea what this stuff even means and I would say most of the people who use the Holocron don't use the field, instead looking specifically to the source of the material. Individual entries are not broken down by canon level." 

~ Leland Chee 2005



Disney can make whatever they want canon, that's true, but they can't contradict what Lucas established either, and they seem pretty keen on not overturning anything Lucas set down, so if they did make some of that stuff canon, it is safe to say they would have to change some stuff about, and I don't think that would go over very well with alot of fans of that stuff. I think Disney knows that, because people like Pablo Hidalgo and Dave Filoni, they've been with the IP since Lucas and worked closely with him, and they have both said post Disney that they are reluctant to use some of that material because changes could upset some fans.

I'm sure they will probably end up, as they have done in some cases, cherry picking from it, and using things from it, but I doubt highly you will see that in mass. Like KOTOR is now canon. I don't think that will happen, too many things contradict established canon. But, yeah, I'm sure they will probably use things from it. I think that's a safe bet.

They will undoubtedly change some of the things they use though, this has already happened. I think they will limit the amount they use, not wanting to piss off old fans of that material.

I think like we've seen in the High Republic, Disney will probably want to make their own Old Republic, cherry picking aspects from the old material, and giving some nods here and there. A name, a place, a character, a ship type, things like that.

But, they are free to do whatever they want, so anything is possible.

As far as MMOs go, I'd rather the developers have a free hand in things like SWTOR does and not have to be answerable to the Lucasfilm Story Group and need to get approval from them for everything. Better they can build their own universe version and let players be able to have more available player character archetypes.

That's why I wouldn't like to see a new game set in the High Republic. Than no one can play Sith. That works for a story and in canon, but it doesn't work well for enjoyment in a Star Wars Themed game.

I wouldn't be happy with a new Star Wars MMO if I couldn't play Sith and the Darkside, but, that's just me.

The thing I love to tell those who cry about how Disney making EU "non-canon" is that EU is never "canon", at least not their imagination of "canon" aka the same as the Lucas movies, but people always get real mad after that.

My major issue with the definition of Disney canon is that according to them, Timothy Zahn's new Thrawn novels should be as canon as the sequel trilogy and the Mandalorin show. However, Disney TV writers don't think so, they ignore books/comics establishment as if those are lesser materials, which is super disrespectful and shows how the company doesn't care about maintaining a multi-media canon.

What Disney will do to the Old Republic era money cow? They already included the Old Republic symbol in their canon timeline during SWC but that's about it for now. They announced KOTOR remake but canceled it. But even if the remake is not canceled, how much of the original KOTOR game will be altered in the name of remake? Who know. Like you say, they might just cherry pick whatever they want and shove the rest under the rug. There are too many world building in SWTOR that Disney may not like. Best case scenario Disney will leave SWTOR as it is now and make new stuffs close but not directly related to it.  Worse case scenario Disney will close SWTOR to make space for their new game to tell their own Old Republic story, and I would hate it.

I don't see a High Republic MMO could work. I don't see the appeal of fighting the Nihil. They are not that impressive to me. Maybe a more RPG-Action based game. Who knows, some people might love a Jedi Academy game. Pass padawan tests. Go on a charity tournament, fight some raiders and win a Knight title or something.

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1 hour ago, TrixxieTriss said:

Yep, it’s also a good spin on it & pretty much in line with having swtor 2.0 being set 100-200 years in the future to add a hard separation from the swtor 1.0 time period so there can be a fresh start. 

I was thinking about something after my post about 2.0. What about races & character that live longer than that? Ie Scourge is what, 400 years old 🤷🏻‍♀️. In my head cannon for some of my characters, they have the potential to live hundreds of years. 

It would be awesome if you could somehow run into those older characters or even companions in a new version of swtor 2.0.

Scourge doesn't have Vitiate superpowers anymore, he wouldn't survive a time jump. The droids would survive, like T7. Bowdaar and other wookiees could be around. The Yoda Jedi masters would survive, though not sure if they're any left in the endgame storyline. 

Given the way the game hypes up legacy at the end of companion trees, it would make sense to play into that here, have children of Fem!SW and Quinn's ordered breeding, Jedi apprentices of our Jedi PCs, different generations of the SI's cult etc. You'd have to export your character to the new game so it could keep track of all your decisions, which would be a DAO-sized job unless they made a lot of cuts in what can be carried over. You can do the Malora intro quest on Korriban and it carries over your DS/LS choice when you meet her on Ossus, but there's not much difference in her canned response.


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9 minutes ago, eabevella said:

What Disney will do to the Old Republic era money cow? They already included the Old Republic symbol in their canon timeline during SWC but that's about it for now. They announced KOTOR remake but canceled it. But even if the remake is not canceled, how much of the original KOTOR game will be altered in the name of remake? Who know. Like you say, they might just cherry pick whatever they want and shove the rest under the rug. There are too many world building in SWTOR that Disney may not like.

Not just swtor if they put their hands on the whole kotor storyline. Lucasfilm hated K2 when it first came out and swtor has largely ignored it, it's safe to say that this game draws most of its inspiration from the first game and there wouldnt have been our K2 if bioware had developed it (to be fair they might have been able to come up with an actual ending). I didn't like seeing bioware's take on kreia, i would hate to see Disney's. 

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Just now, Ardrossan said:

Not just swtor if they put their hands on the whole kotor storyline. Lucasfilm hated K2 when it first came out and swtor has largely ignored it, it's safe to say that this game draws most of its inspiration from the first game and there wouldnt have been our K2 if bioware had developed it (to be fair they might have been able to come up with an actual ending). I didn't like seeing bioware's take on kreia, i would hate to see Disney's. 

Totally agree.

To me, KOTOR2 is peak Star Wars even in it's incomplete state.

I don't trust BW nor Disney to do it justice unless it's a very faithful remake (story-wise).

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2 hours ago, Hrafnhildur said:

Yes, but wouldn't that require the new characters to have a background story? OK, you run into Scourge, but what's your connection to him? 

I was just using Scourge’s age as an example of long lived characters. 

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On 5/25/2023 at 4:06 PM, Trancedzero said:

Just an idea, but this game has been out for a very long time, im not trying to take it down or kill it, infact i have played since the beginning. This game has gotten so big i would like to think the package is completed. 


I think bioware should work on making a new Swtor esque game that would inherently have less buttons to press, and could be maps to a controller, providing console support increasing the over all player base / engagement. Keeping with the decision style game play of maybe I flush you out the airlock, maybe not? no I definitely air lock time. lets come up with ideas for the future post your ideas


I'm going to say lets flush out the high republic in a grand swtor esque fashion lets meet the people of the high republic and the sith, see the lands, and explore their time like we did for swtor. I don't like the current all in one story, unless you by coincidence add in job storys that explain why you might be there and the coincidence be strong making it feel more connected. SWTOR is cool Darooga's pleasure barge is gone :(. thats ok lets build another one!

Everyone will get there wish soon. I wouldn't be surprise of a new Announcement of a Star Wars MMO.  History Repeats itself.

JUN2003 - SWG Releases

OCT2007- EA Purchased BioWare

OCT2008 - SWTOR was Announced

DEC2011 - SWG Server Goes Down

DEC2011- SWTOR Release

NOV2013 - EA Signs Star Wars Licensing Deal for 10  Years

2023- EA Deal Expires (Yes)

Easy timeline, So I wouldn't be surprise to see a New MMO Announced by Next Year.  Best thing is that there are much better Game Engines and Companies out there who can really do a great job with Star Wars.  

Edited by Kazjan
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1 hour ago, eabevella said:

The thing I love to tell those who cry about how Disney making EU "non-canon" is that EU is never "canon", at least not their imagination of "canon" aka the same as the Lucas movies, but people always get real mad after that.

Yeah, I know what you mean, totally. I get into it with them, I just share quotes like these and that usually shuts them up.

'In 2014, Disney declared the Expanded Universe was no longer canon. It became ‘Legends’. What do you think of this, seeing all of your work suddenly become non-canon?'

“Those of us writing the EU were always told, all along, from the very beginning (have I stressed that strongly enough?), “Only the Movies are Canon.”  Sure, it was disappointing.”

~ Kathy Tyers, EU author [Truce at Bakura, Balance Point] Interview, 2018



Podcast Interview with Steve Perry, Author of Shadows of the Empire from the Expanded Universe -

Interviewer - 'So what are your thoughts about your book and all the ones that came other than this last year are no longer part of the Official Star Wars Canon ever since Disney took over?

Steve Perry - "Ohh they never were! Nothing was ever canon other than the movies."

The Ritual Misery Podcast with hosts Amos and Kent, 2015




"I get asked all the time, 'What happens after "Return of the Jedi"?,' and there really is no answer for that," he said. "The movies were the story of Anakin Skywalker and Luke Skywalker, and when Luke saves the galaxy and redeems his father, that's where that story ends.""

~ George Lucas, Flannelled One, May 2008, "George Lucas: 'Star Wars' won't go beyond Darth Vader", interview with Los Angeles Times

Star Wars Insider 108, 2009

Full Page - https://ibb.co/7tBy5VK


"And now there have been novels about the events after Episode VI, which isn't at all what I would have done with it. The Star Wars story is really the tragedy of Darth Vader. That is the story. Once Vader dies, he doesn't come back to life, the Emperor doesn't get cloned and Luke doesn't get married."

~ George Lucas,Total Film Magazine Interview, 2008


1 hour ago, eabevella said:

Worse case scenario Disney will close SWTOR to make space for their new game to tell their own Old Republic story, and I would hate it.

I don't see a High Republic MMO could work. I don't see the appeal of fighting the Nihil. They are not that impressive to me. Maybe a more RPG-Action based game. Who knows, some people might love a Jedi Academy game. Pass padawan tests. Go on a charity tournament, fight some raiders and win a Knight title or something.

I totally agree. The last thing I'd want is a Disney version. Some people like what Disney has done with Star Wars, but a lot of people don't (I'm in the later camp.) so it's a risky proposition. I think that's why the may have gone with the High Republic. Not exactly the Old Republic, but still notably in the past, as I think they were concerned how some in the fan base would take offense to their conception of it.

I share in your opinion of the High Republic. But, having read a lot of your posts on different subjects, I often find that to be the case

I know they had started working on a KOTOR remake, but who knows what that might have been like and what they would've done with it.

It's the very points you made that makes me really hope they keep this game going. The game might not be perfect and it certainly has its flaws, but all in all it's a pretty good experience and obviously good enough to keep a lot of players playing the game for many, many years. A lot of peeps been here 5, 10, even 12 years.



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17 minutes ago, Kazjan said:

NOV2013 - EA Signs Star Wars Licensing Deal for 10  Years

May2023- EA Deal Expires (Yes)

I was under the impression that Star Wars Licensing deal was extended. Perhaps I'm wrong about that. Have you come across up to date information that it still will expire in May 2023?

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13 minutes ago, WayOfTheWarriorx said:

I was under the impression that Star Wars Licensing deal was extended. Perhaps I'm wrong about that. Have you come across up to date information that it still will expire in May 2023?

Oh May was suppose to removed it was just to say (2023) I was adding something but wasn't relevant let me me fix that.

Yes, there strangle hold on Star Wars content ends this year. EA still can pitch Star Wars IP to Disney to make a game but they no longer have the only right to do so.  This is why we  have studios like Ubisoft making an Open World Star Wars game.  

But you can see all the upcoming games already announced for Star Wars content. No MMO has been announced but if they're going to actually do a new MMO it mostly will be sometime next year.  

Edited by Kazjan
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4 hours ago, WayOfTheWarriorx said:

Yeah, I know what you mean, totally. I get into it with them, I just share quotes like these and that usually shuts them up.

'In 2014, Disney declared the Expanded Universe was no longer canon. It became ‘Legends’. What do you think of this, seeing all of your work suddenly become non-canon?'

“Those of us writing the EU were always told, all along, from the very beginning (have I stressed that strongly enough?), “Only the Movies are Canon.”  Sure, it was disappointing.”

~ Kathy Tyers, EU author [Truce at Bakura, Balance Point] Interview, 2018



Podcast Interview with Steve Perry, Author of Shadows of the Empire from the Expanded Universe -

Interviewer - 'So what are your thoughts about your book and all the ones that came other than this last year are no longer part of the Official Star Wars Canon ever since Disney took over?

Steve Perry - "Ohh they never were! Nothing was ever canon other than the movies."

The Ritual Misery Podcast with hosts Amos and Kent, 2015




"I get asked all the time, 'What happens after "Return of the Jedi"?,' and there really is no answer for that," he said. "The movies were the story of Anakin Skywalker and Luke Skywalker, and when Luke saves the galaxy and redeems his father, that's where that story ends.""

~ George Lucas, Flannelled One, May 2008, "George Lucas: 'Star Wars' won't go beyond Darth Vader", interview with Los Angeles Times

Star Wars Insider 108, 2009

Full Page - https://ibb.co/7tBy5VK


"And now there have been novels about the events after Episode VI, which isn't at all what I would have done with it. The Star Wars story is really the tragedy of Darth Vader. That is the story. Once Vader dies, he doesn't come back to life, the Emperor doesn't get cloned and Luke doesn't get married."

~ George Lucas,Total Film Magazine Interview, 2008


I totally agree. The last thing I'd want is a Disney version. Some people like what Disney has done with Star Wars, but a lot of people don't (I'm in the later camp.) so it's a risky proposition. I think that's why the may have gone with the High Republic. Not exactly the Old Republic, but still notably in the past, as I think they were concerned how some in the fan base would take offense to their conception of it.

I share in your opinion of the High Republic. But, having read a lot of your posts on different subjects, I often find that to be the case

I know they had started working on a KOTOR remake, but who knows what that might have been like and what they would've done with it.

It's the very points you made that makes me really hope they keep this game going. The game might not be perfect and it certainly has its flaws, but all in all it's a pretty good experience and obviously good enough to keep a lot of players playing the game for many, many years. A lot of peeps been here 5, 10, even 12 years.



I actually saved your post to copy pastes the quotes and the sources XD

Let's hope STWOR live long and prosper ;)

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13 hours ago, Kazjan said:

Oh May was suppose to removed it was just to say (2023) I was adding something but wasn't relevant let me me fix that.

Yes, there strangle hold on Star Wars content ends this year. EA still can pitch Star Wars IP to Disney to make a game but they no longer have the only right to do so.  This is why we  have studios like Ubisoft making an Open World Star Wars game.  

But you can see all the upcoming games already announced for Star Wars content. No MMO has been announced but if they're going to actually do a new MMO it mostly will be sometime next year.  

Ahh, okay. I thought I had heard something to the effect, but thanks for letting me know.

While it's fun to posit the possibilities, like many here, I have my concerns about replacing this game.

Also, I wasn't aware that Ubisoft was currently actively working on an Open World Star Wars game!

Thanks again for the info. Much obliged.

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As much as I'd love a SWG remake, I don't think it will happen. The endless grind just doesn't appeal to the instant gratification generation of players that we have now. 


At best, we have Starfield that will most definitely have Star Wars conversion mods and Ubisoft's Open World Star Wars game.

Edited by TonyTricicolo
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On 5/28/2023 at 8:03 AM, TonyTricicolo said:

As much as I'd love a SWG remake, I don't think it will happen. The endless grind just doesn't appeal to the instant gratification generation of players that we have now. 


At best, we have Starfield that will most definitely have Star Wars conversion mods and Ubisoft's Open World Star Wars game.

I'd agree with this. I don't mind grinds (especially in this game), but I'd never touch a grindfest that was SWG if they made a remake similar to that. I left that game very quickly when I played it in the Pre-cu time period. Was simply not worth the time or effort.

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18 minutes ago, TonyTricicolo said:

YO! Ubisoft Massive's Open World Star Wars game just dropped it's first trailer. 

Trailer looks great! And it's a single player game, so the fears of Ubisofts new title replacing SWTOR have been unfounded. 

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16 minutes ago, Whykara said:

Trailer looks great! And it's a single player game, so the fears of Ubisofts new title replacing SWTOR have been unfounded. 

Trailer was dope but I'm not 100% sold on it yet. I wanna see actual gameplay. Kinda miffed you can't change the character's face though. Guess they want to create a new Star Wars character like Respawn did with Cal Kestis.

Even so let the hype train begin, ALL ABOARD, WOOOO WOOO! 


Gameplay footage will be shown off in Ubisoft's "Forward" taking place 6/12/23 @1000PT/ 1300ET on their Twitch channel.

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So not multiplayer then. But the trailer looks good. Might be interesting for those of us who have played smugglers, looks like that is the main focus. We haven't seen any actual gameplay, but we have 6 months or so (game is set to release in 2024).

One thing, it doesn't look like you can space-barbie it (except possibly for clothes, the PC looks like it is locked on the one "Look".

And it doesn't have one of my favorite parts of SWTOR, that you can play a Sith with a SITH Empire. But again, it does look interesting. If it doesn't have too much platforming, I've looked at youtube videos of Jedi Survivor and that game has much too much platforming for me to play. 

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My biggest concern is Ubisoft. They are known for, for a lack of a better term, a "homogenous" game style where every single one of their games follow the same schema. They often lack consistent storylines, fill the map with a million icons, offer short cut boosts and vanity items on their cash shop and are now implementing NFTs. 

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