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Which expansions will change the roster of companions?


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I've got one of each class and am using them to be totally self sufficient for crafting.

I don't want to level my companions to 50 just to lose them to story lines, ex:  KOTFE and seeing as I've already completed KOTFE twice, I don't feel like doing it again, let alone another 6 times.

Is KOTFE the only story line chapter that changes your companion roster?

What negatives will I face if I do the content post-KOTFE, but skip KOTFE itself?

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Yes, it is the only one that changes your roster on such a fundamental level. There are some other instances later on where you need to decide between two companions or whether you want to add a companion to your roster or not, but not on the same level.

The biggest consequences you will face when skipping to post-KOTET straight to Ossus are the decisions of whether you want to save Vette or Torian and whether you want to kill Arcann or not. The game will autopick the outcome according to your faction allegiance.

Edited by Phazonfreak
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I've gone through the storyline several times and have a 3rd in the middle of it so I'm not really worried about who lives and dies.  I just want to make sure that I end up with at least 8 non-galactic season companions who I can level to 50 for the purpose of crafting/grinding mats

Also what about rep?  If I skip right to Ossus, will I be able to go back and do dailies on places like Ziost?

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2 minutes ago, Doc_Shady said:

I've gone through the storyline several times and have a 3rd in the middle of it so I'm not really worried about who lives and dies.  I just want to make sure that I end up with at least 8 non-galactic season companions who I can level to 50 for the purpose of crafting/grinding mats

Also what about rep?  If I skip right to Ossus, will I be able to go back and do dailies on places like Ziost?

Rep is legacy wide. 

You should be able to do most of the daily zones. I think Iokath is weird if you skip, though. 

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1 minute ago, jedimasterjac said:

Rep is legacy wide. 

You should be able to do most of the daily zones. I think Iokath is weird if you skip, though. 

Oh, your right.  That slipped my mind.  I have several characters in a position to do Iokath missions so thats not a huge one.

The crappy part is I'm on my smuggler and I haven't progressed past KOTFE but I have leveled 8 50's.  I have come to the realization that I will lose them all.  Sucks to be me I guess. lol

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1 hour ago, Doc_Shady said:

The crappy part is I'm on my smuggler and I haven't progressed past KOTFE but I have leveled 8 50's.  I have come to the realization that I will lose them all. 

Uh... new player here, and I don't understand this at all. You lose companions?

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2 minutes ago, Ahndri said:

Uh... new player here, and I don't understand this at all. You lose companions?

Once you start the "Knights of the Fallen empire" chapter, you will lose your default companions and gain others.  You won't do without, just have a different group of companions.  Some new, some from other class stories.  But if you level companions to max like I did, that investment will be lost.

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Just now, Doc_Shady said:

But if you level companions to max like I did, that investment will be lost.

Well, that's good to know... and seems a bit weird, but okay then. Guess I won't worry about leveling them at all. Thanks for the info!

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3 hours ago, Ahndri said:

Well, that's good to know... and seems a bit weird, but okay then. Guess I won't worry about leveling them at all. Thanks for the info!

You don’t loose them forever.  They come back over time.  Also, once you complete chapter 9, you can use the terminal on Odessan to get them back right then.  You won’t really lose anything by leveling them before that. 

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5 minutes ago, Darcmoon said:

You don’t loose them forever.  They come back over time.  Also, once you complete chapter 9, you can use the terminal on Odessan to get them back right then.  You won’t really lose anything by leveling them before that. 

Okay, and I'm guessing that they come back with all of their Influence levels intact, right?

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19 minutes ago, Ahndri said:

Okay, and I'm guessing that they come back with all of their Influence levels intact, right?

Correct.  Their influence doesn’t change between loosing them and getting them back. 

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15 minutes ago, VegaMist said:

There are few exceptions - Tanno Vik still hasn't come back, for example - but most do come back (unless you kill them), and they keep their influence.

After I saved Vette and sacrificed Torian I was able to get him back so no complaints here. :D

The link below here is how you can find the terminal to bring the companions back because it's not on the map nor does it show as a blue glowing clickable object.

(you still literally right click it)

Old companions for a boosted character... - General Discussion - SWTOR | Forums

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35 minutes ago, VegaMist said:

There are few exceptions - Tanno Vik still hasn't come back, for example - but most do come back (unless you kill them), and they keep their influence.

True.  You can still get him from the terminal though.  It was a shame why they couldn’t have him come back though. 

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I would strongly advise not skipping to Ossus, because while it's true that you get most of your comps/new comps back, and you can always get old comps like Tanno Vik from the Odessen terminal, the old comps come back...wrong. For the most part, they don't have ambient dialogue on planets like they used to, nor will you be able to gain companion influence from them rerunning old content (or any content really). 

So, for example, if I have two level 80 troopers, one which has skipped to Ossus (Trooper A) and one that is still pre-KOTFE (Trooper B), and both run Esseles to get the weekly GS. If I bring Jorgan as the comp on Trooper B, then he will gain dialogue influence, but Trooper A's Jorgan won't. 

Back in the day I didn't know this and I always skipped my alts to KOTFE/Ossus to gain the extra companions, but nowadays I never do this for new alts because unless you plan to use those alts for endgame post-Ossus story content, there's no point skipping. It just ruins the characters in my opinion. 

Also, if you skip to KOTFE/Ossus, you won't be able to play SoR or the prelude, it locks you out. You can still do Makeb and Oricon though. 

Edited by Ardrossan
mixed up A and B
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If you skip you can do the "post-event" Ziost dailies, but not the original stories. It also autoskips SOR so you won't be able to play the class mission on Rishi.

As another poster pointed out, you will not be able to gain any further influence from conversations with them from planet story content. However, if you get them to 50 that would be not a problem anyway if you are just getting them to craft.

You can get all companions from the Terminal unless you kill them. The game auto-completes if you don't play thru on your own, and you might not like the choices it makes.

Republic saves Vette, kills Torian for auto-complete.

Empire saves Torian, kills Vette - except for the Sith Warrior.


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19 hours ago, Ardrossan said:

I would strongly advise not skipping to Ossus, because while it's true that you get most of your comps/new comps back, and you can always get old comps like Tanno Vik from the Odessen terminal, the old comps come back...wrong. For the most part, they don't have ambient dialogue on planets like they used to, nor will you be able to gain companion influence from them rerunning old content (or any content really). 

That stuff about the dialogue and influence points happens even if you play through instead of skipping.

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39 minutes ago, SteveTheCynic said:

That stuff about the dialogue and influence points happens even if you play through instead of skipping.

Yes, good point. So, if you like that ambient dialogue/influence, it's best to avoid skipping OR starting kotfe/ossus unless you plan to do more endgame story content on that character. And if that's the case, imo it's better to play through otherwise your choices will be defaulted. 

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23 hours ago, Darcmoon said:

You don’t loose them forever.  They come back over time.  Also, once you complete chapter 9, you can use the terminal on Odessan to get them back right then.  You won’t really lose anything by leveling them before that. 

Mostly true, they can all be re-gained, but the method varies by story and companion.

Off the top of my head:

Sith Inquisitor loses at least one companion (if not two) that cannot be obtained from the terminal and requires doing the stupid recruit Yuun mission, then the companion recruitment mission.

Imperial Agent also lose a companion that cannot be obtained from the terminal and require doing the stupid recruit Yuun mission, plus the companion recruitment mission, which can also only be completed during a specific event.

Several also can lose companions again when starting Ossus, but those all have a quick 'talk to companion' mission on Odessen once Ossus is completed.

All the above is annoying AF - there should be some sort of skip that bypasses all the KotXX nonsense - I hate that KotXX crap so much I have multiple 80s that have never done anything post-SoR.

Edited by DawnAskham
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On 5/11/2023 at 7:17 AM, Shayddow said:


Republic saves Vette, kills Torian for auto-complete.

Empire saves Torian, kills Vette - except for the Sith Warrior.


.. I still wonder what obligation do have my Rep characters to save Vette? ( sry for the off-topic) 

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On 5/12/2023 at 8:58 AM, DawnAskham said:

that cannot be obtained from the terminal

this just sounds like you don't actually know how to use the terminal

its got separate categories for KotFE main story comps and original class comps, and iirc the latter is a single choice that returns all of them

On 5/12/2023 at 8:58 AM, DawnAskham said:

there should be some sort of skip that bypasses all the KotXX nonsense

its called Ossus

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On 5/11/2023 at 12:01 AM, Darcmoon said:

You don’t loose them forever.  They come back over time.  Also, once you complete chapter 9, you can use the terminal on Odessan to get them back right then.  You won’t really lose anything by leveling them before that. 



Unless you Sith Inquisitor who sided with Zash. Where is my Zash?


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7 hours ago, recalcitrantIre said:

this just sounds like you don't actually know how to use the terminal

its got separate categories for KotFE main story comps and original class comps, and iirc the latter is a single choice that returns all of them

its called Ossus

Wrong - some companions are not on the terminal (Xalek for Inquisitor, Lokin for Agent, and probably more), and require completing the Yuun recruitment mission (Find a Findsman) AND completing the individual companion recruitment mission (and the Lokin recruitment mission can only be completed during a specific event).

There are also other 'bugs' or inconsistencies with companions as the various missions post-KotFE are completed, such that some may disappear again (after using terminal) once the prerequisites for their recruitment mission to spawn have been met.

All of which is why I would appreciate a clean skip through KotXX that included a 'click and done' method to select companions to retain, and not have them subjected to any further nonsense associated with KotXX and the alliance alert crap.

Edited by DawnAskham
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