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FP Upgrade Vendor stole my money?


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Returning player, been away for a while. I recently had a 326 blue FP implant that I was upgrading at the FP Upgrade Vendor. When hovering over the upgrade item it listed it as 328, I bought the upgraded implant, but it came back to me the same exact level minus conquest coms, 170 FP currency, daily coms, etc.. Like it took my money and didn't do anything, Am I getting something wrong? My base gear is at 324, but that implant was 326 blue Decurian or something. Did the game glitch? Just confused.

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1) Did you wear the original gear piece? If you did, the new piece would be equipped to you immediately instead of going to your inventory.  That is, the upgrade vendor.

2) The basic 324 vendor, at who you also upgrade to 326 at, has both what you have and the upgrade piece. If you by accident looked at the upgrade piece but ended up buying what you already had, it is lost money.

Edited by MortenJessen
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