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Galactic Starfighter - please remove DeathMatch game mode


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First of all - it is totally broken. The best tactic is not attacking, just camping near own spawn.
Second - selfdestructers will make it a pain. Since GSF que is available from the start, even assuming someone is getting banned for it, s/he will just create a new acc. With predictable results.

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7 hours ago, Bolo_Yeung said:

First of all - it is totally broken. The best tactic is not attacking, just camping near own spawn.
Second - selfdestructers will make it a pain. Since GSF que is available from the start, even assuming someone is getting banned for it, s/he will just create a new acc. With predictable results.

1st of all, camping near your own spawn is not necessarily the correct strategy. I have been in countless Death matches in which going on the offensive is what wins you the match. I find that camping near your own spawn point usually ends up in a loss.


As for those that intentionally Self Destruct BW needs to take a firmer hand at punishing these players. They are ruining the matches for players and are basically nothing more then Win Trader's because they throw the match on you. BW used to Ban players for win trading in PvP, they need to take that same stance on these players that are continually doing 0 kills, 0 assists, x deaths, and 0 damage. I understand it may punish new players, but I've seen so many that are clearly not new that after 40+ or even 100+ matches are going 0/0/8 with 0 damage, that tells me they clearly are not trying and ruining matches for other.


As for removing Death matches however. BW should NEVER remove content. While I didn't do Ranked PvP, I still think they should have left it in the game as well.

Edited by Toraak
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4 hours ago, Toraak said:

1st of all, camping near your own spawn is not necessarily the correct strategy. I have been in countless Death matches in which going on the offensive is what wins you the match. I find that camping near your own spawn point usually ends up in a loss.

Not 'own spawn' but 'close to own spawn in a nicely defended place'. In most matches, you can see instructions on chat: "don't chase, wait for them to come" while enemy side have exactly the same instructions on their chat. Sure, if one team is clearly superior, then they'll win, but with equal teams defenders have huge advantage,.

Problem with selfdestructers is basically that you can que from lvl1. Even if you're banned, you can just make a new account and do it again. Someone is doing it, we're reporting, it takes a day or two for the team to review report and (let's be optimistic) ban the offender from que. In meantime, s/he is still doing it. After that day or two (or ten), making a new account and jumping into gsf again takes maybe... 10 minutes? And here we go again.

Sure, there are better ways to prevent it, but unfortunately that would need working on gsf mechanics... and how much chance the game team will do something that needs a little more complicated work in gsf?  I don't blame overworked people but sad reality is that gsf is on a very low priority. We still have medal bug for a long time. We still have deselect bug for a few years... I assume that removing one game mode could have been done easy enough to actually be done until better solution is invented.

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Pretty simple solution we discussed in the GSF forums: Make the rewards based on accomplishments in the match. 0/0/8 gets nothing, but one game in a long weekly mission, 15/15/1 gets a lot of good stuff and 3 points in the weekly (+1 for a win). That would get rid of 90% of the people that are doing nothing in the match pretty quickly.


Of course, those rewards need to be tailored for the game mode we're playing. While basing it on K/D works in Death Match, it doesn't for domination. Rewarding good play in Domination is a bit harder, even objective points don't cut it - people would just sit at one satellite with the entire team for the entire match. Here, I would increase the objective radius (not the tapping radius - just the area you need to be in in order to get objective points for attacking/defending a satellite) and reward kills in that area with objective points as well. Just encourage objective playing with objective points and then base the rewards on that. You could probably turn that mechanic over to Domination and just reward objective points for killing an enemy and doing and repairing damage. Maybe you could even base the amount of points you get from killing an enemy on their ships equipment - and your own equipment as well, so that you gain more points if the other guy is better equipped than you are.


An easier option would be to just institute a vote-kick system. But that might lead to people votekicking people out they don't like for other reasons but the one stated above. Or a system that gives you penalties for going out of a game with bad stats (locked queue for several minutes for example). But I personally prefer a system that gives you positive incentives to play good.


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I don't know about you, but camping near spawn is how you get kicked for not participating. No enemy ship ever goes to another teams spawn, and if both teams stayed at spawn, then nothing would happen. Stalemate.

There is already a vote to kick system, and it works for inconsiderate people who want to camp at the start.


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On 4/17/2023 at 6:57 AM, Toraak said:

As for those that intentionally Self Destruct BW needs to take a firmer hand at punishing these players. They are ruining the matches for players and are basically nothing more then Win Trader's because they throw the match on you. BW used to Ban players for win trading in PvP, they need to take that same stance on these players that are continually doing 0 kills, 0 assists, x deaths, and 0 damage. I understand it may punish new players, but I've seen so many that are clearly not new that after 40+ or even 100+ matches are going 0/0/8 with 0 damage, that tells me they clearly are not trying and ruining matches for other.

Self destructs can happen a lot unintentionally. If you even tried to scan for intentional self destructs, such as 0 assists, you just open a window for someone to self destruct after getting 1 assist, or self destruct after every 1 assist.

The real problem is there is no big incentive to win GSF. There's no leaderboard, no trophy, no reward, nothing. If Bioware wants people to stop throwing matches, they have to start handing out trophies to the winners. Imagine if in the real world, winning the super bowl amounted to nothing. No pay, no title, no rings, no trophy, nothing. Just a personal feel good feeling of "I won". And no one else even cares you won, not now, and not tomorrow. And in a minute after the match is over, it doesn't matter who the victors were.



Edited by Traceguy
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50 minutes ago, Traceguy said:

Self destructs can happen a lot unintentionally. If you even tried to scan for intentional self destructs, such as 0 assists, you just open a window for someone to self destruct after getting 1 assist, or self destruct after every 1 assist.

The real problem is there is no big incentive to win GSF. There's no leaderboard, no trophy, no reward, nothing. If Bioware wants people to stop throwing matches, they have to start handing out trophies to the winners. Imagine if in the real world, winning the super bowl amounted to nothing. No pay, no title, no rings, no trophy, nothing. Just a personal feel good feeling of "I won". And no one else even cares you won, not now, and not tomorrow. And in a minute after the match is over, it doesn't matter who the victors were.



They will never do this. They got rid of Ranked PvP after all, so they won't do anything special for GSF like that at this point.


As someone else said in other posts. They need to start having dailies/weeklies and Galactic Season Objectives based on Medal count instead of win/loss. Most SD'ers don't get any meaningful medals, since they put in no effort. The problem with this is it will hurt new players as well.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Again - got into a match, lost badly with selfdestructer. 21 selfies.


On 4/18/2023 at 8:16 AM, Traceguy said:

I don't know about you, but camping near spawn is how you get kicked for not participating. No enemy ship ever goes to another teams spawn, and if both teams stayed at spawn, then nothing would happen. Stalemate.

There is already a vote to kick system, and it works for inconsiderate people who want to camp at the start.


Camping close to own spawn, in a tight space, so the attackers arrive 20 seconds after their spawn with engine depleted while defenders being in place with still some juice. Since the attackers have to do damage - or they'll 'no contribute' as well , it is a pretty winning tactic,


On 4/18/2023 at 8:25 AM, Traceguy said:

Self destructs can happen a lot unintentionally. If you even tried to scan for intentional self destructs, such as 0 assists, you just open a window for someone to self destruct after getting 1 assist, or self destruct after every 1 assist.

The real problem is there is no big incentive to win GSF. There's no leaderboard, no trophy, no reward, nothing. If Bioware wants people to stop throwing matches, they have to start handing out trophies to the winners. Imagine if in the real world, winning the super bowl amounted to nothing. No pay, no title, no rings, no trophy, nothing. Just a personal feel good feeling of "I won". And no one else even cares you won, not now, and not tomorrow. And in a minute after the match is over, it doesn't matter who the victors were.



I am asking for a solution that can be done with minimal effort, since GSF isn't exactly focused on by the devs. Sure, there are ways to dix TDM, but need more work - and that reduce the chance of it happening.


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I would just say TDM in GSF should go away because it's absolutely boring.

Some better options would be


Arena Style - (TDM, 1 life for everyone)

Battle Royal (Free-for-all, 1 life for everyone)


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