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Quick Travel Costs Penalize Empire Players on Tatooine


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By basing travel costs on "distance" rather than planet level for quick travel, you are unduly penalizing Imperial players.

Here are the costs of quicktravel from the main space port of each faction:

Republic: Anchorhead to :

Anchorhead Cantina 556

Camp Karnori 1,296

Outpost Largona 2,336

Dreviad Outpost 2,021

Outpost Salara 2,461

Outpost Thorazan 3,520


Here they are for EMPIRE: Mos Ila to:

Mos Ila speeder station : 748

Outpost Varath 2,816

Mos Anek 3,261

Reclamation Service Forward Outpost 3,651

Outpost Rennar  3,667

Ridgeside Sentry Post 4,198

Outpost Zarosh 4,306.


Haven't surveyed the rest of the planets yet, but Tatooine is representative of low range (Chapter 1 planet).



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Yeah, the costs should definitely be adjusted by level. This way low level players still need to pay something, but it would be affordable relative to quest rewards. They can use the same scaling formula they use for mission credits. At low levels, you might get 100 credits for a mission and at high levels you get 18,000+ credits for a mission. That's 0.6% as many credits, so the 5,000 max credits for quick travel should be reduced accordingly -> 5,000 * 0.006 = 28 credits max at low level. Then, of course, scale that up as the player levels up.

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I still don't understand why they didn't just make qt costs equivalent to taxi costs.  The taxi's were already scaled for planet level, no one ever complained about them, and even adding a 10% 'convenience' charge so qt costs a wee bit more would have been fine. 

Well, not fine, someone would complain, someone always does, but I'm sure there would have been a lot fewer complaints and new/poor players would barely notice a token charge instead of ... 2000creds to qt on Tython 😱

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2 hours ago, LD_Little_Dragon said:

The taxi's were already scaled for planet level, no one ever complained about them,

At the time when I first encountered Voss, back in 2013, I was playing Preferred, and it did slightly bother me that it cost more to take a taxi across Voss than it cost to use my own ship to travel across the galaxy from the Fleet to Voss.

But I was Preferred, so I couldn't complain here on the forums...

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If I'm deep in an instance or in the depths of the countryside, I now tend to quick travel to the closest point with a taxi, then take the taxi from there.  Depends on planet though - for Ossus, quick travelling directly to the Jedi temple costs less than taking the taxi.

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4 hours ago, SteveTheCynic said:

At the time when I first encountered Voss, back in 2013, I was playing Preferred, and it did slightly bother me that it cost more to take a taxi across Voss than it cost to use my own ship to travel across the galaxy from the Fleet to Voss.

But I was Preferred, so I couldn't complain here on the forums...

In 2013 shortly after I started playing, I tried to persuade a sub on Alderaan to go on the forum and complain about stupid crap like this. I was pretty wasted at the time and I'm pretty sure he never went through with it. I didn't become aware of other forums like reddit for a good long while. 

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