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We really need an option to kill Doc at some point


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... even if it's just cheaply thrown in, without dialogue, that guy needs to die.

I'm playing through the JK storyline again and, my God, 'misogynist' doesn't even begin to cover how much of a creep this dude is. In fact, the term that came to mind for both me and my spouse at the same time was "sexual predator." And that's precisely what Doc is: the kind of guy who would slip a mickey to some random girl in a bar, take her home, assault her, and leave. He is THAT profoundly sinister and unscrupulous.

People talk about Broonmark and Skadge and Kaliyo as bad or evil; as undesirable companions, but none of them even hold a candle to the dark force of nature that is Doc. And yeah, I get that not every character has to be likable; that there are plenty of 'great' characters out there - across all media - who are just plain remorseless and unethical. But our otherwise-sane PC doesn't have to take them along on their journey. Doc is an antagonist. We should be able to eliminate him as such.

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So agree.  Doc Sleazebag is genuinely pathetic and awful.  A proper Dark Lord of the Cringe.  Would love an on-board scenario where we can choose to accidentally leave behind a companion on a remote planet or simply discuss them (in the past tense) with another companion in the aftermath of an unfortunate accident with the ship's emergency exit locking mechanism. :jawa_evil: ^^

On every other character Treek would get it, but on my Knights I would readily shaft Doc over Treek.  I made the mistake of romancing him on my first JK and I still regret it.🙄

Doc's only redeeming quality is his critical bonus toward Underworld Trading missions and I would still rather lose that bonus and have 1000 of Scourge's (Gatt's) withering reproofs in his place.😍 Or HK's (Tabori's) weary, passive-aggressive assent.😋 They may be bad, but they're never cringe. ^^

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tl;dr: no to killing companions, any companions, for any reason. Your dislike of x character should not be allowed to affect MY gameplay.


Back in the day we used to have these threads fantasizing about killing off different characters. Then KOTFE happened and gave us that 'opportunity', but the problem is that by killing off the characters, they often bricked them in the process, not giving them any more story. This got worse in Fractured Alliances when they gave us the option to kill Theron--people had romances with him that basically got cut off because, again they gave the option and then decided they didn't need to give the character more content for ANYONE playing. And this isn't the players' fault of course; in other bioware games when they killed off a character, they created branching storylines and continued to follow the story for those who didn't kill the character. But bioware is lazy and cheap in this game so this is what we're left with.

So, no thanks. Just don't use them for anything or finish their dialogue trees, put cyborg armor on them or rakghoul plague customization if you wanna punish them. 

Edited by Ardrossan
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I hate Skadge and Guss. Others like them for comic relief perhaps. No one can make you like Doc. Don't bother doing his story arc if you want. You have to deal with him on Balmorra, then leave him on the ship and never go to him on the ship. Let his yellow triangle just be there. It will go away when you start Makeb or somewhere. If you do engage his story choose all the insulting options. Insult him to his face. The dialogue options are there. However, it's your fault if you let him live rent free in your head when not even playing.


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No more killing companions.  While some do not like their companions, others do, and when a companion gets killed, it messes up someone else's story with the companion. Nine times out of 10 they get written out of the story, so no thank you.  It is not fair to those that like to interact with those companions and there is no reason for you to interact with Doc, considering you can choose another companion to heal you and therefore you do not have to deal with him.

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22 hours ago, AJediKnight said:

... even if it's just cheaply thrown in, without dialogue, that guy needs to die.

I'm playing through the JK storyline again and, my God, 'misogynist' doesn't even begin to cover how much of a creep this dude is. In fact, the term that came to mind for both me and my spouse at the same time was "sexual predator." And that's precisely what Doc is: the kind of guy who would slip a mickey to some random girl in a bar, take her home, assault her, and leave. He is THAT profoundly sinister and unscrupulous.

People talk about Broonmark and Skadge and Kaliyo as bad or evil; as undesirable companions, but none of them even hold a candle to the dark force of nature that is Doc. And yeah, I get that not every character has to be likable; that there are plenty of 'great' characters out there - across all media - who are just plain remorseless and unethical. But our otherwise-sane PC doesn't have to take them along on their journey. Doc is an antagonist. We should be able to eliminate him as such.

Jeez.  He's a Star Wars version of a trope character "The Lounge Lizard", and he would be right at home as the star of Leisure Suit Larry except that his actual first name is Archibald.

But none of that is a capital offence.

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  • 6 months later...

Ooooh. I didn't realise that creating an option to kill off a character could cause so many problems. That's not good. If that's the case, then I'll change my mind about killing him off.

Does that prison outfit with the slave collar still require a social level prerequisite to buy? I've forgotten. The vendor was Belsavis, right? I'll have to have a looksie. :jawa_evil: ^^

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4 hours ago, Devolvio said:

Ooooh. I didn't realise that creating an option to kill off a character could cause so many problems. That's not good. If that's the case, then I'll change my mind about killing him off.

It's less awful for Doc, since both before KotFE and after JUS, he's a JK-only companion, so he's not going to get much in the way of story involvement anyway.

4 hours ago, Devolvio said:

Does that prison outfit with the slave collar still require a social level prerequisite to buy? I've forgotten. The vendor was Belsavis, right? I'll have to have a looksie. :jawa_evil: ^^

SWTOR Prisoner Armor (swtorista.com) says it's still on the Belsavis vendor and still requires Social V and 250-300 credits per piece.  (But when they changed how Social points were gathered, they took the highest Social rank among all your characters and applied it to the legacy, so it might not be so bad.)

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My goodness. Stop the threads about killing companions just because people like you find them offensive. No one is forcing you to converse with him. Just ignore the conversations and eventually they disappear. The only reason to talk to him is for female characters to have a romance. You can always just wait until KOTFE to romance Koth, Theron or Lana if you so desire and think they are the better choice. 


I don't like Malavi Quinn but also didn't like how cheaply they threw in the option to kill him. It was just really stupid. Like ok years go by and he comes back and you are all "now here's my chance" (stabs him with a light saber)!


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Doc is one of those companions that you either love or hate. He is a womanizer, no doubts there. He is also a real self centered guy who clearly thinks he's the best thing since sliced bread. Off all the companions, Doc is the one I would like to space the most, since after the Balmorra section of the story, he serves no purpose to the PC. 

Well, he did when when he was the only healer the JK had in early game, but now any comp serves whatever purpose you want them to, so he's redundant.

Why we were forced to take him with us was a bad move by BW in the first place. Kira, Sourge, Rusk and T-7 makes a lot of sense story wise, but Doc makes very little sense to have as a companion. Heck, someone like Rusk would know basic first aid, maybe more as a trained soldier, so he could easily have served both as a soldier and a medic of sorts. I mean, just look at Elara, she's a combat medic, and a fine soldier on top of that, but Doc is not a trained soldier, he's just that, a doctor.

Edited by Otowi
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41 minutes ago, Swingkittie said:

My goodness. Stop the threads about killing companions just because people like you find them offensive. No one is forcing you to converse with him. Just ignore the conversations and eventually they disappear. The only reason to talk to him is for female characters to have a romance. You can always just wait until KOTFE to romance Koth, Theron or Lana if you so desire and think they are the better choice. 

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I don't like Malavi Quinn but also didn't like how cheaply they threw in the option to kill him. It was just really stupid. Like ok years go by and he comes back and you are all "now here's my chance" (stabs him with a light saber)!


I can only imagine the threads that came about for Quinn when he basically did what everyone in the Sith Empire did: Betray and kill your master. And like you said, don't like them, don't talk or use them. Just go for the ones you do, no need to go off and kill someone just because he's, to you, unlikable.



I don't like Vette or Kira (Because they both always got something snarky to say.) But I wouldn't make threads calling for their heads. That's just an overreaction to someone I can just not take or talk to anymore.

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