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Bioware, exclude level 50 from 1-49 in PvP, mkay?


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You do realize this could be temporary for launch right? They could have had 50s in the 10+ bracket simply because those few level 50s would complain about not being able to find enough people to fill a Warzone.


There's enough 50s in the US; they should just add cross-server, and level-bracketed PvP

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There's enough 50s in the US; they should just add cross-server, and level-bracketed PvP


Now there are. There werent a week ago. So maybe they will add some? I personally would prefer them to actually do something more than a 6mb patch with 2 fixes.

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yeah warzones are basically broken until theres a 50 bracket. it's literally impossible to win against a premade group of 50's with good gear. last night in a huttball game it got to the point where they were literally just standing there letting us take potshots at them, and then killing us when they felt like it
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