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Fun Financial Facts


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Fact 1: It's natural for a MMO's currency to slowly inflate, what is speeding it up in SWTOR is that the most expensive things can't be sold through the GTN, bypassing the GTN tax.

Fact 2: The newly introduced changes to stabilise the economy and to slow further inflation are worthless, and seem to be a token effort at most.

Fact 3: If the GTN credit cap was raised to the current credit cap, a single 4bil sale would remove as much as 48,000 quicktravels from the economy through tax (assuming the cost of each quicktravel was the max price).


Edited by Mooyace
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vor 36 Minuten schrieb Mooyace:

what is speeding it up in SWTOR is that the most expensive things can't be sold through the GTN, bypassing the GTN tax.



What is speeding it up is credit exploits. We got one right after the patch went live yesterday. Fortunately, it was discovered very quickly and the issue was resolved before it went out of hand.


Agree with the rest of your arguments.

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You can't fix inflation in a video game. Inflation happens when too much money enters the economy. This is why it's dangerous for the government to print more money. In video games however, NPCs pull out portable money printers and print money to reward players with, which means currency is infinitely being printed to the game's economy. Want to fix inflation? Turn off credits as a reward for a mission. When my CEO gives me a paycheck, he doesn't print the money, he gives me money he owns.




Edited by Traceguy
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I agree, the only thing I think they can do is add more to spend with credits, like adding more armor sets, decos, ect maybe from legends comics. Put decorations into collections and give people option to buy with credits. Another one is allowing to unlock GS items in collections with credits. It won't fix it but it would help it there were more things to buy with credits.

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