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I want my Very Low Graphics settings back!!


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I also lament the removal of this setting. Why does BW like removing things for no reason? They've done it with many items, quests, schematics etc., but an in-game setting has got to be a new one. Even if we set aside low-end machines and poor eyesight (some of the reasons that others in this thread dislike this change), what if I want to save computing power in a high-intensity environment, such as an Operation?

Unfortunately, I don't anticipate that this will be fixed before July, and what a slog it'll be until then...

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  • 4 weeks later...

Graphics = disaster since 03/28/2023 - game update 7.2.1 check this picture here: https://ibb.co/JCgxLgw and you just look for the light switch to turn on the sun in the fleet! Because you don't see anything since the update (there is only darkness)! With very low graphics, the fleet was fully illuminated! And also the fortresses and space fighter games! My characters face glows blue from the fleet light that just looks terrible and neither human nor natural!  On very low graphics it was natural beautiful my skin was before, my skin color was pale white to pale pink! My characters clothes were red in graphic very low and fluffy soft! Now she looks like she's covered in glass and wearing vinyl clothing that's way too tight! My eyes were blue before the update now they seem white yellow teal orange it's terrible! The shadows are unbearable! So we can only hope that you will undo the update! Because the game is no longer playable, which is really sad and unfortunately we are not willing to pay for a subscription! This game was fun until the update came! And pity to say that but very low graphics settings looked 1000x better than now!

You'd better have continued the story instead of applying useless updates!

Nobody cares for 64 bit we have all Intel inside so we don't need random access memory because Intel alone is fast enough too handle the game! Thank You!!!

Edited by vulkanherz
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10 minutes ago, vulkanherz said:

Nobody cares for 64 bit

People have been railing about the previous 32-bit nature of the game almost as long as the game has been out.

10 minutes ago, vulkanherz said:

we have all Intel inside

By their own admission, plenty of folks are using AMD processors, and therefore *don't* have Intel Inside.

10 minutes ago, vulkanherz said:

so we don't need random access memory

Meeble?  What?  I don't understand how anyone could imagine making this comment.

10 minutes ago, vulkanherz said:

because Intel alone is fast enough too handle the game!

No.  The CPU by itself is in no way capable of handling the game.  RAM is needed as well in order to store the game's live moment-to-moment data, because there's too much of it to fit inside the CPU's cache.

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The 64 bit updgrade did not somehow 'force' Bioware to remove the very low shader settings.

I've been running with 'no shaders' and everything works fine, even in operations.  Still doesn't look as good as the old very low shader setting though.

This tells me that is it highly unlikely there were technical reasons to remove the very low shader settings, just a design decision Bioware made.

Their QA department is really lacking in knowledge of how to test changes for accessability.

I have a slim hope that they'll fix this later, the same way they fixed that horrible eyesore of a inventory that dropped when 7.0 started.   (Note that Bioware never acknowledged the bad design for that, they just changed it back to close to what it was  pre 7.0 quietly.)

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Very low graphic should be brought back immediately.  On dark area where there is a lot of AOE fights, I cant see anything with current "Low" setting.  If the game tough to enjoy (visual and Vicious Slash change for nooooooo reasons), I am just gonna quit till they fix it. 

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vor 11 Stunden schrieb SteveTheCynic:

People have been railing about the previous 32-bit nature of the game almost as long as the game has been out.

However, the update did not change anything in terms of performance. The only thing that has changed is that the graphics look catastrophic! Just glitch.

By their own admission, plenty of folks are using AMD processors, and therefore *don't* have Intel Inside.

Everyone knows that AMD has the worse processors! So why should you buy this? 

Meeble?  What?  I don't understand how anyone could imagine making this comment.

Because it's true! 5 GHz is more than enough. If you have an Intel I'm sure you can play the game with an Intel 233MHz with 16MB RAM without any problems! I compare it like this: the processor is the engine of your computer! If you have a lot of horsepower, you'll make progress! I compare it like this: the main memory is the petrol tank, but what good is a 500 liter tank if it makes you much more sluggish! And if you then only have 10 hp like (at AMD) you won't get up the mountain! You see you need the 500 hp vehicle from Intel!

No.  The CPU by itself is in no way capable of handling the game.  RAM is needed as well in order to store the game's live moment-to-moment data, because there's too much of it to fit inside the CPU's cache.

This is only the case with AMD because AMD eats memory pointlessly and without reason.


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4 hours ago, vulkanherz said:

However, the update did not change anything in terms of performance. The only thing that has changed is that the graphics look catastrophic! Just glitch.

As far as I know, the 64-bit upgrade was never sold as improving or worsening performance.  And the graphics that I see (Ultra on UHD/4K) haven't significantly changed, neither better nor worse, but it wasn't sold for that either.

4 hours ago, vulkanherz said:

Everyone knows that AMD has the worse processors! So why should you buy this

Things that "everyone knows" are frequently wrong.  The latest AMD processors are not at all worse (some even say they are better).

4 hours ago, vulkanherz said:

Because it's true! 5 GHz is more than enough.

That has nothing at all, or even less, to do with RAM.

4 hours ago, vulkanherz said:

If you have an Intel I'm sure you can play the game with an Intel 233MHz with 16MB RAM without any problems!

This is a troll post, right?

4 hours ago, vulkanherz said:

I compare it like this: the processor is the engine of your computer! If you have a lot of horsepower, you'll make progress!

OK, sort of.

4 hours ago, vulkanherz said:

I compare it like this: the main memory is the petrol tank,

Not even close.

4 hours ago, vulkanherz said:

but what good is a 500 liter tank if it makes you much more sluggish! And if you then only have 10 hp like (at AMD) you won't get up the mountain! You see you need the 500 hp vehicle from Intel!

OK, never mind, I was right.  It's a troll post.

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vor 8 Stunden schrieb SteveTheCynic:

As far as I know, the 64-bit upgrade was never sold as improving or worsening performance.  And the graphics that I see (Ultra on UHD/4K) haven't significantly changed, neither better nor worse, but it wasn't sold for that either.

Like i said: useless update + graphics got catastrophic

Things that "everyone knows" are frequently wrong.  The latest AMD processors are not at all worse (some even say they are better).

AMD will never be better in no Life!

That has nothing at all, or even less, to do with RAM. This is a troll post, right?

No it is not! You just need to accept the truth Intel is simply better than AMD! 😄

OK, never mind, I was right.  It's a troll post.

Still not! Here is the point where you feel my jedi-power! Just accept the truth! 

But if you need more power Mr. Tim Taylor then use an IBM-
processor  with 500GHz they know how to build them since 20 years! Ha why you don't have one? Because nobody's password with 34 signs would be safe for a minute. Haha!

But that is useless too like the update you never will need an internet connection what will be faster than your computer and you also don't need a computer that is faster than you can make your input!


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Graphic problem since update 03/28/2023 - Game update 7.2.1 (Seems to be the biggest bug in history of swtor or why it still is not fixed?)

The problem is: The graphics quality preset "Very Low" has been removed.

Without this setting, however, the graphics have deteriorated by a factor of 1000!
The game is no longer playable!
So the update 03/28/2023 - game update 7.2.1 please just undo it again!

Here is a before photo with settings "Very Low" https://ibb.co/DYmP1gx Graphics are world class!

And here's an after photo with settings "Now" https://ibb.co/dPvTj1J Graphic is bad! It looks so bad now! The highlights and the shadows are unbearable. The character's face and eye color are no longer recognizable because they are no longer illuminated! Unfortunately, the game is no longer worth a cent to me, it is simply no longer playable! Please change that again very quickly, then I'll buy a subscription again! Thanks! Leielana Olteanu

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For those with vision issues, you might want to try installing reshade and see if you can manually improve upon the graphic settings and tailor them to your liking. You can change just about everything with it. Nothing directly in game, but for those with vision issues it might very well help improve such as brightness, gamma, levels, contrast, etc.


Personally my settings are maxed out and I just kept adding more filters to make this game look as bright, colorful and polished as I feel it should be, as it was meant to be played in all its glory. This is on my mega gaming rig with a 3090gpu. 


My laptop on the other hand, def not gaming oriented, but not a potato, is on the lowest settings to keep it smooth, but Reshade makes it looks almost as good as it is on my mega rig with hardly any sacrifice to fps drops. I'm not sure why some people like having super low and super basic graphics, but then again I don't know why some like durian fruit.

Edited by euroDSMtuner
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vor 5 Stunden schrieb euroDSMtuner:

For those with vision issues, you might want to try installing reshade and see if you can mamually improve upon the graphic settings and tailor them to your liking. You can change just about everything with it. Nothing directly in game, but for those with vision issues it might very well help improve such as brightness, gamma, levels, contrast, etc.


Personally my settings are maxed out and I just kept adding more filters to make this game look as bright, colorful and polished as I feel it should be, as it was meant to be played in all its glory.

As already said this is not an option!
It's like working with a device that is defective but you paid for it and it's still under warranty! Then you don't restart the device and reset it so that it works once and then not again! You just go to the store and use your warranty claim! To fix the part or get a new working one!

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vor 22 Minuten schrieb PallyHk:

Looks like you aren't needing low graphics, but a higher maximum for the brightness setting.

There is no brightness control at all! The very low graphics were responsible for the brightness! We need a switch to set the sun on the fleet in the forts space fighter and turn on the sun on the planets! But there is no button to turn off the night mode we want day mode back  24hours per day /  7days per week / 365,25days per year forever!

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9 minutes ago, vulkanherz said:


There is no brightness control at all! The very low graphics were responsible for the brightness! We need a switch to set the sun on the fleet in the forts space fighter and turn on the sun on the planets! But there is no button to turn off the night mode we want day mode back  24hours per day /  7days per week / 365,25days per year forever!

@PallyHk meant the brightness control on your screen.

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You need to go to preferences, graphics and check out gamma, if its too low, than that is what needs to be adjusted so you can turn it on better.


Though if it is a big issue, you can try to just make your monitor brighter.

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43 minutes ago, PallyHk said:

You need to go to preferences, graphics and check out gamma, if its too low, than that is what needs to be adjusted so you can turn it on better.


Though if it is a big issue, you can try to just make your monitor brighter.

The entire point of this thread is many of us have had our Gamma at 100% for years. This game has always been dark, and many used the very Low graphics to brighten the game beyond 100% Gamma. When BW removed that option, the game is simply to dark visually. 


BW really should either implement an additional brightness setting or put back in the old graphic setting.

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vor 15 Stunden schrieb SteveTheCynic:

@PallyHk meant the brightness control on your screen.

Me meant that is no option it is like you try to change settings when you bought a broken piece it just have to be fixed or you get a new piece on warranty! So no option to change settings on screen for one software, when all other softwares work with this settings!

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Am 29.3.2023 um 18:20 schrieb Renata_Roselli:

It's the year 2023, if you need to play SWTOR on low settings, you shouldn't be playing at all. The game literally runs on an Etch A Sketch.

First thing, the graphics looked 1000 times better on very low settings than on high settings!

Second thing, we don't have to, we want to play on very low graphics settings because it looks 1000x better!

Third thing, because the option to use "very low graphic settings" has been removed, we are complaining about it so that the support and the programmers please can get out of bed and on vacation to fix the crap they have mooted and if possible in the next 5 minutes and not just in 5 days! Because we are waiting and it is boring to wait! 

Fourth thing, if you have nothing to complain about the graphics because you don't know the better graphics from the very low graphics settings anyway due to your high graphics settings, you can also refrain from posting in this topic that makes it easier for everyone else (support and those who are complain)!

Thank you!!!

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