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Crew Skills are confusing me-- can someone clarify?


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For my Scoundral (healer) I went with Bioanalysis and Biochem, as I usually roll alchemy in other MMO's for the stat boosts. I was really confused about the third category of skills.


I originally thought that the third category was simply missions to send our companion out on which will yield materials for the auction house. I chose Underworld Trading. I now read that only Diplomacy can yield materials for Biochem. Is this true?


Would you recommend I unlearn Underworld Trading and go with Diplomacy, or am I missing the entire point of this category of skills? Please clarify, and thank you for reading.

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I now read that only Diplomacy can yield materials for Biochem. Is this true?


Yes, this is true. Now, you don't HAVE to take Diplomacy, you can try buying the purple mats from the GTN, however Diplomacy is the mission skill that compliments Biochem. In my experience with Biochem, only the purple schematics require the mats you get from Diplomacy, so if you don't want to switch to Diplomacy and you don't mind not making the purple items (atleast not without buying them from the GTN), then stick with UT (or switch to another mission trade of your choice).

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For my Scoundral (healer) I went with Bioanalysis and Biochem, as I usually roll alchemy in other MMO's for the stat boosts. I was really confused about the third category of skills.


I originally thought that the third category was simply missions to send our companion out on which will yield materials for the auction house. I chose Underworld Trading. I now read that only Diplomacy can yield materials for Biochem. Is this true?


Would you recommend I unlearn Underworld Trading and go with Diplomacy, or am I missing the entire point of this category of skills? Please clarify, and thank you for reading.


yes drop underworld trade for diplomacy, if you want to craft blues and purples you will need diplomacy.


if you read the codex when you talk to the crew skill trainers it shows the combos for each craft skill

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