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Instead of adding more worlds...


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... how about revisiting some of the ones we've already been to by expanding them?

Advantages of this approach:

1) The tilesets are already largely in place. Bioware doesn't have to, like, design new grass, or new sky, etc. Same goes for the music, and most of the enemies. This means that, in terms of budgeting, creating new areas on old planets should take slightly less effort and money (ergo, we might conceivably be able to have a bigger serving of content).

2) There are a lot of places on certain planets that we haven't seen. While it could be argued fairly that we've seen all that, say, Hoth really has to offer, one example that immediately comes to mind is Corellia OUTSIDE of Coronet City. Based on sources like Rebels, we know that Corellia is actually a pretty nice planet - fairly Earth-like (if slightly more Icelandic-looking than much of our world), with a lot of open, grassy terrain, mountains with pine forests, etc. 

3) It would be a nice way to allow the opposite faction to visit the currently-exclusive worlds of Tython, Korriban, Coruscant, Ord Mantel, Dromund Kaas, and Hutta. Yes, you can roll a character of the other side and go to these places. But I feel like there are stories that could be told on parts of all these planets that would be particularly compelling for the other side - Jedi getting to explore Korriban's tombs; smugglers getting to visit the Hutts (I am not advocating for the opposite faction to be able to, like, visit Kaas City - I mean adding separate areas on these planets where both sides can quest that showcase other aspects of these worlds than the small portions that we have seen). Plus, it's not at all a stretch to believe that the other side might visit these worlds - there's a sizable Imperial contingent hiding on Coruscant (all Republic characters encounter it). 

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1 hour ago, AJediKnight said:

3) It would be a nice way to allow the opposite faction to visit the currently-exclusive worlds of Tython, Korriban, Coruscant, Ord Mantel, Dromund Kaas, and Hutta.

I'm not in favor of this personally. The more cross faction, the further away from resembling Star Wars the game gets. That's enemy territory. Even in real life, you're not allowed to visit countries your home country is currently at war with, for obvious reasons.

I don't see Sith letting Jedi or Republic Troopers just walk around Dromand Kass or Korriban sight seeing. Nor do I see Jedi letting Sith and Imperial Operatives walk around Coruscant or Tython unchallanged.

Jedi and Sith are sworn enemies. They fight wars of extermination.  There's no tolerance there. At least there shouldn't be.

Let's remember its a Role-Playing game and immersion matters in RPGS. I was firmly against cross faction PVP and it's institution ruined PVP for me.

I get not everyone cares about those kinds of things and that's fine, people are entitled to their opinions, but this sort of thing doesn't leave room for those opinions, it's all or nothing. Seeing enemies walking around your factions sovergn territory takes that immersion away from players to whom that matters.

As far as Hutta goes, yeah, I can see both factions going there, it's not enemy territory, that's Hutt territory. But, the Hutts don't like foreigners causing strife in their territory and affecting their business, and the Hutt rulers are criminals and they don't have laws. You do what they say or they kill you.

Hutta isn't really a touristy kind of destination. Most people don't plan vacations to places where murder isn't illegal and no one cares what happens to you if you go there. =p

I get what your saying about 'separate areas', but it still doesn't make sense and there's no way they would let people from the enemy faction into their territory. You need permission to land, permission to fly in their territory, and the second they see that your vessel isn't within their database and that you have tags of the enemy, they're just going to fire on you.

(For example, when the Ukrainians see a Russian plane, they don't ask them what they are doing there, what their intentions are, nor do they give them any warnings, or tell them to leave, they just immediately fire on them. In war your enemy is to be killed on sight.]

Speaking only for myself. The only good Jedi is a dead Jedi. I don't let Jedi live. I kill them on sight.

***** Nothing Personal ***** 'AJediKnight'. 😜

P.S. There is actually one way you can do it already in the game. For example my Carnage Marauder has a stronghold on Coruscant. But if I want to go there I have to pay "to be smuggled in". Can't actually go anywhere, can just be in the stronghold.

Edited by WayOfTheWarriorx
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41 minutes ago, WayOfTheWarriorx said:

I'm not in favor of this personally. The more cross faction, the further away from resembling Star Wars the game gets. That's enemy territory. Even in real life, you're not allowed to visit countries your home country is currently at war with, for obvious reasons.

I don't see Sith letting Jedi or Republic Troopers just walk around Dromand Kass or Korriban sight seeing. Nor do I see Jedi letting Sith and Imperial Operatives walk around Coruscant or Tython unchallanged.

Jedi and Sith are sworn enemies. They fight wars of extermination.  There's no tolerance there. At least there shouldn't be.

Let's remember its a Role-Playing game and immersion matters in RPGS. I was firmly against cross faction PVP and it's institution ruined PVP for me.

I get not everyone cares about those kinds of things and that's fine, people are entitled to their opinions, but this sort of thing doesn't leave room for those opinions, it's all or nothing. Seeing enemies walking around your factions sovergn territory takes that immersion away from players to whom that matters.

As far as Hutta goes, yeah, I can see both factions going there, it's not enemy territory, that's Hutt territory. But, the Hutts don't like foreigners causing strife in their territory and affecting their business, and the Hutt rulers are criminals and they don't have laws. You do what they say or they kill you.

Hutta isn't really a touristy kind of destination. Most people don't plan vacations to places where murder isn't illegal and no one cares what happens to you if you go there. =p

I get what your saying about 'separate areas', but it still doesn't make sense and there's no way they would let people from the enemy faction into their territory. You need permission to land, permission to fly in their territory, and the second they see that your vessel isn't within their database and that you have tags of the enemy, they're just going to fire on you.

(For example, when the Ukrainians see a Russian plane, they don't ask them what they are doing there, what their intentions are, nor do they give them any warnings, or tell them to leave, they just immediately fire on them. In war your enemy is to be killed on sight.]

Speaking only for myself. The only good Jedi is a dead Jedi. I don't let Jedi live. I kill them on sight.

***** Nothing Personal ***** 'AJediKnight'. 😜

P.S. There is actually one way you can do it already in the game. For example my Carnage Marauder has a stronghold on Coruscant. But if I want to go there I have to pay "to be smuggled in". Can't actually go anywhere, can just be in the stronghold.

IMO it would kind of depend on HOW the story was written.  I think many of us know what happened with KotFE / ET... There was a rebellion against the Empire (to say the least).  That being said:  IF the story was well written to actually WARRANT that sort of a visit by our assorted characters ... then it could be possible.  But doing just for the sake of an achievement ..  just doesn't fit the game itself.

REVISITING ...  places like Taris in it's post-apocalyptic state.. ???  IF there was some actual progress in cleaning up that dump .. then yes!  Otherwise (frankly) I seldom go back!  HA!  (Not angry when I say that ... just saying.. No thanks!  Again ... it would depend on how the story was written surrounding the event.  I do agree that certain classes (well what USE TO BE ) would have an easier time being written into a suitable story (Smugglers ..  characters of chaos ..  easy to write a story to warrant a visit).  Other characters / classes not so much.  It would depend on the writer!

Sooo  in both cases (new adventure or revisit) ... Just kind of depends on HOW the story is written.  (SWTOR = story driven )

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Just to be clear, I wasn't suggesting opening up, say, the Dromund Kaas that Imperials visit and quest in to Republic characters. What I mean is a whole new terrain set somewhere else on the planet. And that could definitely happen - it's not like both sides haven't sent troops to the other's homeworld. 

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54 minutes ago, AJediKnight said:

Just to be clear, I wasn't suggesting opening up, say, the Dromund Kaas that Imperials visit and quest in to Republic characters. What I mean is a whole new terrain set somewhere else on the planet. And that could definitely happen - it's not like both sides haven't sent troops to the other's homeworld. 

Yeah ... I kind of got that as a possibility...  AND (I still believe) that it would largely depend on how the story is written.  That said:  a well written story (which is what drives SWTOR) ... yeah that could work!

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5 hours ago, AJediKnight said:

Based on sources like Rebels, we know that Corellia is actually a pretty nice planet

And based on Solo: A Star Wars Story, it's a hell-hole.

EDIT: I feel that I should remind the audience that the real problem (er, for me, anyway) with Solo was not the story itself, as such, but rather the conflict between my expectations linked to the specific characters and the way the story played out.

Edited by SteveTheCynic
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23 minutes ago, SteveTheCynic said:

And based on Solo: A Star Wars Story, it's a hell-hole.

EDIT: I feel that I should remind the audience that the real problem (er, for me, anyway) with Solo was not the story itself, as such, but rather the conflict between my expectations linked to the specific characters and the way the story played out.

And it was evident that things had been that way for some time!  To that end I'd say ... since it has been a long time ago in a galaxy ....  (It still would depend on a well written story... Which really isn't too far of a stretch.)  Maybe .

(I hope this makes sense)

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3 hours ago, OlBuzzard said:

IMO it would kind of depend on HOW the story was written.  I think many of us know what happened with KotFE / ET... There was a rebellion against the Empire (to say the least).  That being said:  IF the story was well written to actually WARRANT that sort of a visit by our assorted characters ... then it could be possible.  But doing just for the sake of an achievement ..  just doesn't fit the game itself.

Well, I personally wouldn't have any objection [regarding my opinion] under those circumstances. In terms of a select storyline, yes, that absolutely could work.

Say for example, you were snuck in by a local resistance group [Imperial civilians] that's planning an uprising and they contact the Republic for assistance, and maybe some of them actually work within the Empire as custom officials or the like that could fake documents and cover the small Republic special forces group getting sneaked in, maybe they're even hiding within some food import canisters of the like, sure that could work.

Could make for a very interesting story line.

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2 hours ago, AJediKnight said:

Just to be clear, I wasn't suggesting opening up, say, the Dromund Kaas that Imperials visit and quest in to Republic characters. What I mean is a whole new terrain set somewhere else on the planet. And that could definitely happen - it's not like both sides haven't sent troops to the other's homeworld. 

Sure, that could work if there was some story line attached to it. Some small special forces strike team or the like. Just as long as it has some reasonable basis for their presence.

I hope you didn't think I was 'jumping all over you' for the idea. I was speaking more about a general state of affairs that was always going on which wouldn't make much sense story wise.

I'm a bit sensitive regarding cross faction things. I'm an old school Lucas canon loyalist Star Wars fan. Like the cross faction PVP thingy really effected my enjoyment of PVP. Same reason I didn't like the whole Eternal whatever the hell story line with members of both factions working with each other like that.

But, that's just my opinion and personal preference. I see Star Wars as being about black and white, like Lucas intended. I know not everyone shares that view.

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1 hour ago, WayOfTheWarriorx said:

Sure, that could work if there was some story line attached to it. Some small special forces strike team or the like. Just as long as it has some reasonable basis for their presence.

I hope you didn't think I was 'jumping all over you' for the idea. I was speaking more about a general state of affairs that was always going on which wouldn't make much sense story wise.

I'm a bit sensitive regarding cross faction things. I'm an old school Lucas canon loyalist Star Wars fan. Like the cross faction PVP thingy really effected my enjoyment of PVP. Same reason I didn't like the whole Eternal whatever the hell story line with members of both factions working with each other like that.

But, that's just my opinion and personal preference. I see Star Wars as being about black and white, like Lucas intended. I know not everyone shares that view.

I, too, feel extremely strongly about the factions (it even bothers me fighting on the same side as opposition ships in GSF). I don't want fraternization, but rather more fighting. But in a state of open war, I don't think it would be unrealistic for players to be dispatched as part of, say, an infiltration and sabotage mission to the enemy capital (especially if it was handled a little better than our 'day trips to Zakuul' - pop in, pop out, no consequences...). 🥴

Edited by AJediKnight
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4 hours ago, TrixxieTriss said:

I’d still like to see swtor add playable Wookiee & their home planet of Kashyyyk


Though having a Wookiee as a player race would be nice, it will most likely not happen.

There are 4 reasons why a Wookiee can not be a player character.

1) Must be Human Sized and fit on a Human Skeleton. Wookiee's are not human sized.
2) Must be able to wear human gear and use human weapons. Again Wookiee's are not human sized and cannot wear human gear or use human weapons.
3) Must Speak Basic. There has never been a Wookiee that spoke Basic, They may not even be able to.
4) Cannot conflict with the Story Line. When you meet Jacarro and R2-D4 for the first time Jacarro talks to R2-D4 as if you cannot understand him. If your a Wookiee then of course you can understand him, that conflicts with the story line.

I would love to have a Wookiee as a player character but alas I don't thing it will happen. And if they do try to make a Wookiee into a player character then they will most likely mess it up like they did the Nautilan when they changed that to Human Size playable race, and turned it into the abomination we have now.

Now Kashyyyk yeah I would like to see that....

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It would be nice to see a bit of Coruscant that isn't "a shopping mall overrun with gangsters". 

I know, there's the Senate tower, but that's largely more of a quest giver hub than anything else, the Works (under the shopping malls), and- thank goodness, the ruins of the Jedi temple for a bit of variety, but, in every playthrough, after the Old Galactic Market, Black Sun, and then the damn Justicars, all in a row, all basically the same environment and the same mobs, I find myself questioning the storyboarder's sanity. 

Tatooine and Hoth manage far more variety of scenery, terrain, and incident, and they're two of the most notorious single-biome planets in sci-fi, for crying out loud. At least Corellia gets starships overhead in some zones and Axial park to relieve the monotony, and Dromund Kaas has mixtures of jungle, city, temple, etc, and we cycle between them. Coruscant seems almost designed to be the most monotonous planet in the entire universe, as if it's an intentional temptation to even the most light side and saintly of Jedi Sages: 

" Welcome back. Now, we need you to visit Justicar territory. It's this large shopping centre and apartment complex which has... "

 "Become a lawless gangland ruled over by a bunch of violent thugs with vibroblades and blasters and red trousers?"

 " Why yes, however did you guess that--"

 "Find a moon, drop it in the sector from orbit, then set it on fire."

 " B-but the whole area is full of innocent civilians and children with creepy anime faces as well as-"

 "Wipe them out. All of them. I'll be in the Senate gardens, waiting for you to find me another quest chain, and if it includes the words "gang" or "shopping mall" or "market", I'll have you shipped to the Hoth nudist camps."

Edited by RowanThursday
Autocorrect is a dark side power.
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On 2/18/2023 at 11:54 AM, WayOfTheWarriorx said:

I'm not in favor of this personally. The more cross faction, the further away from resembling Star Wars the game gets. That's enemy territory. Even in real life, you're not allowed to visit countries your home country is currently at war with, for obvious reasons.

As far of Dromund Kass, Coruscant, Tython, and Korriban go, fine, but why should a Republic person, especially a smuggler, be barred from visiting Hutta?

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On 2/19/2023 at 12:33 AM, denavin said:

4) Cannot conflict with the Story Line. When you meet Jacarro and R2-D4 for the first time Jacarro talks to R2-D4 as if you cannot understand him. If your a Wookiee then of course you can understand him, that conflicts with the story line.

This isn't a rule, because Bioware breaks this rule all the time. In fact, you can play as a Nautolan, and when Senya see's a Nautolan on a hologram, she says something like "I've never seen a species like that before" despite the fact she is standing right next to a living breathing nautolan. You can also play a Twi'lek sith warrior, and your character speaks to Vette like they aren't a Twi'lek themselves. 

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I think revisiting the starter planets and all main class story planets and retouching them as needed, as well as polishing story and all related content would be a good idea.  Give them all a good pass and maybe remove unneeded mobs in the world that add too much tediousness if applicable.  

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3 hours ago, Traceguy said:

As far of Dromund Kass, Coruscant, Tython, and Korriban go, fine, but why should a Republic person, especially a smuggler, be barred from visiting Hutta?

They shouldn't be barred from visiting. Hutts don't care about the Republic or the Empire as long as they don't make things difficult for them or oppose them in Hutt space. Smugglers are criminals and Bounty Hunters get paid to kill people or bring them to the Hutts. Hutts would welcome them.

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On 2/18/2023 at 9:13 PM, TrixxieTriss said:

I’d still like to see swtor add playable Wookiee & their home planet of Kashyyyk

Hell yeah. - I'm with the Trixxie-baby on this one. 💕 Great idea. - +1

Could you imagine the hype that making Wookies a PC option would create? People who left the game would come back in drones to give playing a Wookie a try.

Bioware would make so much money from it it would be insane. Talk about a missed opportunity.

Also, I really don't see how making the Wookie race playable would be a problem. They already have Wookie NPC animations, hell you can have a Wookie companion and they can move around and fight just fine.

Far as gear, just make it so Wookie PC gear is invisible. We can turn off helmets already and make our characters look totally different than the actual gear they are using look.

As far as communication is concerned, you have 2 options, you can have subtitles that translate Wookie language, or just make something like a universal translator device. May be a little hokey, but I don't imagine players would really much care as long as it allowed them to play a Wookie.

Hell, we can use Wookie bowcasters already. They have the animations already.

Unless there's some other reason why its not possible that I'm unaware of, I really don't see them problem.

Bioware - Do what the Trixxie says.

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On 2/18/2023 at 10:35 AM, Whykara said:

Absolutely, I'd love to revisit Taris or Makeb. Would be interesting to see what has happened in the last 10 years since we first saw those planets.

PvPers get "we have still not blown up yet!" every time they hit a map.

Be hilarious to visit a smuggler summer resort sort of event wherein the banners are all "still here, even if the planet is a ticketing toxic bomb!"

"Enjoy the batha sliders, only two Markeb credits while we last!!"

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On 2/18/2023 at 11:28 AM, AJediKnight said:

Corellia OUTSIDE of Coronet City. Based on sources like Rebels, we know that Corellia is actually a pretty nice planet - fairly Earth-like (if slightly more Icelandic-looking than much of our world), with a lot of open, grassy terrain, mountains with pine forests, etc. 


Actually I didn't have to see Rebels to see another Corellia, with pretty beaches, I played SWG and the Corellia we have was way different than the one in this game.

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5 hours ago, Traceguy said:

This isn't a rule, because Bioware breaks this rule all the time. In fact, you can play as a Nautolan, and when Senya see's a Nautolan on a hologram, she says something like "I've never seen a species like that before" despite the fact she is standing right next to a living breathing nautolan. You can also play a Twi'lek sith warrior, and your character speaks to Vette like they aren't a Twi'lek themselves. 

Yes and players were quick to point this out to BW. And the Nautolan was also smaller than a human so they changed it to to fit on a human skeleton and completely destroyed the Nautolan. Players were also quick to point this out and were outraged at the abomination that is now the Nautolan race.... After which BW stated that Player Character can not conflict with the Story Line when somebody asked for a Voss as a player character.

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