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Credit Economy Initiative beginning with 7.2.1


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I also believe that the number of different currencies is rather silly. Why not just have Cartel Coins, Credits, and Tech Fragments (uncapped Tech Fragments of course). I mean, seriously with three different Gearing Tracks the Credit prices should just keep going up. It will force the number of credits in game to keep draining and won't hurt new players. 

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1 hour ago, JakRoanin said:

I also believe that the number of different currencies is rather silly. Why not just have Cartel Coins, Credits, and Tech Fragments (uncapped Tech Fragments of course). I mean, seriously with three different Gearing Tracks the Credit prices should just keep going up. It will force the number of credits in game to keep draining and won't hurt new players. 

Different currencies don't bother me!  Accessibility to stuff that I actually can use (and how to pay for it)???    Now that's another matter altogether!

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3 hours ago, JakRoanin said:

I also believe that the number of different currencies is rather silly. Why not just have Cartel Coins, Credits, and Tech Fragments (uncapped Tech Fragments of course). I mean, seriously with three different Gearing Tracks the Credit prices should just keep going up. It will force the number of credits in game to keep draining and won't hurt new players. 

I don't mind a new currency for new content. Once that content is no longer new, the unique currency for it should be transferred to Credits. That's where the bloat comes from, for these currencies. They need to be retired. Then, people can get the items after they are less useful, but for credits.

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Am 16.2.2023 um 16:24 schrieb Traceguy:

This shouldn't even be a problem. Get rid of the asinine currencies and use credits. Get rid of tech frags. Goodbye paying 3500 tech frags for an implant upgrade, and hello 35,000,000 credit price tag.


abolish: FP-1s, OP-1s, CQ Comms, DRMs, R4 tokens, Tech Frags... Use credits! We have inflation because bioware doesn't let us use our credits in end game. Once you're in endgame, 99% of your purchases are done using a currency other than credits.

ETA: Get rid of the scrap currencies. Open the Jawa traders to credit trades.

Get rid of the Legacy Birthright Kits, open those vendors up to credits. You can't even get a LBK these days anyways.

Get rid of the LS/DS tokens. Open those vendors up to credits.

Get rid of or just flat out sell GS tokens.


I don't necessarily disagree with that. I would be much happer with just one resources for all content. it just needs to be well balanced and - yes - there will be content that's easier to farm than other content. In the past, it was Fractured or Red Reaper. Now it's Dread Fortress. Having Currencies disappear completely? I don't think it would be a good idea. Gear needs to be obtained by playing the content. And with the rampant inflation going on, you surely cannot want large amounts of credits as rewards for content? I would be open to the old systems of Tokens dropping directly from operations. But even then we had currencies for PvP and other PvE content. I don't want a flood of tokens either, that would become hard to comprehend very quickly.


Another thing, wjere credits were spent in the past, were Augments. Back during 5.x (and to an extent 4.x due to hightlight ops), I sooner or later had Gear sets for all my DPS classes and expanded upon my knowledge and abilities by playing other classes, because I had equipment for those. I obviously also needed Augments for every set and Augments for every Implant and Relic because those were Bound on Equip as well. Right now, we still have the same Augments from late 6.x and the level 300 gold version is incredibly expensive and time-consuming to get. A new crafting level is more than overdue and would most certainly have an influence on the economy. Most people are massively overgeared anyway - and I'm seeing people failing around in full 336 in Storymode Operations, because they're driving a monster truck, while only having the license for a motorcycle. So Augments with item Rating 316, 324 and 332 would not make a difference for anybody in that regard.

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People sit on the fleet selling items for like 4,000,000,000 credits. The only reason they do so is not tax evasion. They do it because GTN is capped at 1,000,000,000. And of course, when they do make a sale, that's 4,000,000,000 untaxed money.

If the GTN cap was raised, these sellers could dump their junk on GTN for 4,000,000,000. It would be taxed, and right there, you have successfully started removing a good chunk of credits from the game



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On 2/9/2023 at 2:06 PM, Aakurb said:

Poor players will become poorer, rich players won't be affected.

This. It's not going to make things better for new players or players who don't have a lot of credits now. And it won't affect credit billionaires. It sounds onerous and annoying to me. I paid for my Stronghold. I should be able to travel to them for free. And charging for Quick  Travel is a terrible idea. 

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9 hours ago, Traceguy said:

People sit on the fleet selling items for like 4,000,000,000 credits. The only reason they do so is not tax evasion. They do it because GTN is capped at 1,000,000,000. And of course, when they do make a sale, that's 4,000,000,000 untaxed money.

If the GTN cap was raised, these sellers could dump their junk on GTN for 4,000,000,000. It would be taxed, and right there, you have successfully started removing a good chunk of credits from the game



Yep, that’s 320,000,000 credits that would have been removed from the game in one go if the sale had been made through the GTN & paid the 8% tax.

You would need to QuickTravel 64,000 times at 5,000 credits a go to remove 320 million credits. I played a few hours the other day & QT’d 10 times. I would have to play another 6,400 days or 17.5 years (playing every day) for my QT’s to remove 320 million credits.

Any one with a smattering of intelligence can see how ridiculous this situation is & why BioWares announced changes will have zero affect on inflation until they close the GTN tax loop hole.

That should be their number 1 plan for reducing inflation. Once that tax avoidance loophole is closed, then they can monitor inflation for a few months.

If they still need to tweak other systems, they can. But making the games biggest & best credit sink work should be their number 1 priority.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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22 hours ago, Traceguy said:

People sit on the fleet selling items for like 4,000,000,000 credits. The only reason they do so is not tax evasion. They do it because GTN is capped at 1,000,000,000.

This is only half true. I see announcements in trade all the time for items that are nowhere near 1b. The only way to truly prevent this, is to bind the CM items to account and to GTN. That way, the only route to sell them is the GTN. Then, the natural cap for the highest-priced items is 1b.

Now, if BW decided that there should be items for more than 1b, they could still increase the cap, but all that does is continue the cycle of overpriced items, but on GTN.

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3 hours ago, WHTJunior said:

This is only half true. I see announcements in trade all the time for items that are nowhere near 1b. The only way to truly prevent this, is to bind the CM items to account and to GTN. That way, the only route to sell them is the GTN. Then, the natural cap for the highest-priced items is 1b.

Now, if BW decided that there should be items for more than 1b, they could still increase the cap, but all that does is continue the cycle of overpriced items, but on GTN.

Most sales below 1 billion take place on the GTN. If the GTN were able to support higher value sales, higher value sales would occur on the GTN, and most likely over time become the predominate place for such sales.

People are inherently lazy - most are not going to spend their time in-game spamming chat to sell stuff, even though in every game there is at least one player who seems to do nothing but spam chat all day ever day selling basic / junk items.

Lastly, leaving the cap in place AND applying some sort of restriction that only allowed CM items to trade through the GTN would be a good way to kill the CM and throw even more fire on the RMT side of the equation.

Like why would anyone spend $20 on CC to sell the resulting CM item on the GTN for 1 billion (less 80 million in GTN fees) when they could spend $20 with an RMT seller and get 15-20 billion credits?

Anyways - unless and until they deal with RMT AND update the GTN to handle much higher selling prices, nothing they do is going to make much of a dent in inflation.

Edited by DawnAskham
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Fighting inflation is relatively easy because we don't have a real market here, only "sham markets". There is a simple measure to limit liquid funds: 1. Lower the maximum price for offers in the GHM to a maximum of 200,000,000 credits. At the same time, also limit the sale of goods in P2P direct trading to this sum. 2. Stop the "gold trading" of credit sellers.
3. Your program as planned by you.
It has amazed me for years that EA/BW has not consistently implemented any of the above in the past.
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  • Quick Travel now has a credit cost associated, with a minimum cost of 100 credits and a maximum cost of 5000. The cost to travel is dependent on the distance traveled.
  • Priority Transport Terminal now costs the original planet travel costs to transfer between daily areas.
  • Travel to Strongholds now costs the original planet travel costs to transfer between planets.

These measures hurts new players/people grinding credits for augs.  Doesn't do much for people with 50b+ credits in their legacy bank.  Dev really doesn't play the game.


  • Lower Maximum credit limit per legacy.  Existing legacy don't lose them right away.  They will just be overlimit or be in some sort of escrow.   This make it less meaningful to hoard credits.
    • Allow players to use the credits meaningfully/as part of gameplay, like converting credits to CQ, companion level (like with the Season companion), decos, etc.  (Please do it in a way that requires less clicking, sick of loot bag mechanics).
    • Essentially, adding more purchasable credit sinks that would be attractive to established existing players... e.g. an achievement for buying a new deco set specific to the theme of each SH.
    • For the newer, less established players:
      • Allow players to purchase BoL version of cartel items via a combination of CC & credit (e.g. 50% CC + a large chuck of credit).  Face it, BW makes their money off CC...
      • Allow use of credit to unlock collection.  Need more ways to burn them credits, right?
  • Raise character credit limit on F2P players so they can go help spend it.
  • Reduce demand for overpriced items on GTN
    • A lot of credit is converted form CC goods such as hypercrates, black/white dyes, weapon tuning, etc. via GTN
    • But if players can craft some of these dyes/crystals, weapon tuning themselves...  or via tokens earned from gameplay, then this will shift supply and demand.
  • Rework gearing to be more effort based and less on resource... specifically I am referring to the augs.  Simply make it less costly and allow players to more easily make it themselves to reduce GTN demand (read farm credits for it).  Making credits less useful for gear, and people would prioritize whatever else helps get them best gear.
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On 2/20/2023 at 6:47 AM, Traceguy said:

People sit on the fleet selling items for like 4,000,000,000 credits. The only reason they do so is not tax evasion. They do it because GTN is capped at 1,000,000,000. And of course, when they do make a sale, that's 4,000,000,000 untaxed money.

If the GTN cap was raised, these sellers could dump their junk on GTN for 4,000,000,000. It would be taxed, and right there, you have successfully started removing a good chunk of credits from the game



the problem that this is missing is that the GTN tax (previously 6%, raised to 8% I don't recall exactly when) has not been any sort of impediment against the ballooning credit generation that's been driving current inflation for years

I'm still fairly convinced that the 4.0 change making all missions grant level-scaled amounts of credits was one of Bioware's biggest mistakes and reverting that would probably be far more influential than this piss-in-an-ocean-of-piss proposal to "tax" convenience travel

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1 hour ago, recalcitrantIre said:

the problem that this is missing is that the GTN tax (previously 6%, raised to 8% I don't recall exactly when) has not been any sort of impediment against the ballooning credit generation that's been driving current inflation for years

I'm still fairly convinced that the 4.0 change making all missions grant level-scaled amounts of credits was one of Bioware's biggest mistakes and reverting that would probably be far more influential than this piss-in-an-ocean-of-piss proposal to "tax" convenience travel

The reason it hasn’t done its job is because the GTN cap & people have been circumventing the GTN tax with player to player trades. If BioWare had closed a lot of the loop holes 3 years ago, things wouldn’t be as bad as they are at the moment.

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Hello all, I am not an active Forum user but I love this game and want to add a few opinions and ideas to this topic. I really want to help in creating even more ideal game. Maybe I'm just a dreamer but I need to try. Anyway...

While I'm supporter of most of the BioWare's ideas (but please don't separate PvE and PvP gear and let us PvPers get the best one), I totally disagree with proposed changes (reasons were written a lot of times here). I am very happy that there are attempts to fight inflation but to make it work, there must be a lot of credit sinks which will target majority of the players  (especially people who have the biggest sums of credits). However, in my opinion this credits sinks can't allow players to buy or upgrade gear (something like Hyde&Zeek is ok because it makes game alt-friendly but I say ,,NO" to buying Tech fragments or another curriences for credits).

Here is my list of credit sinks (other player's or mine) that should be implemented (list should be much longer with another reasonable players' ideas to target as many people as possible):
1. Appearance Change
I agree that we should be allowed to change our appearance with credits (except species). These changes don't cost many CC, most of them can be easily done with montly CC grant. If one change costs for example 50CC or 100mil credits, players will have an option to decide, both options can be vital for the game.

2. Old Promotional Items
Old promotional items like Hutt trainer, ship droids' customizations etc which aren't possible to be obtained in the game and are older than 1-2 years, should be given to vendor for credits. Let's make them expensive (maybe something between 500mil - 4bil). They will be valuable for people who fill collections but other players won't care why somebody else has them. 

3. Dyes
Lets change Cartel Market's dyes and make them removable. Create vendor with dyes (destroyed upon removing) who will sell them for 100-500mil credits. 

4. Strongholds
If Stronghold owners agree to this idea, make option to buy decorations which are unlocked for 10 times or more by a player for credits. For example, you bought the same CM statue 10 times and used it. When you visit your stronghold next time, you have special button BUY MORE under this decoration. Example for prices: 25mil for each bronze, 50mil for each silver and 100mil for each gold unlocked decoration. You can unlock it all the way to 999. Buying the same 10 gold decorations will destroy 1bil from server. I am not sure if this change should work for Ops and PvP decoration though. It should be discussed with players.

5. Combat Styles
I think that allowing players to change Combat styles for credits would be one of the biggest credit sinks in game. It won't affect gameplay as you can relog to alt and still play another class. But I'm sure that there are players who made wrong decision and want to change it. It can also be CC option of solutions below but I am not sure about this.
Changing primary Combat Style (1 time per character): 4bil credits
Changing secondary Combat Style (3 times per character, once a month): 1bil credits

And something that I would pay every single credit for: Character perk allowing character to pick secondary Force Style on non-force classes and secondary Non-force Style on Force Classes: 10bil credits (one change included). It is an option, it won't make character stronger but is a great option for role-playing etc. You can make it not available in Class Missions' cutscenes if it is a problem.

Something to introduce in longer future:

1. Create new personal ships and sell them for huge amount of credits. Also make visual options inside them for credits (like changing companions inside, new wall colours, furniture etc). Make the same customization options for old ships. You can also create new stronghold - hangar for them (very expensive).

2. I like the idea to create second group of collections (for items obtainable in game like armor sets, mounts etc). Leave unlocking CM items for CC and give option to unlock that new collection's items by credits. I am not opposed to the idea of allowing to unlock Ops and PvP items with it but this is something that must be accepted by majority of the players. Also regular items should cost a few millions, PvP and PvE things should cost billions then.

If solutions above won't help, you should make something that can harm a little CM for a while but will save game's economy later. Something like selling Ultimate Cartel Packs for credits for one  month (some kind of event). It should cost about 150-200mil and be untradeble. After one month, delete vendor with it. Prices on GTN should also be lower because there will be many CM items in players' bags. 

Ok, I am moving to Augments. In my opinion, they are too important for optimizing stats to make them obtainable via huge amount of credits (or in the way that they are now). They should be obtainable by playing content (PvE, PvP, Dailies, Conquest etc). Blue augs could be obtained from Vendor for maybe 1-5mil but nothing above (only to fill slots before getting better ones). Gold and purple augs should be obtainable for any player that actualy do any content rather then staying whole day on fleet or by buying credits. It can be Tech fragments, it can be Weekly mission etc. I'm sure that there are plenty of options. I don't mind allowing players to get bind-to-legacy augs for alts from Vendor by credits but only when main char is fully gold-augmented. Augments should be cheap like it was a few expansions ago. I am sure that there is another way to let Crafters earn money and it should be implemented instead of augments (they can still sell tradeble augs but only as a support if someone wants to gear faster, not the only way to obtain them).

Also, I said before, don't allow anything that will accelerate gearing like buying currencies, gear etc for credits. It will not only make gearing partially P2W but it will also motivate people to buy credits from Credit Sellers. Motivate people to play the game instead (and also to make groups for different content like swapping between Arenas and Warzones and doing each Ops not only DF and DP SM like some people).

I agree that GTN cap should be increased at least to 10bil. It will generate much more tax. I am not fun of selling on fleet myself, I prefer to lose tax and I am sure that there are a lot of people like me. What's more, Preffered and F2P people should have credit cap at 1 bil not 1 mil. It will allow them to buy a lot of things on GTN and generate tax. In the current situation, they can't often afford even Augment kits...

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I can tell that you put a lot of thought into this, and I do like a lot of it. Just remember, though, when creating something desirable, not everyone has 60b, or even 1b, lying around to buy these things with. For decos and things, I agree that they should be expensive, but the credit sink would be that you can buy a lot of them, or charge to rearrange on your ship, or whatever. Making one deco 4b puts it completely out of reach for most of the playerbase.

1 hour ago, Irnini said:

Changing primary Combat Style (1 time per character): 4bil credits
Changing secondary Combat Style (3 times per character, once a month): 1bil credits

For this one, there is no real primary or secondary combat style, in this sense. Primary combat style is just the currently-selected combat style, and secondary is the one in reserve. Again, I think the cost is too steep for the average player. Even if I ever wanted to do this for a character, there's absolutely no way I'm wasting all of my credits on that, if I even had that much to begin with.

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5 hours ago, WHTJunior said:

I can tell that you put a lot of thought into this, and I do like a lot of it. Just remember, though, when creating something desirable, not everyone has 60b, or even 1b, lying around to buy these things with. For decos and things, I agree that they should be expensive, but the credit sink would be that you can buy a lot of them, or charge to rearrange on your ship, or whatever. Making one deco 4b puts it completely out of reach for most of the playerbase.

With regards to decos, the current pricing for it (e.g. Manaan, Ruknuk) is just about right.

Credit sinks does not have to be expensive.  Rather, making it affordable both sub & f2p players is ideal.  Giving players a reason to get multiple copies (such as with the use of achievement) would do the trick.  Alternatively, they can create a new collection system for decos, and if you assemble a set, you can unlock a new deco as reward.  Same idea can be applied to pets, mounts, even armor set...  Item collection is a very powerful credit sink (hardly a new concept if you look back at stamp, coins, sticker collection, etc).  The key is to make it not too difficult to achieve so more folks can hop on the bandwagon.  (On that note, our achievement can really use a search function).

BW is trying to use travel cost as a credit sink.  I am merely redirecting them to use quality of life stuff like decos, or appearance changes as @Irnini suggested to soak them credits.  We don't want to impede new players and frustrates them, GSF queue has been getting slower and we need more GSF scraps to feed the Jawas 😛

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21 hours ago, TrixxieTriss said:

The reason it hasn’t done its job is because the GTN cap & people have been circumventing the GTN tax with player to player trades. If BioWare had closed a lot of the loop holes 3 years ago, things wouldn’t be as bad as they are at the moment.

even before frequently-traded items became priced above the 1b gtn cap, the gtn cut was doing absolutely nothing to counteract ongoing inflation, the price rises started a lot longer than 3 years ago which you'd know if you actually paid attention to the game

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4 hours ago, recalcitrantIre said:

even before frequently-traded items became priced above the 1b gtn cap, the gtn cut was doing absolutely nothing to counteract ongoing inflation, the price rises started a lot longer than 3 years ago which you'd know if you actually paid attention to the game

If you go back & read all my posts from 3-4 years ago, you will see I was more than aware of what was going on. I started or participated in many threads asking BioWare to address inflation before if got out of hand.

Yes, the GTN wasn’t doing enough back then. But you also need to realise that there were lots more credits being created back then, than there is now. People were still doing player to player trades & you had credit sellers trading directly with people. Which was avoiding any tax on those credits. The situation has evolved from there. 

As inflation has risen, BioWare have cut back on credits being created in the game. Just not enough to offset the amount of credits still in the game. So as inflation pushed GTN prices above the 1 billion cap, the GTN tax stopped working for anything sold over 1 Billion. That broke what ever benefit the GTN was having & accelerated inflation more because people were forced to circumvent the GTN to sell at market rates.

If BioWare increase the GTN sales cap & at the same time close off the tax avoidance loopholes, the GTN will have a massive affect on how many credits are removed. It would also limit credit seller’s ability to sell directly to players. People would have to list items to be sold on the GTN at billions of credits & then the credit sellers would have to buy them. This would also take large chunks of the credit seller generated credits from the game & hopefully discourage them from farming them to start with.

Of course, the GTN isn’t the only mechanism that’s needed to fix the inflation. But it is the number 1 Credit sink in the game that needs fixing so it works the way it’s supposed too.

Once the GTN & player to player tax avoidance loopholes are closed, BioWare can monitor the economy & inflation for a few months. Then they’ll have a better idea of how to better tweak other systems or where to add new credit sinks. But if they don’t fix the GTN first, it will be like sticking your fingers in the dam wall to plug a trickle, while have the flood gates fully open. And it will have no effect on inflation at all. 

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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13 hours ago, Irnini said:


4. Strongholds
If Stronghold owners agree to this idea, make option to buy decorations which are unlocked for 10 times or more by a player for credits. For example, you bought the same CM statue 10 times and used it. When you visit your stronghold next time, you have special button BUY MORE under this decoration. Example for prices: 25mil for each bronze, 50mil for each silver and 100mil for each gold unlocked decoration. You can unlock it all the way to 999. Buying the same 10 gold decorations will destroy 1bil from server. I am not sure if this change should work for Ops and PvP decoration though. It should be discussed with players.



I've suggested the same many times, so I agree with the principle, not with the cost. I have piles of credits, but I wouldn't pay 25mil for an extra copy of a bronze deco. Never.

First of all, it would be cheaper in GTN. Second, I'm not going to pay 100 million to get 4 basic lights (for example) because that would just be ridicilous. 


The cost needs to be reasonable, and it needs to be low enough for people to buy multiple items. It piles up. We can unlock copies for guild flagships and SH now, most of them cost something between 25k and 50k, some trophies are 1 million each. Those are reasonable prices, and it would give F2P a chance to unlock them too. 


The other ideas you had were also really good, but the price tag you put on them would be a turn off for a lot of players, or just plain impossible.  The idea is to have as many people as possible to use the credit sinks to draw credits out of the game. If something costs billions, you will end up a handful of players only departing from their credits and the rest of us continue sitting on our billions. Expensive stuff doesn't really work as a credit sink because not everyone will use them, not even the rich players. 

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2 hours ago, DeannaVoyager said:


I've suggested the same many times, so I agree with the principle, not with the cost. I have piles of credits, but I wouldn't pay 25mil for an extra copy of a bronze deco. Never.

First of all, it would be cheaper in GTN. Second, I'm not going to pay 100 million to get 4 basic lights (for example) because that would just be ridicilous. 


The cost needs to be reasonable, and it needs to be low enough for people to buy multiple items. It piles up. We can unlock copies for guild flagships and SH now, most of them cost something between 25k and 50k, some trophies are 1 million each. Those are reasonable prices, and it would give F2P a chance to unlock them too. 


The other ideas you had were also really good, but the price tag you put on them would be a turn off for a lot of players, or just plain impossible.  The idea is to have as many people as possible to use the credit sinks to draw credits out of the game. If something costs billions, you will end up a handful of players only departing from their credits and the rest of us continue sitting on our billions. Expensive stuff doesn't really work as a credit sink because not everyone will use them, not even the rich players. 


14 hours ago, WHTJunior said:

I can tell that you put a lot of thought into this, and I do like a lot of it. Just remember, though, when creating something desirable, not everyone has 60b, or even 1b, lying around to buy these things with. For decos and things, I agree that they should be expensive, but the credit sink would be that you can buy a lot of them, or charge to rearrange on your ship, or whatever. Making one deco 4b puts it completely out of reach for most of the playerbase.


I understand your points of view. To be honest, I am not economist and maths isn't also my best side. But I am sure that there are a lot of people who can choose prices which will be both tempting and vital as credit sinks. Lets just keep ideas from post and leave prices to be determined later. 

 I came back after a few months break and find out that I can't buy even one gold augment with my 300mil credits. I have about 1,5bil now and I still feel... poor. I only hope that this situation will change as soon as possible for other players like me.

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6 minutes ago, Irnini said:

I came back after a few months break and find out that I can't buy even one gold augment with my 300mil credits. I have about 1,5bil now and I still feel... poor. I only hope that this situation will change as soon as possible for other players like me.

Don't hold your breath! The only thing Bioware's "brilliant" idea will do is insure that the folks who can't afford anything will never be able to afford anything ever as the folks with billions in credits shrug off what is too them chump change costs.

Edited by Ramahar
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3 hours ago, Ramahar said:

Don't hold your breath! The only thing Bioware's "brilliant" idea will do is insure that the folks who can't afford anything will never be able to afford anything ever as the folks with billions in credits shrug off what is too them chump change costs.

As annoying as QT costs will be, I keep thinking "How is this QT price going to make people drop their prices in general chat?" it's not. I am constantly mailing random players on Korriban 100k credits for RP reasons, and to be nice. I can afford that, I can afford 5k QT fees. Not going to reduce inflation. I can help 10,000 players in this way before spending 1b, and there is less than 10,000 players on Satele Shan. I'll have to QT at least 200,000 times to spend a 1b. Before either of those happen, I will earn myself a few billion more credits through Conquesting and regular gameplay.

Edited by Traceguy
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20 hours ago, Irnini said:


Also, I said before, don't allow anything that will accelerate gearing like buying currencies, gear etc for credits. It will not only make gearing partially P2W but it will also motivate people to buy credits from Credit Sellers. 

You people don't know the definition of P2W. P2W would be Bioware selling gold augs on the CM.

P2W means legitimately spending IRL money to get better gear than Free-to-play people.

Using in game currency is not P2W. Not even close. And if it was. I hate to break it to you people, but the game is already P2W then. Because players sell gold Augs for 2b-4b credits a piece. Should gold augs not be tradable then to solve this issue? 

Oh, and guess what? No one can afford 2b credits, so guess what? Credit sellers will help them out.

Edited by Traceguy
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3 hours ago, Traceguy said:

Using in game currency is not P2W. Not even close. And if it was. I hate to break it to you people, but the game is already P2W then. Because players sell gold Augs for 2b-4b credits a piece. Should gold augs not be tradable then to solve this issue? 

But it's only the gold 'augs'. Is any of the Bis 'gear' obtainable for real money? If someone spends real money for other gears not obtainable from the vendors for the special currencies that aren't even close to Bis gear but decide to use real money on the gold augs, would that be p2w? (i mean any gear that's below the minimum pre7.0) Are players seriously letting their accounts be taken by others to get the r4 gear for real money? that would be real bad. in so many ways.

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I'm late to this thread.  Honestly I haven't even looked at the forums in weeks, maybe even a few months.

At 19 pages of this I scanned some posts, but I have a question that I haven't seen asked, or answered, yet.


What in game content even generates mass amounts of credits?

If there is some magic mission, or dailies, out there granting people billions (or even millions) of credits, I have no idea what it is.

I get 99% of my credits from the GTN, which means a credit transfer, not credit generation.

The devs want to take more credits out of the game and cut back on the credit generation.

Ok....but (as MANY people have mentioned) that will hurt the people starting out and NOT the people who have accumulated "wealth" in game over the years they've played.

I've been here since the start.  Never once knew about any type of  credit exploit before it was fixed...even after it was fixed (not that I'd use it anyway).  I just sell Guild Flagship pieces and RPMs/OEMs via the GTN to make my credits...along with the free deco from GS.


I haven't even sold my leftover crafting mat decos from when they were given out via conquest and I've seen some CRAZY prices on those.


But again, everything on here is credits TRANSFERRED to other players, not GENERATED from the system.

What...in the system is giving out the BILLIONS of credits that everyone now has?


Nothing I know of.

That leads me to believe it's credit duping or some other exploit, either on going, or just saved up and never removed from the game.

THAT is what needs to be fixed, and you're not going to do it by charging me 5k credits to go from fleet to my Yavin stronghold.

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