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PLEASE - it's time to broaden appearance offerings for Twi'leks


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It's absolutely ridiculous that Twi'leks (and a handful of other races) have fewer face options than humans; dramatically fewer eye colors; substantially fewer cosmetics; and a full THIRTY fewer complexion choices. This is from a race that has zero customization of lekku (length, how they drape, or even the option to wrap them [as many Twi'leks do]), no hair (which is fine, but we should have enhanced options elsewhere to compensate); whose skin colors often show makeup/scars badly; and have almost a ludicrous shortage of headbands (we're still only at eight? That's my race's freaking stand-in for hair).

When there are appearance packages offered for other races - including several specifically aimed at the Chiss and Mirialan - why do we, the 'dancing girls of the galaxy;' the preferred performing arts race, have absolutely ZERO?

I'm sorry - but every time you add a mount, emote, or weapon skin to the cartel market and don't address this, it's like another little stab in the chest. The game's been out 11 years now. My race deserves better than this. Even if you were to just broaden the flipping eye color options - give us some blood red and bright blue, etc. eyes reflective of the fact that we're not human (though humans in this game have far more alien-looking eye colors available to them!) - it would be a big help.

Edited by AJediKnight
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1 minute ago, eabevella said:

Need more features for all of them non-human species tbh

This. I want to make my character old and wrinkly.

Also, why the hell it costs cartel coins to customize your character after creation. Make the terminal charge exorbitant amounts of credits but charging cartel coins is just stingy. 

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7 minutes ago, felleto said:

This. I want to make my character old and wrinkly.

With the possible exception of the Smuggler and Bounty Hunter (maybe even the Inquisitor) the characters are supposed to be young when starting at level 1, late teens or very early twenties for the Jedi and the Sith, maybe up to about 25 for the Trooper and Agent.

7 minutes ago, felleto said:

Also, why the hell it costs cartel coins to customize your character after creation. Make the terminal charge exorbitant amounts of credits but charging cartel coins is just stingy. 

In other games, it's variable, and SWTOR isn't the only one to not allow it for in-game currency.  GW2 sells the Total Makeover Kit in the Gem Store (can change anything except species/race), while ESO sells race-and-appearance and appearance-only changers in the Crown Store, with no option in either case to buy directly from the game for in-game currency.

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1 minute ago, SteveTheCynic said:

With the possible exception of the Smuggler and Bounty Hunter (maybe even the Inquisitor) the characters are supposed to be young when starting at level 1, late teens or very early twenties for the Jedi and the Sith, maybe up to about 25 for the Trooper and Agent.

In other games, it's variable, and SWTOR isn't the only one to not allow it for in-game currency.  GW2 sells the Total Makeover Kit in the Gem Store (can change anything except species/race), while ESO sells race-and-appearance and appearance-only changers in the Crown Store, with no option in either case to buy directly from the game for in-game currency.

Maybe I'm just used to Wow. Guess you are right but it's still stingy! Let me change my character whenever I want. It's not game breaking so why put such a big restriction. I think it deters players from changing their character appearance and it hinders RP changes to your character. Maybe a new scar. Maybe they have gotten older. It would be amazing to be able to do it without opening my wallet for every change. 

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1 hour ago, felleto said:

Maybe I'm just used to Wow. Guess you are right but it's still stingy! Let me change my character whenever I want. It's not game breaking so why put such a big restriction. I think it deters players from changing their character appearance and it hinders RP changes to your character. Maybe a new scar. Maybe they have gotten older. It would be amazing to be able to do it without opening my wallet for every change. 

Absolutely. Its really outdated to force even subscribers to pay real money for changing the Hairstyle, -colour or the beard. For subscribers these types of customization options should be changeable for Credits. Same for colour modules. it cant be that, in a game where i can play a Sithlord, i have to pay real money, as a subscriber, to dye my armorstyle black for example. 

Changing that would make the game look less greedy. Would be a good start for a PR-offensive to get players back.

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1 hour ago, SteveTheCynic said:

In other games, it's variable, and SWTOR isn't the only one to not allow it for in-game currency.  GW2 sells the Total Makeover Kit in the Gem Store (can change anything except species/race), while ESO sells race-and-appearance and appearance-only changers in the Crown Store, with no option in either case to buy directly from the game for in-game currency.

Yeah, but you forget: In GW2 you can exchange Gold for Gems. And in Eso, if you buy a hairstyle for example, you can use it for free, forever, accountwide. Once unlocked its free changable ingame for every character. And in ESO you get 1600 Crowns per month. Thats the same amount of crowns you get with the 13 Euro Crownpackage. In Swtor we get only 500,  +100 with Token.

Soooo, Swtor has still the greediest system.

I mean, if i buy an overprices armourset in the CM, i have to pay more money after the purchase to unlock this accountwide...sry...but thats not sellable for new players. its not only greedy as hell, its unique under the big MMOs, and not in the positive way!


Edited by Loreanus
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47 minutes ago, Loreanus said:

Yeah, but you forget: In GW2 you can exchange Gold for Gems

Nope.  I didn't forget that, which was why I carefully included the word "directly":

2 hours ago, SteveTheCynic said:

no option in either case to buy directly from the game for in-game currency

Using gold to buy Gems and using Gems to buy a makeover kit does not count as directly, nor does paying gold on the Trading Post.

But you're right about *changing* hair styles, tattoos and jewelry styles in ESO.  Changing your character's body shape, sex, proportions, height, face shape and other details, or your hair colour, does require a Crown Store token. 

53 minutes ago, Loreanus said:

Soooo, Swtor has still the greediest system.

I mean, if i buy an overprices armourset in the CM, i have to pay more money after the purchase to unlock this accountwide...sry...but thats not sellable for new players. its not only greedy as hell, its unique under the big MMOs, and not in the positive way!

Compared to having to pay actual cash money for that sort of thing in WoW (and *lots* of actual cash money)?

Or the system in FF14, where you not only pay cash money for it, but it's for one character only?

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I mean I'm not saying to change your character's race. That I think CAN cost Cartel Market Coins. But to change the skin color, beard, scar tattoos, height, anything but race and gender the machine should charge normal credits. 

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1 hour ago, Loreanus said:

Its really outdated to force even subscribers to pay real money for changing the Hairstyle

It's also not what happens.  You have to pay CCs, but you can get those for no-extra-money from:

  • Your subscription (500-600 per month, depending on your chosen subscription plan).  (This is "no extra money" rather than actually free.)
  • Having a security key (100 per month, even if you're not subscribed)
  • A number of in-game achievements grant 20CC each.
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9 minutes ago, SteveTheCynic said:

It's also not what happens.

It is, you buy CC with real money. And sry, no, the small CC amount of only 500 per month is not worth the mention, by these insane CM-Prices. And you know that! Noone can honestly defend this system.

I mean, they force you to pay additional money to unlock overpriced CM Armours Legacywide (not accountwide, so its similar to FF14, the difference between FF14 and Swtor is, in Swtor you can pay for LEGACYwide, not accountwide, Unlock). Than the allready mentioned thing with the colourmodules etc...its just greedy as hell.

So yaeh, in GW2 you can exchange Gold in Gems so you can literally buy anything in the shop for Gold. In Eso EVERYthing you buy is autmatically accountwide and you get the complete amount of the subscription fee in shopcurrency, And in Wow you can change your whole appereance for free anytime you want.

Lets face it, if Swtor want to stay competitive, without bringing out real content, they must overthink their predatory CM and collection-unlock-system.

Just to be clear: I want this game to be competitive, but at the moment...yeah...dark times...very dark times.

Edited by Loreanus
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Steve I don't understand why you do corporate EA's job for them. Why defend a system that consistently drains resources for the simplest of things that most games have proven is possible to charge nothing for. We pay a subscription. Same as people who play wow for example. In this case we are actively helping the game be developed. There should be no restrictions for players who pay for a game every month. Now I have to pay MORE for a system that already exists and was already designed. It just doesn't make sense. All the assets already exist so why do you need more of my money?

I mean it doesn't make sense to me because I'm sick and tired of throwing money at this game and getting sorry excuses for not having roadmaps or cutting content for the game or players who go out of their way to defend exploitative systems (getting ranty sorry). "We are sorry guys but we are understaffed or the game engine doesn't support stuff like that or reason c or d for why the game is getting less and less content everyday". Get your **** together and be honest with your customers. Simple like that. I would be more willing to understand if I was explained what's the current status of the game than hiding it behind false excuses. This doesn't cut it for me anymore. Let the game die its glorious death but stop milking its players for whatever they are worth. 

Sorry for the long post. Nothing against anybody here but c'omon people these are distributors we are talking about. And something that really gets my goat is... there is probably nothing to be done about it. Either we quit playing and we lose the game we all love or they continue charging us for whatever they want because there is no other game that offers me the experience we have with SWTOR. 


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3 hours ago, SteveTheCynic said:

With the possible exception of the Smuggler and Bounty Hunter (maybe even the Inquisitor) the characters are supposed to be young when starting at level 1, late teens or very early twenties for the Jedi and the Sith, maybe up to about 25 for the Trooper and Agent.

In other games, it's variable, and SWTOR isn't the only one to not allow it for in-game currency.  GW2 sells the Total Makeover Kit in the Gem Store (can change anything except species/race), while ESO sells race-and-appearance and appearance-only changers in the Crown Store, with no option in either case to buy directly from the game for in-game currency.

Lost Ark also sells reskin tokens for crystals which you must buy from their shop.  No in-game purchase either.

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 I agree with the OP whole-heartedly.

Twi'lek bytches are the hottest bytches in all of Star Wars Land.

No other race contributes more to the inter-galactic sex trade, pole dancing, and strip-tease than Twi'leks.

The amount of credits spent on Twi'lekki hookers demands that more options be made available to fine tune their looks, curves, breast size, ect. This would help create a greater credit sink in order to help with inflation because Twi'lekki hookers will be able to charge even more.

Give Twi'lek's more appearance options, at least for female Twi'leks. I don't care about the dudes.

I am Grim and I support this message.




Edited by WayOfTheWarriorx
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3 hours ago, Loreanus said:

It is, you buy CC with real money. And sry, no, the small CC amount of only 500 per month is not worth the mention, by these insane CM-Prices.

I didn't realise we were talking about the CM prices all of a sudden.  Previously we had been talking about the (much smaller) prices for changing your appearance.  Please don't move the goalposts like that.  Most of the sliders in the Appearance Designer kiosk cost tens, not hundreds, of CCs.

3 hours ago, Loreanus said:

the difference between FF14 and Swtor is, in Swtor you can pay for LEGACYwide, not accountwide, Unlock

Incorrect.  Collections unlocks in SWTOR are whole-account.

3 hours ago, Loreanus said:

In Eso EVERYthing you buy is autmatically accountwide

*Everything*?  Even that one-character appearance change token?  (Hint: no.  You buy one token, it changes one character and then it's used up and gone.)

Please bear in mind that I know how the body-form token change works in ESO because I also play that game.

3 hours ago, felleto said:

Steve I don't understand why you do corporate EA's job for them. Why defend a system that

I'm saying that the criticisms should be *accurate*.  I'm not a big fan of paying CCs for appearance changes either, especially hair/beard styles and colours.  I remember how you could use either cash shop currency or the equivalent of credits for hairstyle/colour changes in The Secret World.  Of course, a haircut cost more than buying fairly potent guns and stuff, but ...

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My take is that, they can keep the cc for body feature changes, but they could also add a credit version that's an insane credit sink, says 4b per change. I mean, make it like the stonghold... no one unlock them with cc nowadays (at least I don't think so).

People will throw their credits in it and if they also add other attempt of fixing the inflation, that's at least something.

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17 hours ago, felleto said:

Steve I don't understand why you do corporate EA's job for them. Why defend a system that consistently drains resources for the simplest of things that most games have proven is possible to charge nothing for. We pay a subscription. Same as people who play wow for example. In this case we are actively helping the game be developed. There should be no restrictions for players who pay for a game every month. Now I have to pay MORE for a system that already exists and was already designed. It just doesn't make sense. All the assets already exist so why do you need more of my money?

Agreed - there is no defense for how the system is monetized for subscribers. If they want to nickle and dime F2P players, that's one thing. But this is one of those things that the subscription should cover; it's exactly the kind of petty microtransaction that those of us who are paying monthly are supposedly buying our way out of.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 1/24/2023 at 6:34 AM, AJediKnight said:

It's absolutely ridiculous that Twi'leks (and a handful of other races) have fewer face options than humans; dramatically fewer eye colors; substantially fewer cosmetics; and a full THIRTY fewer complexion choices. This is from a race that has zero customization of lekku (length, how they drape, or even the option to wrap them [as many Twi'leks do]), no hair (which is fine, but we should have enhanced options elsewhere to compensate); whose skin colors often show makeup/scars badly; and have almost a ludicrous shortage of headbands (we're still only at eight? That's my race's freaking stand-in for hair).

When there are appearance packages offered for other races - including several specifically aimed at the Chiss and Mirialan - why do we, the 'dancing girls of the galaxy;' the preferred performing arts race, have absolutely ZERO?

I'm sorry - but every time you add a mount, emote, or weapon skin to the cartel market and don't address this, it's like another little stab in the chest. The game's been out 11 years now. My race deserves better than this. Even if you were to just broaden the flipping eye color options - give us some blood red and bright blue, etc. eyes reflective of the fact that we're not human (though humans in this game have far more alien-looking eye colors available to them!) - it would be a big help.

I've always found it super strange coming to this game from all other Star Wars media that Twi'leks all have there Lekku down. When in the large majority of all other Star Wars media Twi Lek's have raised Lekku that swoop and create a nice curve which gives them there iconic head silhouette. 

Was very disappointed to find out that not only are there no options for posing Lekku in such a manor but also no actual head wraps to speak of either?

Absolutely agree with the ridiculousness of there being very meagre skin, makeup, and eye options for the Twi'leks too. 
The only skin color that doesn't make your face look muddy are the green options honestly. 

Sell me a pack if you must EA but damn it give one of your most beloved races the TLC it desperately needs.

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  • 1 month later...

As someone with multiple twi'lek characters who will probably make more, I fully support all this.  Also put forth: DIFFERENT COLORED HEADBANDS.  I know it's probably too hard to code to make them dyeable, but I would gladly pay some cartel coins to buy my character a new headband if I could get one that isn't brown.  They don't even need to change styles if I can just have one that has a black or white band instead of brown so that it will match more outfits.  Honestly, just anything but brown.

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On 1/24/2023 at 6:17 AM, SteveTheCynic said:

I remember seeing something about the code that drives Twi'lek appearance being a horrible tangled mess that nobody knows what it does.  Translation: hard to change without breaking stuff.

It was during their 5 September 2018 Twitch livestream.



I saw a question about customization for Twi'lek's, so it's not just Twi'leks who are affected by this, but there are certain aspects of our player character customization system that were apparently created by an insane person... they are very oddly much more difficult to implement. I can't really go into details and frankly I don't think it would make much sense anyway...


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