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Default Buyout Price


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How does the Galactic Trade Network decide on the buyout price when you first move an item over to the sale window? Is it based on the most recent sale of the item? One guildy told me it was usually pretty low, but I've seen the same item already listed for much lower and was worried I would get undercut if I left the price at the default.


Thanks in advance for your advice!

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I believe the default price is set by the item level. So an item level 100 armor will obviously have a higher default price than a item level 80 armor.


For things that don't have a item level, like mats for crafting, i believe that is done by rank of the mat and/or it's quality level like green/blue/purple.

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At first I thought it was a vendor would buy it from you times a set number, however I have found this to not be the case.

For which items?

For everything I have tested it on, it has been 4.5 x Vendor buy price (i.e. the price he will pay you for the item).

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