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Single Sith Male Looking for Love


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I'm currently playing a male, Mirialan, Dark Side aspected Sith Inquisitor and considering who to romance. Ashara is absolutely, positively out. I find her to be one of the more annoying storyline companions, ranking below Skadge for that dubious honor but above Tanno Vik. I don't know if later expansions made Andronikos romanceable by male Inquisitors, but he's probably out too; not because I dislike him, but just because he's voiced by the same guy as Oghren from Dragon Age and Grunt from Mass Effect and I can't take him seriously as a romantic interest.

Who, then, is still in the running? I liked Lana when I played KOTFE and KOTET, but I was an Agent romancing Kaliyo, so nothing came of it. I also find the idea of a romance with Khem Val rather amusing, since his relationship arc with the Inquisitor (they get off on the wrong foot and start out resentful, but slowly grow to feel respect and affection for each other) has always had strong rom-com vibes. And I am intrigued by Major Anri and Darth Rivix, but I've actually never advanced the story far enough to meet them and I'm unsure about passing up all earlier chances at romance for characters who haven't actually been made full love interests yet, and may never be if the devs decide to kill them off instead.

So, in my typical fashion, I am seeking advice, comment, and potential ridicule from strangers on the Internet before I lock myself in to any decision.

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