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Snipers/Slingers need a buff


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I'm sorry I love this spec but its absolute dogwater right now, I have no idea why Bioware thinks this class should have no recovery and no cleanse. Lets talk about the issues and what bioware needs to do fix them. 

1. Fix Marksman/Sharpshooter: Marksman is a ton of fun with a simple rotation however it just does no damage, or it misses during a big burst window, or you only do pitfiul damage. A lot of specs right now in this game are super tanky, and marksman is like throwing tennis balls at them. They need a straight damage buff across the board. 

2. Give a small buff to virulence: Virulence was hit pretty hard back in 7.1, giving the spec a small buff would help make it more appealing. Dont get me wrong virulence is still a decent spec however a small buff would be appreciated. 

3. Negative Effect cleanse on Countermeasures: Sniper/slinger alongside PT/VG's are the only class that doesn't have a cleanse, However PT/VG's have far greater survivability with abilities like adrenaline rush, etc. 

4. Hololocate should cleanse any negative effects/DOT: This one may be controversial to Sorc mains, however I believe that using hololocate should cleanse the player of any negative effect and or DOT. I get that it may be controversial to Sorc's who use phasewalk, however Sorc's have the ability to heal themselves, alongside being more mobile and having bubble. I've literally used hololocate only to be force choked after using it because a jug decided to do that before I used my hololocate. 

5. Roll heal: Everyone has been begging for this, seriously a 10% heal upon using defensive roll. It is what kept this spec going in firefights. 

6. 1% heal in cover: Not that overpowered but would give greater survivability especially for a spec that is immobile as this. 


Just adding roll heal would make this spec better, I honestly hate when I Q for unranked only to get in a 4v4, which I do like playing but despise it as sniper/slinger because I know I'm just going to die because of no recovery. 

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I'm pretty happy with virulence in PvE.  However, I agree 100% in terms of PvP.  No way the sniper is viable in PvP.  Damage is decent, but not great.  Losing the heals made no sense.  It was enough to keep you in a fight long enough to survive and have a fighting chance but was in no way OP.  Please return the roll, in cover, and ballistic shield heals.   

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On 12/18/2022 at 1:41 PM, Rogha said:

I'm pretty happy with virulence in PvE.  However, I agree 100% in terms of PvP.  No way the sniper is viable in PvP.  Damage is decent, but not great.  Losing the heals made no sense.  It was enough to keep you in a fight long enough to survive and have a fighting chance but was in no way OP.  Please return the roll, in cover, and ballistic shield heals.   

Pretty much this. Sniper / Gunslinger needs more defensive capabilities.

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