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To all the people ************ about Slicing nerf.


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Please understand that it is a Gathering skill. That means you need to Gathere with it, and not just stand around getting credits for doing nothing.


I suggest farming the many MANY computer terminals on Ilum, and you can still turn a nifty profit.


People aren't getting credits for nothing. Seems a lot of people do understand very well, probably better than you as they have obviously spent much more time studying the entirety of the subject.


And the high end drops from both end game worlds were removed from everything I've read.


Plus this thread really belonged in one of the other threads that already exist on the subject...but I suppose slicing can use another thread...after all, the more threads that exist for it the better the odds BW will pay attention and balance it properly.

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Continued threads like these only show how much certain people are desperate that other people play the game "their" way. The non-slicers QQed before the nerf, and now QQ even more "just in case" the devs might adjust the nerf back a bit the other way (though personally I wish they'd get rid of the lockboxes completely and put in something else to gather and avoid the issue entirely)


But as you say, the more threads like these, the more people who have no stake in the issue continue to push back which only creates more feedback, the more the slicing issue will be seen as an ongoing issue that should continue to be looked at. :)

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Hello all,


We do know that this is a very hot topic with a lot of information, opinions and feedback that need sharing. In order for us to be able to go through that feedback easier, we would like to keep the discussion as condensed and easy to find as possible.


With that in mind, we're going to close this thread and ask that you continue your discussions in the ongoing thread which can be found here: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=98429


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