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What's BWs love affair with Operatives?


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In BGs....


1. Operatives can roll right through ACID, untouched.

2. When operatives roll, they bounce between levels, untouchable, disappear, can't be stopped. By the time they reappear on screen they are either already out of range or already scored.


These two bugs right here are why when you face any team with an operative in BGs, especially Huttball, just leave the warzone. You aren't going to win, you are not going to be able to slow or stop an operative.


8 players against 1 operative still no chance.


Not sure what BWs love affair is with this class, but they are still grossly bugged, grossly overpowered and completely unfun to play against.


Trust me, I play the class, I know how stupidly OP they have been for 10+ years, yet BW wont fix them.

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Can those classes roll through acid and bounce between levels of a map, untouchable and scoring before they appear?


Operatives are better but tank spec juggs with a sorc or operative healer friend who know about positioning are just as frustrating in huttball.

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Can those classes roll through acid and bounce between levels of a map, untouchable and scoring before they appear?


You’re talking about desync, which is an issue with the game, not Operatives/Scoundrels. It happens with literally Amy movement ability. It just feels like it’s more egregious with Operatives/Scoundrels because they roll more often.


Otherwise, I’ve pointed this out before, but Operative/Scoundrels got nerfed in 7.0. They’re still viable, but now killing them isn’t some daunting, insurmountable task. If you’re having trouble with them, that speaks more to your deficiencies than to the class’ excess.

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Operatives are just a really good class right now,and meta in every pvp mode,I agree.But they arent OP like they used to be in 6.0.I personally think there are way more problematic classes right now,such as mara(can stealth out way more often than the og stealth classes,while having tons of immunity to stuns and roots and insane dmg)and pt(taunt cc is stupid). But even so I wouldnt call these classes op,just a little ahead of the others.
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They don't balance the game around PvP and certainly not around dsync in PvP. You're talking about HB, so when I know an Op is about to roll I try and stop him. If I cannot, I discern his likely destination and try to get there. Sometimes they get away with it and the dsync helps them. Othertimes they get caught in a stun and have absolutely no chance at survival in 8v8 and are deleted.
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Operatives are just a really good class right now,and meta in every pvp mode,I agree.But they arent OP like they used to be in 6.0.I personally think there are way more problematic classes right now,such as mara(can stealth out way more often than the og stealth classes,while having tons of immunity to stuns and roots and insane dmg)and pt(taunt cc is stupid). But even so I wouldnt call these classes op,just a little ahead of the others.


I think to myself about how upset some of these people would be back in the golden age of concealment operative when i read these threads.

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I think to myself about how upset some of these people would be back in the golden age of concealment operative when i read these threads.


Ikr! I thank the gods concealment is no longer OP like it used to be. Ppl be glad and coplain about the actual problematic classes right now.

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Lethality has the highest DR uptime of any class in the game along with % healing and the best self-healing of any DPS. It's hard to say they're not over-tuned compared to everything else. While concealment and medicine lost revitalizers they're not doing as hot, but make no mistake lethality is nearly the same class it was last expansion but beefed up even more now. It has more DR available along with the ability to get more damage if it wants to greed overtaking DR. It doesn't have to make meaningful choices for really any ability either, both CCs can be taken. Marauder for example doesn't get a choice for fear and only in a few situations can justify having their hardstun. While I think marauders are fine, pruning definitely hit some classes way harder, AP & Lethality just weren't it.


OP is definitely talking about concealment but it's not an impossible 1v8 class. I don't care how much you've played it, it's simply just dishonesty. It's definitely strong and way above the others in terms of lethality, but it is not 1v8ing.

Lethality weakness is you just walking away from it, rooting and slowing it. It's also vulnerable to stuns at all times.

Concealment you need to root before trying to stun to prevent wasting your stun, it doesn't have much DR available and is currently relying on not getting caught. If you don't just mash everything you have you won't have much issue until you run into class stacking, then well, good luck preventing them from running things like huttball. In other modes, it'd be more manageable because they'd be forced to fight and in 1vx situations, they're not too great anymore unless they're lethality and then this opens up more weaknesses if the player is not up to par.


As for marauders being in stealth more than stealth classes, same thing last expansion. Most of this is just the same thing repeated from the last expansion except force bound is gone, thank god.

Defel should go for sure, but pruning should have been a bit more light if it does go.


Then really, the elephant in the room is AP PT.

Currently, outside of balance issues, the class has two different bugs.

One that allows you to stack 3/4 thermal det empowers (1/3/4 realistically possible pretty easily) allowing for 120k hits. There's no way it's working as intended.

Then a bug since 6.0 exclusive to Vet ranger then, now it's tied to Mandalorian armaments.

This one allows you to load your shoulder cannon on any spec as long as you're using this implant then using deadly onslaught (specifically, isn't working on vanguard) this allows you to have both auto cannon and shoulder cannon at the same time. This isn't intended and you can see that in its description. This has been a bug since the last expansion and it was worse then, now it's not as bad but still exists.

Both of these have been reported for the past 6months and vet ranger one for longer.


Now throw in the fact it can run taunt stun with no drawbacks. Sheesh. All we did was amplify the meta that already existed and deleted force bound and grit teeth making juggernaut tank way less useful when it was mainly too strong due to the combination of both of them at the same time.

While I hated 6.0 and am enjoying 7.0 way more, balance is definitely missing altogether.


Things I would want to see.

Defel reworked/removed - something added back in its place, potentially choke in a lower tier.

Pred baseline.


Taunt stun - removed/reworked. Easily put a negative for running this as a DPS. It's too good to pass up.


Bug fixes for AP, both Mandalorian armaments and Thermal det empower.


More implants and tacticals to amplify how classes already play with options to change play style.

Example QoL to tacticals.

Spiteful saber - adding sweeping slash.

Flame det - procing off of shatter slug instead of flame sweep.


implant Vicious thirst duration buff can be good, durations too short.

The list goes on, I think there's more important stuff than god roll from concealment.


Thx for reading my rant

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As for marauders being in stealth more than stealth classes, same thing last expansion. Most of this is just the same thing repeated from the last expansion except force bound is gone, thank god.

Defel should go for sure, but pruning should have been a bit more light if it does go.


Things I would want to see.

Defel reworked/removed - something added back in its place, potentially choke in a lower tier.

Pred baseline.


The problem with Maras goes back to when Ruthless Aggressor was changed. It was changed to directly nerf fury, but in the same case obliterated carnage and anni. Defel needs to go that is 100% for sure. Carnage needs help with white damage being its real only damage type in pvp. A built in accuracy boost or something. Fury without defel is probably about right maybe a bit more dps nerf. Anni is also in a good place right now it could use minor tweaks but its not terrible by anymeans.


Get rid of Defel. Instead of adding choke bring back Obfuscate/Pacify, to avoid more cc being added.


PT's have always been hard to get right. Right now they are overturned in raw burst potential. If a bug is causing it fix it, but it might just be easier to increase how long it takes to have cell burst charged and remove being able to start with it already maxed.


The biggest offender in the game right now is still OP healing. A good op healer can carry so much weight right now.

Edited by TmoneyTime
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As for marauders being in stealth more than stealth classes, same thing last expansion. Most of this is just the same thing repeated from the last expansion except force bound is gone, thank god.

Defel should go for sure, but pruning should have been a bit more light if it does go.


Then really, the elephant in the room is AP PT.

Currently, outside of balance issues, the class has two different bugs.

One that allows you to stack 3/4 thermal det empowers (1/3/4 realistically possible pretty easily) allowing for 120k hits. There's no way it's working as intended.

Then a bug since 6.0 exclusive to Vet ranger then, now it's tied to Mandalorian armaments.

This one allows you to load your shoulder cannon on any spec as long as you're using this implant then using deadly onslaught (specifically, isn't working on vanguard) this allows you to have both auto cannon and shoulder cannon at the same time. This isn't intended and you can see that in its description. This has been a bug since the last expansion and it was worse then, now it's not as bad but still exists.

Both of these have been reported for the past 6months and vet ranger one for longer.


Now throw in the fact it can run taunt stun with no drawbacks. Sheesh. All we did was amplify the meta that already existed and deleted force bound and grit teeth making juggernaut tank way less useful when it was mainly too strong due to the combination of both of them at the same time.

While I hated 6.0 and am enjoying 7.0 way more, balance is definitely missing altogether.


Things I would want to see.

Defel reworked/removed - something added back in its place, potentially choke in a lower tier.

Pred baseline.


Taunt stun - removed/reworked. Easily put a negative for running this as a DPS. It's too good to pass up.


Bug fixes for AP, both Mandalorian armaments and Thermal det empower.


More implants and tacticals to amplify how classes already play with options to change play style.

Example QoL to tacticals.

Spiteful saber - adding sweeping slash.

Flame det - procing off of shatter slug instead of flame sweep.


implant Vicious thirst duration buff can be good, durations too short.

The list goes on, I think there's more important stuff than god roll from concealment.


Thx for reading my rant



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On a personal note since watchman is my mainly played spec. I would want a new tactical that keeps max annihilator stacks. I don't use defel due to its just plain stupid. Spiteful saber is ok but really where Anni struggles in when it misses an annhilate attack and has to rebuild the stacks again plush spiteful saber makes the spec really spammy
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This is a solo queue huttball specific issue, but I think most people are going to interpret it as “NeRf OpErAtIvEs!1!1”


I’m sure any reasonable and objective person would agree that op roll de-sync in Huttball can be pretty awful. But that’s more of an argument against de-sync than it is against operatives.

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