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Elara Dorne Romance Question


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Hey there, relatively new player here. (about a month in) and I had a question about Elara Dorne for the trooper.


When I first got her on the ship, and had the initial 2 conversations there was a flirt option. I didn't take them because I was involved with Jaxo at the time. But.. anyone that did the A44 knows how that ends up.

Anyway, I've never had another option to flirt with elara again since then. Is it perma broke if you don't flirt with her the very first chance you get?


I ask because in every conversation choice, I've always had the one that said "Elara dorne approves/greatly approves". I've never had one that said she disproved of anything (thank you esc key!) but it's just never been an option since then.

Finished all the way through chapter 3 as well now and still nothing. Her affection level with me is 23 or 24, so she's pretty fond of me comparatively and still nothing.


She's only pulled me aside for the one side mission that involved her brother where I offered to go and she refused because it would be easier if she went alone. And I've stuck up for her any time her old probation officer spazzed out.

So I don't know what I am doing wrong, or need to do to trigger the options to flirt with her again.


Anyone know? or does something pop up when I go to Ilum next or whatever? She's the only companion I'm interested in as far as my male trooper, so it's kind of a drag that because I didn't throw myself at her the minute she was on my ship like I was animal from the muppets or quagmire from family guy, she's had no options ever since then.


Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

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Although there is a long time without any [flirt] options, there should've been a third one once Elara asks you for an approval for new supplies for her medical kit.


You should always take any [flirt] option you're being given. Not taking them can, in fact, result in you missing the opportunity for a romantic relationship and there isn't much you can do about it afterwards.



As far as I can tell, your only option is to wait until Iokath.

There, you'll meet her again and you should be able to reunite in a "romantic way".



Edit: Yes, it can be quite annoying to have missed the whole romance, especially in a first play-through where you didn't know that every flirt option matters.

Edited by jedi-charlotte
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Okay thank you, I know there's a point where usually around ossus or something I see that companions come back and you can either resume or start a romance. So I was thinking that may be an option, but I wasn't sure. Instantly throwing myself at someone as soon as I meet them makes me feel like I need a shower or to be sprayed with a garden hose. I didn't realize if you didn't jump on that right away it can ruin things.


I also thought that since I was flirting with Jaxo at the time it would cause problems. So ultimately because I was trying to have my character be with only one person at a time, and not want elara to feel like I should be on an offenders list somewhere I may have cut off my later options it seemed like. Ah well. I'll keep an eye out for future opportunities.


I guess if nothing else theres always Lana, everyone gets a chance with that one :eek:


Thank you again though!

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Glad I could help.

I also thought that since I was flirting with Jaxo at the time it would cause problems. So ultimately because I was trying to have my character be with only one person at a time, and not want elara to feel like I should be on an offenders list somewhere I may have cut off my later options it seemed like. Ah well. I'll keep an eye out for future opportunities.


About that; there might be a few exceptions but it's not necessarily fatal to flirt with more than one character, especially when you're flirting with both a companion and another NPC that is not part of your crew. Mostly because your companion doesn't care. Romancing two companions can be a bit more complicated, however the game would eventually initiate a conversation for your to make a final and lasting decision.

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Glad I could help.



About that; there might be a few exceptions but it's not necessarily fatal to flirt with more than one character, especially when you're flirting with both a companion and another NPC that is not part of your crew. Mostly because your companion doesn't care. Romancing two companions can be a bit more complicated, however the game would eventually initiate a conversation for your to make a final and lasting decision.


Anytime before Fallen Empire it won't matter. In Class story if you get to flirt with more than one Companion eventually you have to choose, but you can also flirt with NPCs without issue. You get to marry the Companion you want if you want. Starting from Fallen Empire Chapter IX it makes a difference if you choose Theron/Lana/Koth as a romance. When your Companion returns in later chapters you must choose, your Companion or your new love. By taking the flirt option you will be asked to commit or forget about it to keep your new love. Which ever one you choose, your other romance will end, permanently. No going back even if your Companion becomes one with the Force. If you choose your new love, depending on the Companion it will be a mutual friendly break-up or the Companion hates on you for the scene but sticks around for the rest of the story and never mentions your romance again. If you go back to your Companion, your new love will give you a heart-breaking scene wishing you happiness and making you regret your choice in your own guilt of emotion level you will always hate yourself for doing it you'll only do it that once and never again, or maybe that's just me but you do get a break-up scene wishing you happiness.

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If you go back to your Companion, your new love will give you a heart-breaking scene wishing you happiness and making you regret your choice in your own guilt of emotion level you will always hate yourself for doing it you'll only do it that once and never again, or maybe that's just me but you do get a break-up scene wishing you happiness.

I watched the one for Lana on YT. No. Not doing that. Lana absolutely does not deserve that kind of pain.

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I never take the first opportunity to flirt with a character because i would look like an unprofessional pig.

I've had no problem getting the romance going with elara after that though and at the same time went out with jaxo.

As for lana as far as i'm concerned it's not really a romance as the devs seem to have made her such a cold fish that they just let the romance dribble off to nothing.

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As for lana as far as i'm concerned it's not really a romance as the devs seem to have made her such a cold fish that they just let the romance dribble off to nothing.

You never took the Lana flirt in the intro to the Copero flashpoint? The one where she answers, "You can thank me properly later." (In my experience, if your lover says that, it's a suggestion that the said thanking should be by the means of ... um ... carnal congress, as they say.)


Nor the letter after Digging Deeper, where she opens it with, "I have a favor to ask of you, my darling."?


No, she's not a cold fish, that one. She just hides it better than most. Kinda like Elara.

Edited by SteveTheCynic
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  • 4 weeks later...
Anytime before Fallen Empire it won't matter. In Class story if you get to flirt with more than one Companion eventually you have to choose, but you can also flirt with NPCs without issue. You get to marry the Companion you want if you want. Starting from Fallen Empire Chapter IX it makes a difference if you choose Theron/Lana/Koth as a romance. When your Companion returns in later chapters you must choose, your Companion or your new love. By taking the flirt option you will be asked to commit or forget about it to keep your new love. Which ever one you choose, your other romance will end, permanently. No going back even if your Companion becomes one with the Force. If you choose your new love, depending on the Companion it will be a mutual friendly break-up or the Companion hates on you for the scene but sticks around for the rest of the story and never mentions your romance again. If you go back to your Companion, your new love will give you a heart-breaking scene wishing you happiness and making you regret your choice in your own guilt of emotion level you will always hate yourself for doing it you'll only do it that once and never again, or maybe that's just me but you do get a break-up scene wishing you happiness.



Ouch, noted. Those "THE FEELS" moments really hit me sometimes, I'll have to keep that in mind. Thank you.

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I never take the first opportunity to flirt with a character because i would look like an unprofessional pig.

I've had no problem getting the romance going with elara after that though and at the same time went out with jaxo.

As for lana as far as i'm concerned it's not really a romance as the devs seem to have made her such a cold fish that they just let the romance dribble off to nothing.


Makes me wonder if something got glitchy or whatever on my side, cause I didn't flirt with her the first 2 options I got. And then she has a scene where she mentions a bottle of wine for a celebration and let her know if you want to share it some day. But there was no option for dialogue or a flirt.

And since then nothing, even when I found her again later down the road, no flirt options, she was basically just like.. "Hey, what's up"

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Makes me wonder if something got glitchy or whatever on my side, cause I didn't flirt with her the first 2 options I got. And then she has a scene where she mentions a bottle of wine for a celebration and let her know if you want to share it some day. But there was no option for dialogue or a flirt.

And since then nothing, even when I found her again later down the road, no flirt options, she was basically just like.. "Hey, what's up"

Every companion romance has a "critical flirt" that governs whether you continue the flirting/romance or let it go. If you flirt in that conversation, you're stuck with the romance, and if not, it's gone for good. Some of the critical flirts are really early in the sequence. Corso Riggs's critical flirt is probably the *first* one available, way at the beginning of the story, which is the origin of people saying that he's a creepy stalker.

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I don't know if your character is male or female but Elara is Straight.

I know I tried with a couple of female toons with no luck, but once I tried a male Elara was almost insatiable.

Sorry, It's a Male character. Totally spaced that.

Jaxo is too, you don't get to Flirt if your character is Female. So if you're female, you don't get the extra purple mission to go back and, ah relax with Jaxo

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Jaxo is too, you don't get to Flirt if your character is Female. So if you're female, you don't get the extra purple mission to go back and, ah relax with Jaxo

You do get a mission at that point, but...


It's just a girls' night out with some other female officers. The player character seems to hold her drink better than the Navy officer among the group.


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You never took the Lana flirt in the intro to the Copero flashpoint? The one where she answers, "You can thank me properly later." (In my experience, if your lover says that, it's a suggestion that the said thanking should be by the means of ... um ... carnal congress, as they say.)


Nor the letter after Digging Deeper, where she opens it with, "I have a favor to ask of you, my darling."?


No, she's not a cold fish, that one. She just hides it better than most. Kinda like Elara.


I don't remember any conversation with her during or before Copero, I just had the Male guy from the Ascendancy talking my ear off, hmm hope I didn't ignore it or respond with something the equiv of "whut?"


Interesting, I've done "digging deeper" already and been sucked into all the Manaan quests, and haven't gotten anything from her since. I'll have to keep an eye out for that.

The last mail I got from Lana was about all the budget going over I am doing whenever I lead a mission, apparently I am expensive with ship repairs and replacements. :confused:

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I don't remember any conversation with her during or before Copero, I just had the Male guy from the Ascendancy talking my ear off, hmm hope I didn't ignore it or respond with something the equiv of "whut?"

It's when you meet her in the back room of the staging area before going to meet "the Male guy" (actually Aristocra Saganu from the Hoth segment of the Agent story) as his shuttle arrives.


She explains that an Ascendancy representative will be arriving on an unarmed shuttle and you can congratulate her on a job well done. If you're in a relationship with her, that line is a [Flirt], "You've outdone yourself" or something like that, and her response is what I mentioned.


Interesting, I've done "digging deeper" already and been sucked into all the Manaan quests, and haven't gotten anything from her since. I'll have to keep an eye out for that.

You might want to check in your Companions and Contacts panel ("N", the one where you can summon companions) to see if you still have the romance open. Apparently, there are (not-yet-identified) ways to bug it out so the relationship disappears without you resuming an "old flame" relationship with a class companion.

The last mail I got from Lana was about all the budget going over I am doing whenever I lead a mission, apparently I am expensive with ship repairs and replacements. :confused:

Hey, it's not your fault you keep getting in situations where your shuttle ends up getting wrecked...

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