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Systech armor drops in heroics? Why? Oh, and Manaan.


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After 7.1 I'm now getting Systech armor drops in heroics and planetary dailies instead of the occasional HELPFUL drop of tech frags, resource matrixes, or FP stabilizers. I don't recall this gear being mentioned in the patch notes.


7.1 introduced another gear grind, which is okay, but why replace upgrade items with armor that when deconstructed gives some tech frags, a few conquest tokens, and WZ upgrade stuff? Why take away the gear upgrade items from those who gear via conquest and not PVP? Not that I mind pvp people getting some stuff, but don't remove what others need for this new gear grind that was introduced.


As for Manaan, it's well worth doing the story once on Imp and Pub side, and for those who want the decos. What I don't understand is why it's not like other daily areas that also gives tech fragments and resource matrixes and a gear box. Once the rep is legendary, there's no point in running it anymore. What's the incentive? I hope bioware rethinks this and doesn't let this area go to waste.

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After 7.1 I'm now getting Systech armor drops in heroics and planetary dailies instead of the occasional HELPFUL drop of tech frags, resource matrixes, or FP stabilizers. I don't recall this gear being mentioned in the patch notes.


7.1 introduced another gear grind, which is okay, but why replace upgrade items with armor that when deconstructed gives some tech frags, a few conquest tokens, and WZ upgrade stuff? Why take away the gear upgrade items from those who gear via conquest and not PVP? Not that I mind pvp people getting some stuff, but don't remove what others need for this new gear grind that was introduced.


As for Manaan, it's well worth doing the story once on Imp and Pub side, and for those who want the decos. What I don't understand is why it's not like other daily areas that also gives tech fragments and resource matrixes and a gear box. Once the rep is legendary, there's no point in running it anymore. What's the incentive? I hope bioware rethinks this and doesn't let this area go to waste.


In heroics, it seems to have replaced most of the "bag of" drops. The worst part is, deconstructing them give less Coms/frags than the bags did. they're worth 600 creds or so making them completely usesless inventory fillers. The blue 320 drops are about the same as green 322.

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In heroics, it seems to have replaced most of the "bag of" drops. The worst part is, deconstructing them give less Coms/frags than the bags did. they're worth 600 creds or so making them completely useless inventory fillers. The blue 320 drops are about the same as green 322.


I have no idea why they did this except to make the grind worse. Sometimes I wonder if the topic of meetings is "How can we make the grind grindier?" It makes no damned sense at all.

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