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What do people think of 7.1?


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Spoilering this just in case I'm right:


I wonder if Lana will turn out to be Darth Nul, especially after Rivix commented that there's almost nothing known about her. At least Theron has a background; in game Lana doesn't.






I've seen a gradual change in her attitude for a bit now. NOT good! Some have romanced her and were light side players (Smugglers and Troopers alike).


It almost sounds Lana could be a "sleeper" of a sort. And could very easily be written out of the saga with her death. That would :

** Be one less VA to pay out.

** Please a lot of players who want her dead anyhow.

** I personally have enjoyed her company. And she has proven to be one of the most loyal companions aside from Vett (who is dead by some accounts); Theron (also dead by many); and my personal all time favorite: Kira.

I even have a couple Smuggler Alts that have Kira as a level 50 companion and not even bother with the rest! ( Hey ... smugglers and Jedi .. that could happen) :D


Any how .. we're getting a bit off track. But I think you get the idea!





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To those that hate gearing sorry it’s not longer super say. MMO’s are designed to be played for long periods. Making gear obtainable in a week is stupid imo.


Couldn't just say you liked it but had to take a shot at other players.

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Couldn't just say you liked it but had to take a shot at other players.


don't try to claim you're some sort of victim, it's detestable. besides, he did no such thing. he simply stated a fact, and he's correct. at least about MMOs being made to play for extended periods of time.


anyway, it doesn't take even a week to get fully geared. hell, especially not if you only pvp, it took me all of 30 seconds to fully upgrade all my gear to full 328 since i was already maxed out on everything. :D


what is completely ridiculous is that there is higher tiered gear for pve than pvp at all. tbh, 328 should be the maximum ilvl, either that or pvp gear should be obtainable up to 340. the content that requires the most skill should have the highest ilvl gear, and i don't care what anyone thinks. pvp requiring more skill than nim raiding is not an opinion, it's an irrefutable fact, as it is in every mmo ever.

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don't try to claim you're some sort of victim, it's detestable. besides, he did no such thing. he simply stated a fact, and he's correct. at least about MMOs being made to play for extended periods of time.


anyway, it doesn't take even a week to get fully geared. hell, especially not if you only pvp, it took me all of 30 seconds to fully upgrade all my gear to full 328 since i was already maxed out on everything. :D


what is completely ridiculous is that there is higher tiered gear for pve than pvp at all. tbh, 328 should be the maximum ilvl, either that or pvp gear should be obtainable up to 340. the content that requires the most skill should have the highest ilvl gear, and i don't care what anyone thinks. pvp requiring more skill than nim raiding is not an opinion, it's an irrefutable fact, as it is in every mmo ever.


:rolleyes: Really, you think people who don't like the gearing are claiming we're 'victims?' There are victims of: crime, fire, flood (other natural disasters) accidents, and illness. Hey, wait, I'm a victim of my illness. :p but I am not a "victim" of the gearing system it just stinks.

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I still need to run through things on pubside, but overall I was impressed. Story-wise I was expecting little more than a 2 minute "go talk to your alliance people" cutscene, so I was pleasantly surprised by having some additional required interaction.


The daily area uplifted the extreme disappointment that was Manaan at launch, and has been polished and bug-free in my experience. Most are fast, and in sensible order. Respawn rates on objects are very quick. The seeker-droid daily goes very smoothly if you just drop it on the yellow cordoned areas. By contrast, the "go loot 15 medallions" daily made me want to claw my eyes out. But the rep decos are nice, at least.


My one complaint is... why bother with them? Part of the reason I was looking forward to Manaan was to add some fresh air to the DRM grind. But all they give is credits and rep! And I wouldn't mid that except that we have to run OLD dailies for mats. Where are the DRMs? Where are the tech frags? Where's the green crate for the solo-conquest folks? I'm really, really hoping this was an oversight...


There have been some operation bugs that I'm not pleased with. And of course there's the UI and QoL changes, which are welcome. But overall, I'm fairly pleased with 7.1.


So after getting the reputation and the decorations, they have given a reason not to do these weeklies. Oh good so people can avoid them after getting the reputation and their decorations

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I don't mind 7.1. The story, as others have said, did tie in previous story strands. This is good to see, and I wish it had happened more in the endgame content we've had up to this point. There is so much rich lore in the original vanilla class stories that it's bizarre to me that we have to keep reusing tired old Malgus.


what is completely ridiculous is that there is higher tiered gear for pve than pvp at all. tbh, 328 should be the maximum ilvl, either that or pvp gear should be obtainable up to 340. the content that requires the most skill should have the highest ilvl gear, and i don't care what anyone thinks. pvp requiring more skill than nim raiding is not an opinion, it's an irrefutable fact, as it is in every mmo ever.


For those unfamiliar, this would be the calm and modest voice of a ranked pvper. :rak_03:


But actually this makes a lot of sense in a way. People keep claiming that solos don't need access to the best gear--even though we had that for several expansions, not just 6.0--but the logic here is that there has to be winners and losers. Winner, singular. The argument is that there is only ONE group that should have access to the top gear, or else they wouldn't be elite.


It makes a lot of sense insofar as a way of understanding the theory behind this stupid gearing system, and the mindsets of players who measure their playing enjoyment as haves vs have-nots.

Edited by Ardrossan
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Did the story Rep side, and thought it was pretty good. Nice seeing Kira again. Love the mystery that develops around what Malgus is really up to.


Really liked Sa'har. And her skin texture is something I would really like to see implemented for player characters.


On to Manaan. Liked the story there, even if the PC did not have any dialouge. Nice touch with the special abilities we get as we play, would be a nice touch if they were useable outside of Manaan.


The invasion zone looked really good, and was easy to navigate.


Only thing I really dislike is that almost every group has a healer. Was that really necessary? Some healers are ok, but not when almost all groups have one. Just makes the fights a lot more tedious, so I feel that removeing some healers would do wonders.

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:rolleyes: Really, you think people who don't like the gearing are claiming we're 'victims?' There are victims of: crime, fire, flood (other natural disasters) accidents, and illness. Hey, wait, I'm a victim of my illness. :p but I am not a "victim" of the gearing system it just stinks.


that's not even remotely what i said. i was referring to the dude who was complaining about a previous poster' statement and perceived it as an attack on anyone who doesn't like the current gearing system. ofc, i did so because the person he was responding to did no such thing in the first.

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what is completely ridiculous is that there is higher tiered gear for pve than pvp at all. tbh, 328 should be the maximum ilvl, either that or pvp gear should be obtainable up to 340. the content that requires the most skill should have the highest ilvl gear, and i don't care what anyone thinks. pvp requiring more skill than nim raiding is not an opinion, it's an irrefutable fact, as it is in every mmo ever.

Have you actually tested bolster before posting that?

Because with the increase of rating up to 340, it would be natural that pvp bolster goes there as well(*). I think Nim 330 were not better than 326 PvP/GSF

(*) edit: Or is it capped?


It still sucks that PvP goes only up to 328 and every other one goes to 330. I think BW did that just to avoid easier path for people to unlock 330 mods/enh. Right now you need at least one 330 rakata piece to unlock purple 330 enhancements. Good that we got good Tech fragments, if not the grind for GSF/PvP gear would have been a complete waste as you can currently get any alt to 330 (rakata stats) with credits and get better stats.

Edited by Balameb
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Have you actually tested bolster before posting that?

Because with the increase of rating up to 340, it would be natural that pvp bolster goes there as well(*). I think Nim 330 were not better than 326 PvP/GSF

(*) edit: Or is it capped?


It still sucks that PvP goes only up to 328 and every other one goes to 330. I think BW did that just to avoid easier path for people to unlock 330 mods/enh. Right now you need at least one 330 rakata piece to unlock purple 330 enhancements. Good that we got good Tech fragments, if not the grind for GSF/PvP gear would have been a complete waste as you can currently get any alt to 330 (rakata stats) with credits and get better stats.


absolutely not, max pvp gear in 7.0 was 326 which means gear below 326 was bolstered up to, and gear above 326 was bolstered down to. now with max ilvl for pvp being 328 in 7.1 the same is the case; everything being bolstered up to or down to 328.

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I don't mind 7.1. The story, as others have said, did tie in previous story strands. This is good to see, and I wish it had happened more in the endgame content we've had up to this point. There is so much rich lore in the original vanilla class stories that it's bizarre to me that we have to keep reusing tired old Malgus.




For those unfamiliar, this would be the calm and modest voice of a ranked pvper. :rak_03:


But actually this makes a lot of sense in a way. People keep claiming that solos don't need access to the best gear--even though we had that for several expansions, not just 6.0--but the logic here is that there has to be winners and losers. Winner, singular. The argument is that there is only ONE group that should have access to the top gear, or else they wouldn't be elite.


It makes a lot of sense insofar as a way of understanding the theory behind this stupid gearing system, and the mindsets of players who measure their playing enjoyment as haves vs have-nots.


That explains a bit. But what is the reason for restricting certain gear to a tiny fraction of the game population. Base FP and OP gear should be purchasable with commendations just like conquest and PVP gear. Then it is up to the player to decide how to upgrade it (whatever their playstyle, obviously some playstyles will have an advantage but that is the way it has always been in MMOs but everyone can get their eventually with only their preferred playstyle)


Let's look at PVP. Right now as it is currently configured, gearing through PVP is a complete joke. Sometime in the past, someone accused "story" playters of wanting to be able to push a button and just get a reward. Right now, that is literally what is happening in PVP and GSF. Click the queue button wait 15 minutes, get your reward (the same reward no matter how good you are too). Isn't PVP supposed to be purely skill based (isn't that the reason for bolster). Why does a PVP player even need gear if they are going to be bolstered to max level regardless of their gear. Ranked PVP is even more a mode that gear should not count at all. Ranked PVP is supposedly only about skill, gear shouldn't count at all and if it doesn't count, you don't need it. Just set everyone's stats to the same and let them go at it.


There should be only one gearing path, PVE (Story, Heroics, Flashpoints, Uprisings, and Operations). The other game modes don't even need gear with their bolsters (and being supposedly skill based). It would probably also cut down on the rampant cheating in PVP if everyone's stats were locked to the same values.

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But what is the reason for restricting certain gear to a tiny fraction of the game population.


They don't. If they would, there wouldnt have been any ability pruning, because those tiny fraction love their skills and love complicated things. The real reason seems to be, make gearing as hard, grindy and long as possible - so people stay subbed. And they must do this because they didnt have nearly enough content. We get more gear updates than content updates. Gear is the new content.

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Why does a PVP player even need gear if they are going to be bolstered to max level regardless of their gear.


because min/maxing. even if someone who is being bolstered up to 328 because they have sub 328 gear, or someone is being squished down to 328 because they have 330 or 340 gear, their gear will still be inferior to someone who has a perfectly optimized (min/maxed) 328 set. obtaining the optimal amount of alacrity, accuracy, and crit, as well as maximizing your stats is key to gearing.


There should be only one gearing path, PVE (Story, Heroics, Flashpoints, Uprisings, and Operations). The other game modes don't even need gear with their bolsters (and being supposedly skill based).


this is a moot suggestion because of what i already stated above. besides that fact, it's absolutely imperative that people be able to gear via different content. pvp especially, being the most skill based. i do however agree that it would be better if there weren't different sets though. they should have left it as it was in 6.x we could all get the same gear (306). which is why i suggested that 328 right now should be max ilvl.


It would probably also cut down on the rampant cheating in PVP if everyone's stats were locked to the same values.


what are you talking about? there is no stat based "cheating" to speak of, that i am aware of. if you think min/maxing and having optimal gear for pvp is cheating i would like to refer you to single player offline games.

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Soooo I haven't exactly been sucked back in with 7.1. Not sure what I was expecting, but I find the new Manaan content rather dull and dreary. Plus, I was never much for gear grinding and a lot of this new content seems focused there. Kinda been forcing myself to log on over the past couple of days - not really a good omen for my future with this game. I want to like it, but it's leaving me cold. And I keep hearing such raves about FF14, which I'd never even considered checking out until now. Hmmm, kinda bummed, but not surprised.
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So after getting the reputation and the decorations, they have given a reason not to do these weeklies. Oh good so people can avoid them after getting the reputation and their decorations


Pretty much. Manaan will be wasted content just like the Tradehouse missions which were easy to do, didn't take much time and used to give at least 400 tech frags and an equipment crate. After level 80 it gives 100 tech frags and that's it. No longer worth it. I suspect Manaan will go the same way once everyone gets their decos and stuff. Then the bioware staff can look at their metrics and wonder what went wrong and why nobody is using the content anymore. :rolleyes:

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I am not sure about 7.0 or 7.1. Did I miss the new and exciting content added for players that don't really want to be forced into group play? Now it appears that 7.1 is forcing those groups into a single operation and forcing them to repeat the operation over and over and over and over and over and over, well you get the point. I also seemed to miss the added content for those players that chose to do crew skills and crafting. They really need to do a better job of leading players to the new content in the game!!
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I love 7.1.


The new operation is challenging. It requires you to do mechanics. Over I think it is a win.


Yes, the new operation is really good with all the mechanics it has. Downside is that you can't pug it, not even story mode. You need 8 competent people with voice chat.



For those still complaining about gearing I love it. We are back to our SWTOR roots on how to get gear via ops. Certain bosses drop certain gear and I love it. Thank you BioWare. Give us a reason to complete the operation not just farm one boss over and over and over.


So, which boss exactly drops us let's say... 340 main hand in the old NiM ops? Because that's what you are claiming when you say we get gear via ops. We don't. We get gear from ONE operation. Don't use plural when we have only one operation we can get the gear from. We will be sick of it before the whole raid group is geared up, some of us for multiple classes and roles. I'd much rather see real MMO gearing: where we get proper loot from all ops, with a non-RNG loot table we had in 5.x. Then we can talk about gearing via "ops".


You seem to despise farming one boss over and over. What exactly is the difference between that and farming on 4-boss operation over and over? Because I don't see the difference. It's still just farming a tiny portion of content.



The nerf to the old ops seems a bit drastic. Some may have needed reduced but when you can run a SM op in 12 minutes and get 2k tech frags it’s a little ridiculous.


You don't have to do them if you don't like it. Or if you want to make them more challenging for you, you can just equip a main hand and take 7 other naked fleet pugs. Some of us do like them: it's fast and relaxing, and we are actually getting something out of the time spent doing it. Not everything in game needs to be a slow, boring grind fest.

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7.1 is a bad continuation of this crap 7.0 Update.


I don't care about the new OP - waste of ressources.

The daily area is only accessable when doing before the buggy and disapointing Flashpoint with Malgus.

The gearing also not rolled back to 6,x


In summary: forget 7.1 it's the same b....t than 7.0

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I'm just happy that there were some improvements. My expectations were not that high, so I can't really complain.

The story bit was pleasant and better than in 7.0, imo. Manaan area was fairly nice. Equipment preview window finally got a camera fix, though I feel like you could bring camera closer in past.

The new system, akin to that in ESO, which allows everyone who fights the same mobs(without being in party) to receive a reward is a good addition as well. Especially when you do that heroic mando boss in Kaas temple and similar things. I wish the same was done to clickable quest things, so you needn't to queue.


Cartel Market additions, on the other hand, are pretty pathetic. A reskinned Obi-Wan set and another set made from older tweaked meshes (the helmet looks interesting though). I don't understand. Is it so hard to outsource a few armour sets? I doubt that the entire game's development budget is 200-300$(salaries for workers and VA pay aside). That new tuning also looks suspiciously similar to Ood Bnar tuning. The rest are ok, I guess?

Manaan vendor sets are literally same, except for dyes. Seriously? Maybe I've missed something? And I honestly have no idea where to put those kelp decorations, considering that there are no underwater stronghold sections. I guess I'll just stick them on asphalt somewhere.

Haven't checked the new operation, so I can't comment on it.

Edited by Ai_no_Kishi
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They don't. If they would, there wouldnt have been any ability pruning, because those tiny fraction love their skills and love complicated things. The real reason seems to be, make gearing as hard, grindy and long as possible - so people stay subbed. And they must do this because they didnt have nearly enough content. We get more gear updates than content updates. Gear is the new content.


This, this, this... so much this.


I'm starting to think that someone had this magic idea that when they knew the OP wasn't ready that they could release the gear to 330 grind to get us to stay subbed until it came out... and it took them 6 months to get the OP done and they could introduce new levels of gear. And gear that can ONLY be obtained from an overtuned OP. Some devilishly evil maniac came up with that idea.

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As someone who plays between 11 characters I'm genuinely loving the mods and enhancemments from Hyde and Zeek. Because of this I'm in full 330 gear for all toons already with only the sharing of a relic here or there. It almost seems too easy.


The only downside is that I will have to do R4 to get better gear should I want it and I rarely am able to play for more than 90 minutes at a time.

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Why did I re-subscribe in 7.1:


  • Story. My compliment to the writers for the call back to class companions and planetary quest NPC on the Imp side. Do I wish it's longer? Of course. But now that we finally feel like we have seen an actual chapter of a big story, you have my interest. I hope in the future stories updates are more like this: give an actual progress, however small it is, instead of meaningless dribbles. The Manaan daily story is a good surprise. I like how it explores the political struggle between Manaan and our factions. I like how saboteurs have some options here and there. I love how we can get a stealth generator as a reward for completing the daily story because it really makes going through the weekly/daily missions as a non-stealth class much easier. Wish the dialogue is made like an actual cut scene like Oricon but that's a compromise I can accept if it means we can get similar formula for future daily areas. Good job on that.
  • Theron Shan. I'm a simple woman. You give me Theron contents, you have my money.
  • Level 80 Mods. Theron aside, this is the real deal sealer for me. Thank the *********** Force for this addition. Wish the vendor unlock is legacy-wise. There's really no point to have every single toon go through the same process.


Now, if only we can skip the whole 6.0 story. I really, really don't need to "know the story" when I have 10+ toons.

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No, we are not. ONE Operation drop tokens. ONE.

If you think thats how MMO (should) work... than good luck with that.


All operations drop useful gear though. Rakata 330's are the second best thing still. And then the new operation drops the best gear, as it has been before 4.0 came out. Sure we often had 2 ops being the current ops, now we just have the one. But that's a difference in scale and dev resources, not system.


Would be nice if old ops gave rakata tokens instead of random gear, to curb Nefra farming, but it's eh.

Edited by AdjeYo
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