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QQ in ops chat


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Howdy folks,


Just wanted to cure a few folks of rage spamming the ops chat, a few things to remember when folks just aren't listening.


First its chat.. might as well send them a letter through the RL mail. Barely anyone reads it. Atleast right away.


Second is, if you are running wz's all day.. its gets old watching folks do their own thing. Chances are they are running 1-2 and then goin back to pve.. lower your expectations.


If you see a Heathen guild tag in a WZ, chances are we are werking together (other guilds included) to kill a few hippies. Objectives matter for scores and points, but in the end were all here fer fun. Everyone like different things.. we like killing and drinking. You might like jesus? who knows.


Take it easy, give instrustion, if they listen great if not make the best of it. Also que'ing solo means your very likely gunna solo the WZ anyways. making it harder for the rest of your team.


2 cents from ur friendly neighborhood Cebby

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