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Battleborn Armour Set


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I have picked up through various quests the Orange armour pieces, Battleborn Chestpiece and Battleborn Greaves which are the closest to how I think a Jedi should look. According to Torhead there are other parts to the set (See: http://www.torhead.com/search/battleborn).


Has anyone come across the rest of the set and, if so, can someone let me know where to look for them please?



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The chest is from the Gree quest on Coruscant, as stated on torhead. I got the greaves from the Taris bonus mission final reward. Judging by the level of the various items, I'd say it's a fair bet that they're spread out over the first few planets up to and including Tatooine or perhaps even Alderaan, either buried at the end of long quest chains or in the bonus missions.
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