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So...most players will NOT get 5 days of early access.


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Game launched on the 13th and early access was "promised" on the 15th. Now, since we learn that early access is actually until the 19th, that means that 57% of players won't get those 5 days.


Is there any reason to keep a pre-order now? Gamestop already messed up by not getting pre-order codes to customers. I'm ready to just tell them to screw themselves and I'll buy the game online or cheaper off ebay from a rage-quitter. It'll save me a trip to the store.


upto, Upto, UPTO, UPTO!

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It's not blind faith. I'm not hoping for anything monumental. Basing my life around this game. It looked like a fun game. It looked like my kind of game. And I paid a measly $60 dollars to buy it and play for 30 days, the typical amount of time I'd play a regular game. The extra 1-5 days was just that, extra. And if there is replay value, which it looks to be so, then I don't mind subscribing. I don't have blind faith. I leave that for the people who blindly bought a game because they thought they saw somewhere that they'd get 5 free days, and then somehow thought that meant 7 free days, or something I don't really understand.


if you don't understand then stop commenting on everyone's posts. stupid troll.

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I don't particularly care how everyone chooses to interpret the marketing, that's for each of you to decipher. My own impression is that it's deceptive and shady.. but this is a business first and foremost and money is and always will drive whatever stunt, positive or negative, the devs, execs, and everyone in between can think up.
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People are angry, understand that, don't sit behind a PC and hassle them. I'm sure the majority have jobs/lives and their hobby? I'm willing to bet gaming is the hobby. Something productive..I've seen more cave ins from developers than I have seen stick to their guns so in a way they are doing something productive.


Everyone needs to stop and understand the frustration. If you are not bothered in any way by the staggered start then don't post teasing others or giving them hard time. Read the post and move on.


I don't understand the frustration though. Why are people crying about getting what they deserve?

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as im logging on right now lol if you preordered back in july or august when it started you would be playing right now like me. :D so stop your crying and see you at launch lmao. rub salt in the wound i was a beta tester aswell since the summer.


You do realize that some of us ordered in August and had issues with the codes and didn't get them fixed until late November, early December, right?


Not only that, but I am also a CE buyer who will get 1 day of early release and then I don't get to play until my game arrives ... which is supposedly being estimated for 12/31.


So am I to believe that I will get 1 day of gameplay for ordering early and by the time I get to get my 2nd day in, there will have been people that have been playing for almost 18 days?


I'm starting to think that maybe buying the Collector's Edition has brought some kind of punishment upon me.


Oh well, better late than never ... right?



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Sure, it'll be easier, but you'll still need to play catch up. Can't you just ask your friends to wait for you? Ask them to play something other than their main before you get in.


Actually, any good friend would do this for you if you were wanting to play together. And if they won't wait, well..

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I don't particularly care how everyone chooses to interpret the marketing, that's for each of you to decipher. My own impression is that it's deceptive and shady.. but this is a business first and foremost and money is and always will drive whatever stunt, positive or negative, the devs, execs, and everyone in between can think up.


Deceptive to stupid people I suppose.

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You do realize that some of us ordered in August and had issues with the codes and didn't get them fixed until late November, early December, right?


Not only that, but I am also a CE buyer who will get 1 day of early release and then I don't get to play until my game arrives ... which is supposedly being estimated for 12/31.


So am I to believe that I will get 1 day of gameplay for ordering early and by the time I get to get my 2nd day in, there will have been people that have been playing for almost 18 days?


I'm starting to think that maybe buying the Collector's Edition has brought some kind of punishment upon me.


Oh well, better late than never ... right?




This has nothing to do with this thread. Sure, you'll have delayed gaming, but not by design. No one intended this to happen to you. This is unfair, but this is life. I'm sorry for your misfortune.

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Short point from me:



There is a difference between 2 Million people playing on a server, and 2 Million trying to log in onto a server to about the same time.



The first one is no problem at all. The second.. however is a huge problem. People should consider that when they go on their "GIVE EVERYONE ACCESS TO THE SAME TIME!" speeches.



Just giving everyone access to the same time, will most likely end up like a second WoW.


Server crashing on the first day, and being offline for a couple of days.



But sure, that would be such a much much nicer experience for all of us. :D




As I see it: people that complain about it, how BW handles it, apparently never have witnessed the launch of a big MMO.

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You do realize that early access is the ONLY incentive to pre-order, right? This is the year 2010, and digital downloads have the concept of "sold out" obsolete. If they want our money before the game actually comes out, they better give us something worth it. I didn't preorder for an asterisk, I preordered for early access.


actually its 2011, the fact you cant even get the year correct further illustrates the level of ignorance you display when also failing to understand what "up to 5 days" means


it means you were promised access on the 19th, and possibly sooner


simple logic should fill in the rest though im sure you will fail that as well

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if you don't understand then stop commenting on everyone's posts. stupid troll.


It's not trolling to state my point that people are getting what they bought, it wasn't deceptive, there was plenty of time to ask the question if you weren't sure, and if you don't want to play, cancel your order and get your money back. I'm not stupid or ugly.

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Short point from me:



There is a difference between 2 Million people playing on a server, and 2 Million trying to log in onto a server to about the same time.



The first one is no problem at all. The second.. however is a huge problem. People should consider that when they go on their "GIVE EVERYONE ACCESS TO THE SAME TIME!" speeches.



Just giving everyone access to the same time, will most likely end up like a second WoW.


Server crashing on the first day, and being offline for a couple of days.



But sure, that would be such a much much nicer experience for all of us. :D




As I see it: people that complain about it, how BW handles it, apparently never have witnessed the launch of a big MMO.


So they will give us smooth EGA.


What about 20th? Servers will go down at the end of 19th, so that 2 million people will be trying to login 20th when servers get up.


Now, again, why this rolling EGA system, what will they gain? Stable EGA? And maybe idea of how many servers are needed for pre-orderers? (which again they could know from the beta stress test and and number of pre-orders and doing 1+1....)

Edited by Viikuna
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I pre order the game as soon as pre order available,

and i never know / care about early access and beta test weekend


and Bioware have reward me with beta test weekend (even i just play 2 hours, since i have to go to airport and business meeting)

and now Bioware yet reward me with another early access


i am one satisfied customer,

but now can i have Grace period please, pretty please :rolleyes:

since i am sure it's need 1-2 weeks for my Collector Edition arrived at my backwater country

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Talking about the giant letters on the front page of the site yo not the email u get after your pre ordered. It was all so shady in the middle.


So you bought a shady product and are upset that what you get is not what you "thought" you would get. Bravo.

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It's not trolling to state my point that people are getting what they bought, it wasn't deceptive, there was plenty of time to ask the question if you weren't sure, and if you don't want to play, cancel your order and get your money back. I'm not stupid or ugly.


That's the thing. I never said it was deceptive. I said it was a crappy way to release an MMO, which it is.

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You do realize that early access is the ONLY incentive to pre-order, right?


Actually it isn't the ONLY incentive. Many prefer to have a physical copy of the game (including the Collector's Edition) and they want to be certain to get it as soon as possible and not have to wait for stores to restock their shelves.


This is the year 2010, and digital downloads have the concept of "sold out" obsolete.


This is actually the year 2011. (rolling eyes...)


If they want our money before the game actually comes out, they better give us something worth it. I didn't preorder for an asterisk, I preordered for early access.


They DID give you something "worth it". They gave you EXACTLY what they said they would.


It was NEVER promised that you would get a full 5 days of early game access. It was ALWAYS stated "UP TO 5 days of early access" and made it very clear that the earlier you order the game, the earlier you would get to play. You technically DID pre-order for an asterisk, you just didn't read it...


Don't act like it's someone else's fault you didn't get what you were never promised.

Edited by Jaavik
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I pre order the game as soon as pre order available,

and i never know / care about early access and beta test weekend


and Bioware have reward me with beta test weekend (even i just play 2 hours, since i have to go to airport and business meeting)

and now Bioware yet reward me with another early access


i am one satisfied customer,

but now can i have Grace period please, pretty please :rolleyes:

since i am sure it's need 1-2 weeks for my Collector Edition arrived at my backwater country


Ah. People should be complaining about Grace Periods, not this crap thread. The CE should have just come with a digital copy of the game.

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So they will give us smooth EGA.


What about 20th? Servers will go down at the end of 19th, so that 2 million people will be trying to login 20th when servers get up.


Now, again, why this rolling EGA system, what will they gain? Stable EGA? And maybe idea of how many servers are needed for pre-orderers (which again they could know from the beta stress and and number of pre-orders and doing 1+1....)


I actually expect, that people like us, that Pre-Ordered are more likely to wait for the launch time, and try to jump on right away. Other people, that didn't pre-order, probably will pour in spread all over the days after release. Also depending on when they got time to buy it and so on.


From my experience from other Launches, i can say, that people that do pre-Orders are the ones that put most load onto the system. As they are eager to play. People that buy on release date, don't put as much load onto it, as they indeed pour in over all the day.

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