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So...most players will NOT get 5 days of early access.


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nice outrage, are you sure everyone isn't getting in tomorrow and that would invalidate all complaints?


as i said. hopefully its all nothing but a missunderstanding. Also it was not intended to be any outrage. I am not stomping my feet and name calling or anything of the sort. Just simply voicing my opinion on the situation as i see it.


for now ill let you get back to your trolling.


*edit fixed one of my many typos*

Edited by Kebon
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Holy ******, I think I should just copy my response to every nerd raging thread and paste it. No where did it say you are guaranteed 5 days. BW said it is may be able to get UP TO 5 days. meaning you honestly didnt have to get any at all. MAY being the key word. If this isnt enough for you, the pre order FAQs answer it. Since day 1 they said "the earlier you enter the code, the earlier you get in" Go read a book, hang out with your girlfriend (if you have one. And your 57% approximation is way off. The already are up until the beginning of october and tomorrow they will be up to the end of november, so what is the issue?
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From SR: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=16391


A quick update on today's invites, and a little preview of tomorrow.


Today, we invited people who had pre-ordered up to the very beginning of October (roughly). Tomorrow, we're going to be inviting the same number of people again; that will take us up to the last week or so of November. On Friday, we'll be inviting even more, and we'll give you an update on that tomorrow.


You'll see more servers coming online tomorrow, and almost certainly there will be some queuing. That was always expected. As a reminder, our plan here is to maintain healthy server populations post launch, and during the excitement of launch that will mean queues. That said, we'll be working hard to keep those queues reasonable.


We'll check back in tomorrow with another update.

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I have been reading most of the comments left by people, I too am stuck in the CE grace period, except postage to where i live takes 3 - 4 weeks so I will be greatful for any early time i get to play even if its 1 hour!

I completly understand the "up to 5 days early access", every year adverts about mid year, closing down or Christmas sales cram my tv, they always advertise "SAVE UP TO 50%" . Most of the time when you go to these sales you may find 1 or 2 items that are 50% off the rest of them are less than 50% off.

People need to understand that BW is a company that is trying to sell a product, they will use wording to encourage you to pre-order, its called suggestive selling/marketing. Ask any store owner what is the hardest thing about running a business in retail, and they will tell you "getting customers to walk in the door" now im only using this as an example to help people who dont understand how wording is used in marketing.


anyway I hope what i wrote helps people understand the wording a little easier.


To those who got early access, GRATS!!!

To those who didnt, be patient you will have early access!


and to those who bought the CE who will be waiting untill late Jan 2012 to play... dont worry, i feel your pain :(

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Game launched on the 13th and early access was "promised" on the 15th. Now, since we learn that early access is actually until the 19th, that means that 57% of players won't get those 5 days.

No, early access was promised to be before the 20th. It always said "UP TO 5 DAYS EARLY". That means THE 19TH could count as early access. Now, what they did was be awesome and add two days so more people could play closer to 5 days worth of early access.


Also, it seems to me that 50% of preorder people are already playing, and they'll actually get 6 days instead of 5.

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I agree that really people are raging and its really just because there jelous they arent the people "first" in the game so they cant be the ones to lvl 20 or higher when game officially launches. We should seriously all be appreciative that BioWare even came up with this idea for their customers. Yeah i know how people feel that they just wanna play cause we've all been waiting a long..long time but look what bioware has done in the time..they've given us pretty much every single detail of the game without us even playing it and they still keep us up to date with what they have been working on. But how do we repay them? People raging about how they werent the first ones in the early access...


Bioware has been great to us this whole time, and they still continue to be great! Everyone who has pre ordered or waiting to buy game will play in less than a week. I just dont get why people are getting all worked up because they werent in the early access pick the first 2 days. Its time to grow up really and remember what Bioware has really done for us these long years of waiting and now were all treating them like crap just because of something little.


If you are mad you werent in the first 2 days of early access when there is alot more days left.. then maybe you shouldnt have even considered buying this game and getting some copeing mechanisms or therapy because you obviously cant handle the wait or just blameing things that dont even make sense to get mad about.


I probably wont even play till few more days.. I'm happy with that...yes i am eager and waiting to play for a long time but it makes that day all more better when it comes!


Yeah some of you are probably going to try to insult me back or get back at me with some comments or remarks..but you can say what ever you like my point still stands that you have absolutely no reliable facts that show that were being screwed by BioWare..and if you claim you do well all i got to say to you is...




Cause you obviously cant handle it when you dont have your way so you deserve to go last if you complain.


Thank you for reading i hope you enjoyed my thoughts..if you dont well i dont really give a damn.


If BioWare/TOR team reads this at all they should know that they still got people who appreciate what they have done and still do and we are behind their decisions every step of the way..we know you will makes us happy in the end!

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Game launched on the 13th and early access was "promised" on the 15th. Now, since we learn that early access is actually until the 19th, that means that 57% of players won't get those 5 days.


Is there any reason to keep a pre-order now? Gamestop already messed up by not getting pre-order codes to customers. I'm ready to just tell them to screw themselves and I'll buy the game online or cheaper off ebay from a rage-quitter. It'll save me a trip to the store.


Up to 5 days. Learn to read. They could give you only one and it would still be alright.


luckily for you, even if you preordered yesterday, you'll get to play on the 18th at latest.

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for you "smart people" out there. everyone understands it says "up to 5 days". and legally what you say is correct. However - and this is where it gets interesting - It does not matter if 90% of a companies clients are dumb as dirt. You dont mislead or "fake an offer" and expect good results. Pissing off the paying customers is never a good idea.


Backing up. yes they did up the time to 7 days and that is awsome. truely is. and hopefully everything will be worked out and everyone can have some decent early access time.


but, upon launch, pissing people off is half way okay in that they want to play and already bought the game. but 2 months in - they better count their pennies if they still piss off the player base. THIS does not mean that they treat them badly. only piss them off. Makes no difference what-so-ever if the players are right or wrong to be mad. it is all perception. business, politics, entertainment. its all perception.


If people feel they were misled or misstreated... thats all that matters.


I understand this is day 6 right now. the preorder said 5. and up to 5. this post has nothing to do with any of that...


BW made a bad move in how they are releasing, as it is confusing (and frustrating) to many people. Once again. it does not matter if BW is right or wrong. Only that people dont like it.


also i understand those that back them up. Perhaps you have been with this game for a while and know them better than most of us. maybe you know they treat the players very very well. maybe they are the best at how they deal with and treat players concerns. perception is all that matters.


Right now, some people are upset. Best to just let them vent and stop trying to control other peoples feelings.

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You're giving money to them without getting a game. You're putting your trust in them that their game will not suck. Since there's no reason OTHER THAN early access to pre-order, you damn well better get early access if you pre-order. If they wanted to restrict pre-order access, they should have said "Pre-order before [month], [day] to get early access!"


If you didnt get in yet that means you preorderd after beta footage started showing up on youtube. Therefor you had the chance to see how the game looked before ordering. And if you missunderstood what was written when preordering or did not bother to look up information about the early access system that is your own fault. Im not in yet cause i waited until late november with my preorder even tough ive know for way over 1 year i would play the game. How is it unfair that the ppl that orderd first gets in first ? If you guy buy the game in a store 5h after someone else you wont get to play at the same time either.

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Game launched on the 13th and early access was "promised" on the 15th. Now, since we learn that early access is actually until the 19th, that means that 57% of players won't get those 5 days.


Correct, most players wont get 5 days, they will get MORE. Also, they didnt "promise" 5 days they "promised" UP TO five days, hence, even if some players only got 1 sec of early access they would still be living up to their "promise" as you put it.


"Day 1 Summary:

Waves 1-4: July 21 - July 27 Estimated number of people: ~100,000

Day 2 Summary:

WAVE 1 latest date/time: August 8th Wave 1 estimate: ~ 100,000 people

WAVE 2 latest date/time: August 23rd Wave 2 estimate: ~100,000 people

WAVE 3 latest date/time: September 10th Wave 3 Estimate: ~ 86,000 people

WAVE 4 latest date/time: October 4th Wave 4 Estimate: ~ 80,000 people

Numbers source: http://www.vgchartz.com/preorders/40762/USA/

Offical post about today: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=16391

Based off numbers and offical post: number of players by the end of the day: ~500,000 (probably a little bit less)

ROUGH ESTIMATE AT THE END OF DAY 2: Through very early October should get access THIS IS JUST AN ESTIMATE (accurate and confirmed the latest date is October 1)


. Prediction for tomorrow: So far over half of all preorders have gotten access. Today we saw a little less than 400,000 people. I predict that all preorders will have access by the end of the day tomorrow."



"Star Wars: The Old Republic (PC) is at the top spot, as it adds 23,000 pre-orders, up from 16,000 last week, for a total of 939,000. The game is two weeks away from launch, December 20 in the USA."



Edited by Taurenizer
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If you read on the main page it says pre order now and player before 12/20 so therefore if people dont get a minimum of 1 day its false advertising and a pretty ****** move for them to do honestly.


i wouldnt worry about that. they will at the very least cover their bases. off hand id guess at everyone that preordered will be in this weekend. with release on tuesday - its all good.

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i wouldnt worry about that. they will at the very least cover their bases. off hand id guess at everyone that preordered will be in this weekend. with release on tuesday - its all good.


What i think the MAIN problem is just the way they worded it, no offence to people but it did say up to 5 days which means between 1-5 days. i can wait honestly if i get 1-2 days thats enough for me i got schoolwork to do and friends to hang out with. anyone who is raging at this is just childish and should stop posting its just a waste of peoples time to have to explain the same thing thats been explained for the past 30 pages.

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If what you're saying is that it's stupid to let some people that preordered play before other people that preordered then I'm with you. How is it fair that someone who can afford to preorder a game 6 months or a year in advance has preference over someone who had to scrape and save to buy the game at the last minute? This would be totally different if it were an offline game that didn't have world firsts or people racing to 50. This is why people are pissed off and it makes sense. I don't think this was the right way to handle an MMO prelaunch. Early access is great do it all at once, don't handicap people that paid the same amount to PREORDER the game just didn't do it 6 months ago. Game companies used to be happy with preorders now I guess we have to buy games when they're still in development to get a spot when it launches. Not kosher.


Good luck winning the race to 50 or any server firsts or playing with your friends for that matter with staggered access. Not very well thought out.


You don't pay for a preorder on most sites. I had 2 preorders the day they were available. It cost me exactly nothing. In fact, I still haven't paid a dime. Pretty unfair that something that was absolutely free cost so much to get for us poor folks huh?

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Largest MMO release to date, record pre-orders, Christmas just around the corner.


I am anxiously awaiting the inevitable QQ threads from those who cancel their pre-order due to nerd rage, and then cannot find the game available from their local stores.

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You do realize that early access is the ONLY incentive to pre-order, right? This is the year 2010, and digital downloads have the concept of "sold out" obsolete. If they want our money before the game actually comes out, they better give us something worth it. I didn't preorder for an asterisk, I preordered for early access.


Early access is the only reason?????? Are you serious??? Maybe you should go respond to all the whiners about not getting all the same preorder items as everyone else regardless of which level of the game they preordered.


Think before you type....or in your case cry.



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Game launched on the 13th and early access was "promised" on the 15th. Now, since we learn that early access is actually until the 19th, that means that 57% of players won't get those 5 days.


Is there any reason to keep a pre-order now? Gamestop already messed up by not getting pre-order codes to customers. I'm ready to just tell them to screw themselves and I'll buy the game online or cheaper off ebay from a rage-quitter. It'll save me a trip to the store.


It iis UP TO 5 days and not 5 days.

Edited by Gaxon
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some of you people really need to grow the hell up. Get lives, go get a job, get a hobby and do something productive instead of sitting on a forum whining about not getting into early access today.




That is why we play games. The act kills time. When you purchase a product, you get the right to critique that product. I can say what I want when I want, and about what I want.

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