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SWOR & next please!!!


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Amazing. Fully immersive & thoroughly thoroughly enjoyable. Has anybody received a better Christmas present since the age of 7, i don't think so. :)


As wow players over the past few years theres a few things were looking forward to being introduced and if you can add to this for their purusal that would be marvellous.


-Chat Bubbles(suprised just how much i miss them and instantly seeing who is talking in rp)


-Guild Bank(which i believe is on the way)


-A Tol Barad or Wintersgrasp.....pvp island with daillies to fight over.....one with heavy machinery and at least cannon on turrets please....just make the one and increase it to max as you go along eh.


I can't possibly think of anything else, its all too excellent. Keep up the gr8 work.


See you out there



Sith Lord(soon to be)

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