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Armstech Reverse Engineering Issues


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Anyone else having problems reverse engineering actual weapons in Armstech?


My skill level is at 362 right now. I can usually reverse engineer a green barrel to a blue in 3-5 tries and a blue barrel to purple in about the same.


Weapons are a whole different issue though. I was able to reverse engineer some level 9 weapons to blue but after that nothing. I ran 58 green level 25 shotguns and got nothing, another 64 green level 33 blasters and nothing. Also tried countless numbers of green vibroblades and blaster rifles in the 25-35 range and nothing.


Is this thing busted? The only blue weapons I have been able to get past level 9 were recipes bough on the market.

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No idea the actual cause of this issue, but I will throw in, as well, that I have largely had little success with getting blue schems for weapons above the early (lvl 9) stuff and even then I couldn't get the vibroknifes to scale up.


I eventually just gave and started RE barrels.

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RE'ing weapons does work. As a 400 armstech, I have multiple blue and purple weapon recipes from RE'ing.


That being said, it's hardly ever worth it to bother trying to learn the blue and purple weapon recipes, even at level 50. They still don't have mod slots (barring an augment slot on the rare crit), meaning there's no room for upgrading their already sub-par stats.


To get the blue recipe for the Fusion X-Blaster (Armstech 400), it took me about 60 RE attempts. The 3 purple recipes branching off of that blue recipe took approximately 10-15 RE attempts each.


Good luck if you decide to stick with Armstech, but IMHO it's a nearly worthless profession.

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That being said, it's hardly ever worth it to bother trying to learn the blue and purple weapon recipes, even at level 50. They still don't have mod slots (barring an augment slot on the rare crit), meaning there's no room for upgrading their already sub-par stats.


Good luck if you decide to stick with Armstech, but IMHO it's a nearly worthless profession.



A lvl 11 blaster with 4 mod slots, upgraded with a mediocre barrel did more damage than; the lvl 21 mastercraft I created after much hard work and about 10k just getting there.


The lvl11 blaster and barrel cost me 1500cr.

The lvl21 blaster cost me about 10k in time and material (estimate).


At that point I learned that the only thing worth crafting is barrels. IMHO we need access to schematics that are unique and have 4 mod slots. There needs to be more value to being an Armstech.

Edited by Skinfaxi
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