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(An open letter to the players)For people who want to quit. Please read.


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Dear Players and Fellow SW,TOR, ST:AU Fans,


While I admit there are many things broken.


And this launch is not better then many other MMO's Ive played(beta'ed over 20, and played 29 live).


And EA most likely forces Bioware to launch early. Its still a new MMO launch..

And Patience is required.


**There will be problems. Even the biggest and best have had these very same issues. And Still have issues after running for 7 and 10 years. Things break and they get fixed. But you need to give them time to fix them.**


And posting you suck, and this is a scam is not going to fix the issue. When most likely the issue can be fixed. and things will get fixed over the next month or so. I can guarantee a lot of issue causing non-playability for players is the first thing they are working on. then will branch out and fix the other issues.


Please Post your issues in a intelligent and calm manner and ask for help. I know guys would rather smash and break things, but you can do it. It will be ok!


So please be patient and enjoy what you can, I feel this game is worth the wait. If you cant play go outside and play till it is. because god knows you wont be going back outside for a while once it is. =)


In short; Issues will be fixed, give them time.


Love my Tor Geeks,



P.S. Grammar nazi's feel free to destroy my work. =)

Edited by Nemrodh
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I have played world of warcraft for seven years and can assure you this mmo has surpassed the launchhg of wow. In fact it has even euprassed blizzard's wow latest patch 4.3 .! just be patiient bioware as thus far shown excellent response , yes even when they are off for maintenance then any mmo I have had the pleasure to play:D
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Very well worded!


I just wish Bioware would make some kind of sticky about laptops and integrated graphics cards. A 64meg Intel HD graphics card is never going to run this game very well. You need some kind of dedicated graphics card to get any decent performance. Most of the people talking about LAG post their dxdiag and have these integrated cards.


Honestly, I couldn't even fathom playing on a laptop :D

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