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Best Smuggler Dialogue Lines [Possible Spoilers]


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I just rolled a chic smuggler to level up to get as a crafting alt. I only ran the class missions to get off Ord Mantell, but I picked all dark side options.


The part where I went to go meet Skavak to get my ship, right before I left Ord Mantell and I walked in and the guy is going on about killing the men and how I'm to be executed.


Me replies with: Well not everyone gets the happy ending.


I almost want to take this chic to max level just to see her dialog.

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I love my smuggler... almost level 50!

I have my recorder running sometimes when I play, so I immortalized a couple of funny convos I got here and there. Some quotes in this topic are there in my videos too. :)


One of my fave is when the smuggler says to Bowdaar

"I'm generally pro-freedom... and pro-suns. I like suns."


Video 1

Video 2


What are you recording with? I want to start recording the cutscenes to watch again.

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Talking to a gun-clueless NPC soldier on Balmorra:


"Looks like you'll shoot yourself in the foot before you can do anything useful."

"You've got guts, kid. No brains, but lots of guts!"




During the class questline on Balmorra someone gets kidnapped to Camp Vigil. My Gunslinger's thoughts on this:


"I'm guessing that's not a 'romantic night under the stars' sort of camp?"


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In a dejected tone of voice my Smuggler: "Why does everyone always believe the worst of me?"


Corso's response: "I've been trying to figure that out.. I think it's got something to do with the hair."

Risha's response: "You really have to ask?"

Bowdaar's response: "Ha."


Guss' and Akaavi's responses weren't nearly as awesome so I've left them out. This entire scene has probably been my single, favourite, conversation. In the entire story line. Regardless of which companion I finished the conversation with.


If you don't know what scene it is, keep playing, i hope you love it as much as i do.

Edited by Avianpixie
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About killing someone:


Smuggler: "And I thought going legit meant I wouldn't have any fun..."

Senator Dodonna: "Just don't let your maniacal giggling make you lose sight of how dangerous he is."


Thanks for posting this. I couldn't remember exactly how it went. When playing a female scoundrel who constantly gets Upper Hand that quote is so spot on. My team mates have been commenting on my constant giggling :)

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"Heroes who save entire planets ought to get some pretty big statues in their honor, don't you think?"




Me: "If Rogan goes down, as far as anyone's concerned, I did it single-handedly. With a spoon."

Darmas: "Blindfolded and after four shots of Corellian whiskey. Of course."


Edited by Melkathi
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Just the way she says it, it's amazing.


Kath Soucie did turn out to be the perfect fit for female smuggler voice acting.

(skip to 2:13 and onward)


Which just made me realize...

Maureen's welding-torch get's stolen. "I still can't believe someone would steal my torch."

Corso Riggs "Where is Torchy? I don't believe this, Skavaak stole my blaster!"

Not alike at all, but it's fun (to me) how years ago a character voiced by Kath Soucie complains about a stolen torch and now a character complains to someone voiced by Kath Soucie about a stolen Torchy :)

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"Stop, you're making me blush!" - talking to Ambassador Asara on the Esseles.


These are all from class quests or talking to companions, so they're spoilerized.



"I'm sorry, did you say 'massive black hole'?" - talking about Nok Drayen's starship.


"Wow, when she said you were nuts, I was thinking run-of-the-mill cultists. But cannibals take the prize!" - Corso Riggs companion quest


"Great! Tell me the plan and I'll see how I can ruin it." - talking to Akaavi Spar during class quests on Balmorra.


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When your talking to Rogun the first time on Port Nowhere, and he tells you to say your sorry.


Smuggler" I'm s...... I'm s....... I'm s.......... I'm so incredibly good looking. Nope, can't do it.


I think I'm the only person who felt that that was the worst line the smuggler has in the whole game.

Personally I found it lacked any of the smuggler's usual wit and was simply imature :) If the "I'm so incredibly good looking" part had been left out, I may have been more favourable to it. But as it stands I am siding with Moff Kilran's assessment of the smuggler: "Schoolyard insults" :p

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On a Greatest Heist of all time Starship while meeting security guard(not copied converstaion):

Guard: We werent expecting you. Only Chiss Colonel Bla Bla Bla

Human Smuggler: You see i'm very chiss actually. My parents were kinda surprised too the first time.


Got me ROFL litterally :D

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