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Best Smuggler Dialogue Lines [Possible Spoilers]


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After being told about some ominous Bar (the Dealer's Den) on Coruscant, and what kind of dangerous hell-hole it's supposed to be:


"Hey, I know that one. I think I got a tap there."




And, of course, the best when Rogun wanted me to say sorry for loosing his shipment:




I fell out of my chair there, my stomach still hurts.

Edited by Pack_master
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After defeating Caico's bodyguards, leaving him begging for his life...


Smuggler: "What happened to *in a bad mock british accent* 'Oh, I love the Voidwolf! I'm going to watch his victory!"


Not so much what was said, but how it is said. Brilliant :)

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Here is one of my favorites - if a bit long - from Ord Mantell.


Gorry: Come on Foursen. Say it just like I taught you.


4-Sen: The Republic's lackeys will drown in lakes of fire and blood, Master. Death to all who oppose the people's will, Master.


G: Hey there. (To Smuggler slicing the Separatist computer) We've had some trouble with the new power relays. I need to check on the computer core. You mind?


4:Master, I detect the presence of several non-functioning humans. Specifically, the bodies over there. Setting alert status red.


G: Oh no! Foursen, activate combat protocols! We've got to warn the others!


Smuggler: By the stars! Republic troops have invaded our base! (Exagerated gesture of alarm)


4: Master, my sensors detect no evidence of hostile forces.


G: But that doesn't make sense...


S: When was the last time you calibrated that droid's sensors?


G: Not recently enough to take any chances. We need to put the base on alert and rally the men. Here, comrade. If you see any Republic lackeys, use this on them. Let's go Foursen! There's no time to waste!



best one i've personally encountered yet. I especially love the direct look into the camera after the kid runs off. wish i had it screenshotted.

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Corso: What do you think pushes people that far, Captain? To start seeing other people as... meat?


Me: First time we run out of spiced loaf I'm eating Guss.


Corso: That's horrible, Captain! You'll share right?

Replace Guss with Risha (I got that quest/dialog before Hoth), and it's even funnier.
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Me: Is that a hairstyle, or did a womp rat die on your head?

Scorch: Did you just... what... who do... shut up!

Me: Your friends have so much to live for. Why get them killed?

Scorch: Ooh, tough talk from a scum on the run. I'm not afraid of you. I've got a flamethrower!



Me: I bet you've killed a lot of innocent people.

Scorch: I never flame-broiled anybody who didn't have it coming.

Egara: Except for that Rodian droid technician -- and the Trandoshan cloth merchant.

Riloh: And your last girlfriend. What was her name? Mira? Marzi?

Scorch: It was Myrella, and that was an accident!

Edited by dizzyMongoose
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One of my fave lines is when the Smuggler is on Coruscant and leaning back on the couch:


"I can't help it if I'm popular with all the wrong people..." LOL. XD


I honestly was inspired to keep playing a Smuggler character JUST for the dialogue alone, though I love everything else about the class.

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"Of all the women Ive known, youre certainly the most recent"


Oh snap! :eek:


Well this quote is from Risha. She used to ruffle my feathers but she definitely got affection points with me around the end of Chapter one:



"The only women Skavak understands are brainless tarts. You must be tiling his galaxy."



Girls gotta stick together! <3

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I love my smuggler... almost level 50!

I have my recorder running sometimes when I play, so I immortalized a couple of funny convos I got here and there. Some quotes in this topic are there in my videos too. :)


One of my fave is when the smuggler says to Bowdaar

"I'm generally pro-freedom... and pro-suns. I like suns."


Video 1

Video 2

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