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Founder here ... I feel betrayed and robbed


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I was going to start one of my very rare threads in here, until I stumbled upon this.


I'm a founder to and the logic behind 320-326 gear setup eludes me.

Hey happy playing people with all your shiny, modable weapons. They're great, aren't.

Oh? You're level 80? Sorry, you won't be using those anymore, it's all 320-326 weapons now without mods in them. Hope you all enjoy using the same looking weapons (crystals, tuning aside) from now on, or until we decide to change it.


It definitely takes away some of the motivation for even playing the game. Why spend time, effort and money on modable weapons when you're going to be effectively blocked from using them once you hit level 80?


Before someone gets all "Shut up, go raid, do harder content" I'm not annoyed at the item level your average level 80 player can access, I'm annoyed at losing the use of all of my collected weapons. The could have, or should have at the very least put mods into the Noble Decurion weapons that are available to buy and upgrade. :mad:

Whether or not such a thing is excusable or inexcusable is up to each consumer, but it's not like they wanted to launch 7.0 without the weapon slot working in the new outfit designer. It was an unfortunate issue that resulted because it just wasn't ready at the time of 7.0's already delayed release. But as I've pointed out in other threads, level scaling prevents the newest stuff from being any more effective than the 306 IR stuff you used at level 75. So in most content, you can still look however you' want to look without a loss in performance (until the weapon designer is released).

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Whether or not such a thing is excusable or inexcusable is up to each consumer, but it's not like they wanted to launch 7.0 without the weapon slot working in the new outfit designer. It was an unfortunate issue that resulted because it just wasn't ready at the time of 7.0's already delayed release. But as I've pointed out in other threads, level scaling prevents the newest stuff from being any more effective than the 306 IR stuff you used at level 75. So in most content, you can still look however you' want to look without a loss in performance (until the weapon designer is released).


Exactly. I mean, it's disappointing, but again... not the end of the world. It IS coming in 7.1 (hopefully in a better state than what's on the PTS...). Maybe it's just because I'm older and have learned to be patient...


Wear your 306 weapons, just remember to switch when opening boxes so you can upgrade your weapons anyway.


(I do agree that just giving us mods, which is what basically EVERYONE is asking about, would have been a better choice, that being said, I'm excited to be able to match weapons and crystals to outfits).

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Because we pay the same *********** amount you do. You know, like you have had explained to you MANY times already?!


Kinda like getting a participation medal for just being on the team even though you never played....

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To start with I have been playing this game since the game launched - time to voice my dislikes with the newest expansion



2) The weekly caps are redunculus - I max out on Aquadics by Wednesday - you are making me think I should play something else the rest of the week - when people go look for other games sometimes they find thing they like better and spend their money elsewehere - surely that is not what you want


founder that doesn't read gold posts by bioware on the forum?


this was posted in dev tracker two days before your quitting wow for the reason rant thread:


Hey Community!


We appreciate the feedback, concerns, and suggestions you’ve posted in response to this thread. I wanted to jump in to address some feedback as well as provide information on additional changes we’ve been working on.

The original post will be updated with everything I’m listing below.


First let’s talk about some points of feedback we’ll be addressing. We hear your concerns about last boss lockout farming in Operations as well as the high requirements of OEM-37 and RPM-13 to create CM-1337, so here are the adjustments we’ll be making.


Reduction to CM-1337 component costs and requirements:

  • The required OEM-37 and RPM-13 to create a CM-1337 has been reduced to 5 OEM-37 and 5 RPM-13 (down from 7 OEM-37 and 14 RPM-13).
  • The cost of OEM-37 and RPM-13 on the Spoils of War vendor has been reduced to 4,000 (down from 5,000 previously and 10,000 originally)

This reduces the total Tech Fragment cost of an Augment to 40,000 Tech Fragments. This is more expensive than upgrading your Legendary Implants as we do want players to focus on their Implants and gear before pursuing Augments.


Last Boss Operations farming

We’re going to make some adjustments to reduce the pressure for players to farm the final boss only. The new Tech Fragments values per boss are listed below.


Story Mode Operations

Boss 1: 150 Tech Fragments

Boss 2: 300 Tech Fragments

Boss 3: 500 Tech Fragments

Boss 4: 500 Tech Fragments

Boss 5: 550 Tech Fragments

Total: 2000 Tech Fragments


Veteran Mode Operations

Boss 1: 200 Tech Fragments

Boss 2: 450 Tech Fragments

Boss 3: 600 Tech Fragments

Boss 4: 600 Tech Fragments

Boss 5: 650 Tech Fragments

Total: 2500 Tech Fragments


Master Mode Operations

Boss 1: 225 Tech Fragments

Boss 2: 450 Tech Fragments

Boss 3: 750 Tech Fragments

Boss 4: 750 Tech Fragments

Boss 5: 825 Tech Fragments

Total: 3000 Tech Fragments


These adjustments keep the total Tech Fragments the same as previously stated.


We’ve also been working on more rewards adjustments that we’re now ready to share with you all. So let’s get into the new adjustments!


Tech Fragment Increases for Solo Players:

  • Random World Drops of Tech Fragments and other endgame currencies will no longer be single currency drops, we’ll be introducing bags of individual currency. These bags will be consumed as soon as they are looted and the currencies will go to your currency tab. If you are already at the currency cap these bags will be consumed and no currency will be granted.
  • The amounts in bags we’re targeting are: 20 Tech Frags, 10 Conquest Commendations, and 5 for WZ-1 Accelerant, OP-1 Catalyst, FP-1 Stabilizer, and Daily Matrices.
  • Tech Fragments rewarded from individual Daily Area and Heroic Missions increased to 30 (up from 10)
  • Tech Fragments rewarded from the Personal Conquest goal increased to 500 (up from 250)
  • Players will be able to exchange extra Conquest Commendations directly for Tech Fragments at the Spoils of War vendor at a rate of 50 Conquest Commendations for 50 Tech Fragments.


Adjustments to Conquest Commendations

Hearing your feedback and evaluating currencies on our end, we’ve found players are hitting the currency cap on Conquest Commendations well before other currencies. To help this we’ll be making some adjustments:

  • The currency cap of Conquest Commendations will be raised to 2500 (up from 999)
  • The weekly cap of Conquest Commendations will be raised to 1500 (up from 999)
  • As mentioned above, Conquest Commendations will be exchangeable for Tech Fragments at the Spoils of War Vendor


Allowing progress on losses for Unranked Warzones

We want our PvP queues and matches to be healthy, so we’re going to be modifying Unranked Warzone missions to allow players to progress even if the match is lost. We took a look at the average completion time of Unranked Warzones compared to Galactic Starfighter matches, and arrived at three losses equal to one win for progression.

The following Missions will allow progress on loss (Wins will count 3x):

  • [DAILY] Zero Tolerance
  • [DAILY] March Them Down
  • [WEEKLY] The Spoils of War
  • [DAILY] United We Stand
  • [DAILY] No Quarter
  • [WEEKLY] Conspicuous Valor
  • [WEEKLY] The War Front


These additional changes will be coming out with our 7.0.2 update.

Edited by Falensawino
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To start with I have been playing this game since the game launched - time to voice my dislikes with the newest expansion


3) WHY did you take away TC runs ?? - lots of people liked doing TC multiple time per day - GONE - seems like you took away way more than you gave us in this expansion


4) the new gear up climb is slanted toward the top 3% of the gamers that do serious raiding - do you really want the other 97% to just give up and quit because they have no way to get top gear ???

If you are not doing the harder content you DON'T need the gear. So what is the issue here? You want the higher level gear just to look at it?


330 gear makes everything easier/faster in the game


solo content. you kill stuff much faster

pvp content. you out damage everyone

pvp. better stat allocation in bolster

pvp. winning matches instead of repeating losses



you should get 330 even if you just solo content to shave precious seconds off every encounter


the effort to obtain 330 while everyone is farming nim nefra and nim dashroode may be a net time saver for the entire longevity of 7.0 patch

Edited by Falensawino
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founder that doesn't read gold posts by bioware on the forum?


this was posted in dev tracker two days before your quitting wow for the reason rant thread:


To be fair, they're only increasing the cap of what are now medals of commendations. Everything else will stay at 999.


Although at least I'll actually be able to SPEND them now.

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If you are not doing the harder content you DON'T need the gear.


Thats just an outright lie.


I played 3 MM FPs yesterday;


# Korriban

Heal & Tank doing well (324/326 gear), the two DPS (LightSorc & Mara) struggle. Second boss goes soft enrage by 57%. No chance. Would some higher Gear saved us there? - no. BUT with better gear and one other decent DPS we could probably make it.



Heal & Tank doing well (324/326 gear), DPS (Jugg/Sorc) is ok (226 & 323. Last boss - game over. Heal gets some 300k hit and other "funny" things - Would some higher Gear saved us there? Probably, because we were not that bad. Since adrenals and medpacks are nearly useless in level 80 content, some armor rating, slightly more health and DPs through gear - we probably had a chance.



Same goes there. Very good tank (326) and Heal (Merc 325) - two DPS (Snipers) are new, doing what they can. (~324). First of the last two bosses (Gemini) - wiped us in his clone phase nearly 15 times. I've never seen die a sniper so fast (2 Seconds from the start, he's gone). Its clear the Damage is too low. One DPs ragequitted, so we can bring in a 329 Vanguard. Wiped three more times, but all in all we get trough. Time to play this ~ 1.5-2 hours.

Would some higher Gear saved us there? Yes it literally has. With the 329 Vanguard we were able to carry a weaker DPS.



I'm really sick and tired of the "you don't need better gear for this". No I don't need it for this - as long as all players in my group play as well as I do or better. But if one of them or, god forbidd, two are doing worse - I go down with them. I've have no chance to help them, carry them, get trough. So I could'nt play this.

What should I do? Quit from the start everytime I realise the group probably would'nt make it? Instantly kickvote weaker classes and players?


I understand that there is content where the whole group goes down If just only one player performs badly - but this are usually NiM OPs. In all other content the good players should be able to uplift the weaker ones.



And the best is: after nearly 2 hours MM Nathema - I get absolutely nothing out of it. 4 x 326 gear blue, I already have and ~ 200k repair costs. Yes, thank you. You make absolutely sure I would never do this again.

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Thats just an outright lie.


I understand that there is content where the whole group goes down If just only one player performs badly - but this are usually NiM OPs. In all other content the good players should be able to uplift the weaker ones.


Ya and you are still able to do that? Are you telling me that 19k dps is a unreasonable thing to ask for in mastermode flashpoints? You can do that easy, without gear on all classes but merc and carnage.

If someone is underperforming THAT badly maybe say "yo bud you are just not doing enough dmg yet" maybe add the lie that his gear is too low too so he doesn't feel bad or something and then you look for a replacement or leave. Or you look at the logs, maybe he doesn't know some abilities exist which would be questionable to begin with in MM FPs and try to explain it to him, give one or two tries and then move on.


Also I personally didn't have any troubles in MM FPs, sure the dps is terrible but the only boss I had to look for a replacement was lastboss in assault on tython with a 8k healer who didn't have a tactical, and the one legendary he had was for dps. So we told him its not good enough and we will be looking for a replacement, I asked a friend to come help and it was no problem at all. All other FPs went smooth, maybe you just had bad luck with teammates, it happens - you could always make premade on fleet to make sure that doesn't happen though since you can pick instead of getting it assigned by GF.


And the best is: after nearly 2 hours MM Nathema - I get absolutely nothing out of it. 4 x 326 gear blue, I already have and ~ 200k repair costs. Yes, thank you. You make absolutely sure I would never do this again.


You knew you were gonna get nothing going into it though. MM FP bosses only drop side grades, never upgrades. You could've used the equipment for mats to upgrade your current gear which is probably why you did flashpoints to begin with so I'd say it is save to assume you knew you weren't gonna get a direct upgrade.



Your general statement that you need 330 gear for MM FPs thus is false, you probably can kill all mastermode fps in 316 conquest gear. Provided you have the correct group, which is not the case for MM operations, where on bosses like Lotek'k DPS is so close over half the games classes are not playable, which btw is also not a bad thing since you get stronger over the life of an expansion and it having a hard start means the content won't be too easy once they finish 7.0 - this was a big problem with 6.0 since all MM operation bosses where, objectively speaking, way too easy.

Edited by ZUHFB
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Thats just an outright lie.


I played 3 MM FPs yesterday;


# Korriban

Heal & Tank doing well (324/326 gear), the two DPS (LightSorc & Mara) struggle. Second boss goes soft enrage by 57%. No chance. Would some higher Gear saved us there? - no. BUT with better gear and one other decent DPS we could probably make it.



Heal & Tank doing well (324/326 gear), DPS (Jugg/Sorc) is ok (226 & 323. Last boss - game over. Heal gets some 300k hit and other "funny" things - Would some higher Gear saved us there? Probably, because we were not that bad. Since adrenals and medpacks are nearly useless in level 80 content, some armor rating, slightly more health and DPs through gear - we probably had a chance.



Same goes there. Very good tank (326) and Heal (Merc 325) - two DPS (Snipers) are new, doing what they can. (~324). First of the last two bosses (Gemini) - wiped us in his clone phase nearly 15 times. I've never seen die a sniper so fast (2 Seconds from the start, he's gone). Its clear the Damage is too low. One DPs ragequitted, so we can bring in a 329 Vanguard. Wiped three more times, but all in all we get trough. Time to play this ~ 1.5-2 hours.

Would some higher Gear saved us there? Yes it literally has. With the 329 Vanguard we were able to carry a weaker DPS.



I'm really sick and tired of the "you don't need better gear for this". No I don't need it for this - as long as all players in my group play as well as I do or better. But if one of them or, god forbidd, two are doing worse - I go down with them. I've have no chance to help them, carry them, get trough. So I could'nt play this.

What should I do? Quit from the start everytime I realise the group probably would'nt make it? Instantly kickvote weaker classes and players?


I understand that there is content where the whole group goes down If just only one player performs badly - but this are usually NiM OPs. In all other content the good players should be able to uplift the weaker ones.



And the best is: after nearly 2 hours MM Nathema - I get absolutely nothing out of it. 4 x 326 gear blue, I already have and ~ 200k repair costs. Yes, thank you. You make absolutely sure I would never do this again.


Agreed, better gear helps, but better level sync and class balance would help also.


Also people who only queue for MM FPs when they know what they're doing would have been useful (another reason why I don't group, lol).


It's kinda sad but I remember playing other games and yeah, people were basically leaving when they realized the group wouldn't be able to pass the dps checks.

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Because JediQuaker has been defending 7.0 from the start and has continued to do so long after other defenders have stopped....and, in some cases, left the game altogether.

I haven't been "defending 7.0". I've been defending "reality". Personally I think 7.0 is a "cluster", and SWTOR will have to work hard to survive, BUT:

When people get on here saying dumb stuff like "BW STOLE ALL MY CM WEAPONS!!!", I feel compelled to point out that it's only temporary and there's no need for all the hyperbole. 🙄

Or "BW is forcing me to do GSF", which just simply isn't true. Etc.


Yes, it seems that most of the original creative people have left BW, and we're left with a bunch of people who mainly are there just to collect a paycheck. (as is normal for most businesses)

However, from what I've seen in game - the population, the GF pops, etc - SWTOR isn't about to disappear any time soon, whether or not it has gained or lost subscribers.

So, how about we tone things down and make real constructive criticisms.

Edited by JediQuaker
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Are you telling me that 19k dps is a unreasonable thing to ask for in mastermode flashpoints?


To be honest, I would say yes... Because with the new gearing system MM FPs are a dead end for better players... and there is no real reason to play them any longer. So you will get quite often new, inexperienced or low geared players there. If you'll get an 19k+ DPS in an MM FP thats the exeption. If you dont believe it, just parse some random groups... the results will probably shock you.


And yes I coul'd premade – but point is, if I do so, I could search for some more players and do a raid (which to some degree are easier as those MM FPs). It makes no sense that if I play an HC raid 3 DPS could carry the 4th, but if I play an MM FP it becomes unplayable if one DPS underperforms.


And to be clear; to allow access to higher gear would be just one solution to solve the problem. There are others; like make such content rewarding for already higher geared players or to tone down some stuff. But right now - the "you dont need higher gear to play this" is not quite right.



You could've used the equipment for mats to upgrade your current gear which is probably why you did flashpoints to begin with so I'd say it is save to assume you knew you weren't gonna get a direct upgrade.


It's sound silly with the new gearing system, but I played just to have some fun. But it becomes really frustrating to put much time & effort in this and in the end you realise that youre getting nothing out of it, even I knew this form the start. Probably you're right and I should leave earlier. :/



Your general statement that you need 330 gear for MM FPs thus is false, you probably can kill all mastermode fps in 316 conquest gear.


My general statement, if you wish to call it so, is: That the „You don't need higher gear to do this“ - works only under the rare condition that every player play on a certain level (decent or better). And in all other cases this statement is wrong. This is exactly what you mean with „Provided you have the correct group“ (which by deffault you'll not get with GF).



... where on bosses like Lotek'k DPS is so close over half the games classes are not playable, which btw is also not a bad thing since you get stronger over the life of an expansion and it having a hard start means the content won't be too easy once they finish 7.0 - this was a big problem with 6.0 since all MM operation bosses where, objectively speaking, way too easy


I know what you're saying and even more, I think we are on the same page on that. But the whole generalisation „You dont need higher gear if you dont play HC+“ is – like all generalisation - false (including this one) ;)

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I haven't been "defending 7.0". I've been defending "reality". Personally I think 7.0 is a "cluster", and SWTOR will have to work hard to survive, BUT:

When people get on here saying dumb stuff like "BW STOLE ALL MY CM WEAPONS!!!", I feel compelled to point out that it's only temporary and there's no need for all the hyperbole. 🙄

Or "BW is forcing me to do GSF", which just simply isn't true. Etc.


Yes, it seems that most of the original creative people have left BW, and we're left with a bunch of people who mainly are there just to collect a paycheck. (as is normal for most businesses)

However, from what I've seen in game - the population, the GF pops, etc - SWTOR isn't about to disappear any time soon, whether or not it has gained or lost subscribers.

So, how about we tone things down and make real constructive criticisms.


I'm 100% with you. But when you ask people to give real constructive criticism, you get accused of defending BW lol. Really, I just find it silly when very valid points are lost among the "I lost my CM weapon" cries.


Also, last I heard, BW was recruiting, so... maybe it's not hopeless.

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330 gear makes everything easier/faster in the game


solo content. you kill stuff much faster

pvp content. you out damage everyone

pvp. better stat allocation in bolster

pvp. winning matches instead of repeating losses



you should get 330 even if you just solo content to shave precious seconds off every encounter


the effort to obtain 330 while everyone is farming nim nefra and nim dashroode may be a net time saver for the entire longevity of 7.0 patch


Have you even tested this?

For the sake of providing an example, I just compared 2 characters on Nar Shaddaa. One was in 326 gear with two 330 implants (IR 327) and one was in all 306 gear with a single 228 augnent in the mainhand weapon (IR 306). After planetary level scaling:


(IR 327)

Damage 968

Survivability 454

Support 595



Mastery 622

Endurance 485

Power 138

Critical 33

Alacrity 44

Accuracy 33


Damage (Pri) 251-293

Bonus Damage 169


(IR 306)

Damage 986

Survivability 485

Support 608



Mastery 657

Endurance 520

Power 138

Critical 35

Alacrity 23

Accuracy 50


Damage (Pri) 262-307

Bonus Damage 171



So level scaling has a capping effect on all stats in areas below level 80. Some group content also uses bolster at level 80. While I haven't done the same comparison in a WZ to see the actual result, people have been complaining that bolster renders statistically superior gear meaningless. The end result is we do not kill things more quickly in solo content like you claim. As for your pvp claims, feel free to break down those numbers for us and provide the results. Many here have complained that your conclusion is not the current result.

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I'm 100% with you. But when you ask people to give real constructive criticism, you get accused of defending BW lol. Really, I just find it silly when very valid points are lost among the "I lost my CM weapon" cries.


Also, last I heard, BW was recruiting, so... maybe it's not hopeless.


I've already been called "the whitest of white knights" so the rest of you that challenge people for being overdramatic and /or misrepresenting the facts should know ... I'm keeping my belt. The funny thing is I have already decided SWTOR is the last EA and Bioware product I will support. My decision has nothing to do with 7.0's changes or numerous issues that need resolving. I believe the dev team is working hard to do their jobs well. They are stuck with the limitations of having to work with the Hero engine which has always prevented this game from reaching its full potential.

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This is not a complaint but an honest question:


Before the expansion I was able to do the heroic 2 in Black Hole with no problems (of course I had 306 gear) but last on my Sage (telek) and even switch to combat style sorceress (lightening) and died 3 times inside the heroic. I have 320 gear.


Did they do something, or do I need to get the higher gear that I can (conquest/) (not a pvp player nor operations). I am not sure what the problem is as I have never had this kind of trouble before, even before the last expansion.

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This is not a complaint but an honest question:


Before the expansion I was able to do the heroic 2 in Black Hole with no problems (of course I had 306 gear) but last on my Sage (telek) and even switch to combat style sorceress (lightening) and died 3 times inside the heroic. I have 320 gear.


Did they do something, or do I need to get the higher gear that I can (conquest/) (not a pvp player nor operations). I am not sure what the problem is as I have never had this kind of trouble before, even before the last expansion.


There is a bug with healer companions focusing on the wrong target and dropping off healing to you. It was very noticeable to me and I recall having to use defensive cooldowns where before they were not at all necessary. Supposedly there is a fix for it on the PTS.

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Before the expansion I was able to do the heroic 2 in Black Hole with no problems (of course I had 306 gear) but last on my Sage (telek) and even switch to combat style sorceress (lightening) and died 3 times inside the heroic. I have 320 gear.


Did they do something, or do I need to get the higher gear that I can (conquest/) (not a pvp player nor operations). I am not sure what the problem is as I have never had this kind of trouble before, even before the last expansion.

Well, at the time you had 306 gear, that was the 'max' gear at the time. Now, after the expansion, things are rebalanced and you again need 'max' (PvE) 326 gear to have the equivalent effect. Trying to do these things with 320 gear would be like doing those things with 276 before.

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Have you even tested this?

For the sake of providing an example, I just compared 2 characters on Nar Shaddaa. One was in 326 gear with two 330 implants (IR 327) and one was in all 306 gear with a single 228 augnent in the mainhand weapon (IR 306). After planetary level scaling:


(IR 327)

Damage 968

Survivability 454

Support 595



Mastery 622

Endurance 485

Power 138

Critical 33

Alacrity 44

Accuracy 33


Damage (Pri) 251-293

Bonus Damage 169


(IR 306)

Damage 986

Survivability 485

Support 608



Mastery 657

Endurance 520

Power 138

Critical 35

Alacrity 23

Accuracy 50


Damage (Pri) 262-307

Bonus Damage 171



So level scaling has a capping effect on all stats in areas below level 80. Some group content also uses bolster at level 80. While I haven't done the same comparison in a WZ to see the actual result, people have been complaining that bolster renders statistically superior gear meaningless. The end result is we do not kill things more quickly in solo content like you claim. As for your pvp claims, feel free to break down those numbers for us and provide the results. Many here have complained that your conclusion is not the current result.


I did the test too. On Nar Shaddaa as well. First time in 326 gear, 330 legendaries, and just a couple accuracy blue augments, and the second time I just switched two pieces for a 306 piece (with crit augment) to get a gear rating of 313 or so.


The 326 gear clearly had better stats than the 313 gear.


Not saying I don't believe you but... I'll believe my own test.


This is not a complaint but an honest question:


Before the expansion I was able to do the heroic 2 in Black Hole with no problems (of course I had 306 gear) but last on my Sage (telek) and even switch to combat style sorceress (lightening) and died 3 times inside the heroic. I have 320 gear.


Did they do something, or do I need to get the higher gear that I can (conquest/) (not a pvp player nor operations). I am not sure what the problem is as I have never had this kind of trouble before, even before the last expansion.


There's been a very clear difference for me between 320 gear and 326 gear in heroics. But it there was also the 7.01 patch in the middle so it's hard to tell if the difference was really the gear or whatever changes they've done to level sync in 7.01.

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I did the test too. On Nar Shaddaa as well. First time in 326 gear, 330 legendaries, and just a couple accuracy blue augments, and the second time I just switched two pieces for a 306 piece (with crit augment) to get a gear rating of 313 or so.


The 326 gear clearly had better stats than the 313 gear.


Not saying I don't believe you but... I'll believe my own test.



It's too bad you didn't record the stats for us. I'd like to compare your "first test" to my character in the same gear minus the augments. BTW, I also didn't have any active stims or guild perks on either character - just the class buffs.

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It's too bad you didn't record the stats for us. I'd like to compare your "first test" to my character in the same gear minus the augments. BTW, I also didn't have any active stims or guild perks on either character - just the class buffs.


I only checked mastery and power really - I think it was about 4-6 points lower in 313 gear for each (that being said, the pieces I changed for had more mastery and power than the 326 ones).


Now I wish I had a 318 and a 326 green set to compare... that would probably be more accurate if it was the same set but of a different IR.

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I'm 100% with you. But when you ask people to give real constructive criticism, you get accused of defending BW lol. Really, I just find it silly when very valid points are lost among the "I lost my CM weapon" cries.


Also, last I heard, BW was recruiting, so... maybe it's not hopeless.


Y'know, profiles are open if you really want to address any constructive criticism that I may have made in the past or if you want to go into JediQuaker's profile to see how often he has said a variant of "I'm not defending Bioware but...."


I can't be arsed to post "constructive criticism" that gets ignored by the devs and sidestepped by BW's defenders anymore. 'Tis a waste of time at this point.


As for BW recruiting....stranger things have happened. Dark Horse got the license back, a move that I greeted with unmitigated glee as Dark Horse had long been the torch bearer for Star Wars comics and did an overall good job. As such, EA/Bioware may also decide to pay for a non-exclusive license in 2023 when it runs out.


But my original point still stands to everyone else: Finish the class stories and don't worry too much about gear progression because it is still fairly likely that, once EA has to pay licensing costs on top of the current costs of running the game, the decision is going to go against continuing. Have fun and don't worry about the gear numbers at this point. This way, if this game is shut down by the end of 2022/early 2023, you will have good memories of the fun you had instead of being irritated by getting sucked into a gear grind that proved meaningless.

Edited by Thepyrethatburns
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To start with I have been playing this game since the game launched - time to voice my dislikes with the newest expansion


1) YOU PROMISED that the items I purchased on the cartel market would ALWAYS be upgradable with your clever modular expansion upgrade system - I spent lots of real money on stuff that can no longer be used - do I request a refund ?? I left World of Warcraft for just such deceptive crap


2) The weekly caps are redunculus - I max out on Aquadics by Wednesday - you are making me think I should play something else the rest of the week - when people go look for other games sometimes they find thing they like better and spend their money elsewehere - surely that is not what you want


3) WHY did you take away TC runs ?? - lots of people liked doing TC multiple time per day - GONE - seems like you took away way more than you gave us in this expansion


4) the new gear up climb is slanted toward the top 3% of the gamers that do serious raiding - do you really want the other 97% to just give up and quit because they have no way to get top gear ???


I will give you credit for the new Load-out/combat style system - very cool and very welcome addition to the game but I fear you will not see me spending more money here if I cant be sure the items I purchase with just become obsolete

You sully the name of all founders by having bought anything on the cash shop. I disown you as an original collectors edition pre order.

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But my original point still stands to everyone else: Finish the class stories and don't worry too much about gear progression because it is still fairly likely that, once EA has to pay licensing costs on top of the current costs of running the game, the decision is going to go against continuing. Have fun and don't worry about the gear numbers at this point. This way, if this game is shut down by the end of 2022/early 2023, you will have good memories of the fun you had instead of being irritated by getting sucked into a gear grind that proved meaningless.


What makes you think EA isn't already paying licensing costs? If it becomes non-exclusive it stands to reason they would pay less.

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Y'know, profiles are open if you really want to address any constructive criticism that I may have made in the past or if you want to go into JediQuaker's profile to see how often he has said a variant of "I'm not defending Bioware but...."

Just the other day I was called a "globalist shill" by a flat earther. It seems that those who can't justify their claims have to resort to name calling. 😂

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Because we pay the same *********** amount you do. You know, like you have had explained to you MANY times already?!


When you buy an RPG of any kind-- or at least a AAA RPG-- you aren't just given the best gear at the outset of the game. You ramp up your gear over time with hard work-- such as procuring loot from dungeons, buying them from vendors, crafting them, going on some asinine fetch quest, or if you're in an MMO perhaps trading for it.


You pay a set amount of money for this RPG, but you don't get the best gear just because you paid for the game. You are provided the opportunity to earn the best gear, but it's not just gifted to you.


Before you raise your hackles and come up with a retort, this analogy applies to other video game genres, as well. In Call of Duty multiplayer, you have to unlock all the different weapons, weapon accessories, and paints by leveling up in multiplayer and you can level up faster by being a better player. In Forza or Need for Speed, you aren't given the best cars in the game at the start of your save. You have to buy them with money/credits you earn as you play and upgrades are sometimes story-gated.


You paid the same amount of money as hardcore raiders to have the opportunity to work for your gear, not so you could just have your gear. If you didn't understand this before paying for a subscription, that's not on Bioware. That's on you.

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