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1.5m subs, best in launch history


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lol - keep telling yourself that...Happy thoughts work great for Peter Pan too...


No, Warhammer's launch was just as smooth as this launch was (actually, This launch was worse IMO with the terrible idea of EGA and the artificial caps on servers causing huge ques and then dead servers...not to mention the 30+ game in SWTOR is terribly buggy and broken ...Ive seen more bugs in SWTOR than Warhammer ever dared to have past 30...)


So keep wishing there Tinkerbell....


I was there at the open beta of Warhammer, early access and launch. It was all terrible. Comparing SWTOR EGA and launch with Warhammer's and claiming SWTOR launch is worse is a product of your imagination my dear friend. Yeah, probably you were invited with the last wave in the EGA, thats why you hate it so much.


I just can't get it, why all the haters, what you're gaining after all?

Edited by liquidpension
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BEST IN LAUNCH HISTORY IS COMPLETELY FALSE.You guys do realize that World of Warcraft sold over 2.5 million copies within two days of being launched, right? It was also released the same day as its competition, EverQuest 2, which sold 500,000 copies within the first several days. Keep in mind, Warcraft was a relatively unknown title at time of its release, particularly when compared to Star Wars. The release date of Warcraft was no where near Christmas. Lastly during the time period World of Warcraft released, the entire MMO community was less than 4 million players total. Selling a million and a half today in a gaming community that is easily over 30 million players is no where near the accomplishment of selling 2.5 million copies to a community whose total numbers fell short of 4 million total.


I love how wrong your statement is. I love how ABSOLUTELY wrong your statement is.


Everquest 2 came out a week and a half before WoW.

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Yep, EA sure crit a lot of people with its hype.


The game will also set another record soon: the biggest crash and burn once the hype-fuel was consumed, which should be sometime in the next 2 months.

Edited by Chomag
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"I think the fact that wowhead launched torhead and askmrrobot now has a swtor section too says a lot about the backing and chances the game has. When 2 of the major wow sites launch fansites for the competition too (something not done for any other games before) it's likely they're getting good sub numbers going."




You know, it couldn't be about money or anything. They just really see a game going to flourish.

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Warhammer had a million subs at launch and ...well...much of SWTOR was created by Mythic...


Will subs continue to grow or start to dwindle after the free month, that is the question...


I fear that they will dwindle as people get higher. SWTOR's flaws become more and more evident the higher you get and the higher the "casuals" start to get the more you will see them jumping from "Defender of the Republic!" to "Death to the Empire"...



Lets point out everything you are wrong about.


Warhammer launched with less than 1/2 that. As a matter of fact - they were "happy to announce" that in December of '08 (3 months after launch) that they had reached 300k Subscribers.


Source here



Warhammer launch was terrible (I was there) major lag, horrible starting area congestion causing servers to crash, broken quests and much, much more.

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+GW2 will make SWTOR a wasteland if there will be no miracle patch from Bioware.


GW2 is garbage, it is basically Rift with no dedicated healers. Played 2 40 minute demos and I felt like I was playing Rift.


D3 is nothing like D2 which is why Blizzard keeps postponing it because internal testers hate it. And it is a different audience.


However, D3 is still better than GW2 which is total trash. And I was looking forward to it too.

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absolutely best launch in MMO history. Just amazed at how smooth it is. Yes there are bugs, But almost all servers are up and running and experiencing 0 crashes. Ability to play smoothly w/ 0 lag. Cant wait to see this game grow. Its gonna be big!
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An Incredible game. However, Immersion and story will not capture the "WoW-crowd" as it takes a little more brain activity than endless button smashing while watching TV at the same time.


SWTOR is what an MMO should be. Finally a game for gamers.


<<< Pandas that way please.

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GW2 is garbage, it is basically Rift with no dedicated healers. Played 2 40 minute demos and I felt like I was playing Rift.


D3 is nothing like D2 which is why Blizzard keeps postponing it because internal testers hate it. And it is a different audience.


However, D3 is still better than GW2 which is total trash. And I was looking forward to it too.


SWToR is trash, D3 is so awesome and that's why they keep postponing it to polish it even more like every Blizzard game that's a complete success.


GW2 will be better than SWToR. Playing SWToR is like playing KOTOR 1-2 with a chatbox not an MMO.


You were saying?

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You keep mentioning all these bugs, care to list even one of them or keep spamming the same thing with nothing to add?
Things start to get messy around Hoth.


  • Spawns that evade
  • Ambient sounds that turn off active sounds
  • Flight paths that fly through things.
  • Unpolished quest and mission lay out.
  • Mob types that instant warp on agro, then you have to play find where they body really is to loot them.
  • Higher level craft items start to get real screwy, purples that are worse than the blue they came from, crafted items showing garbage stats for the difference with what you're wearing.
  • Silver / Gold elite balance gets funky, most silvers are harder than golds, golds just take longer to kill.

The areas get a progressively rushed and unfinished feel to them as you move along.

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An Incredible game. However, Immersion and story will not capture the "WoW-crowd" as it takes a little more brain activity than endless button smashing while watching TV at the same time.


SWTOR is what an MMO should be. Finally a game for gamers.


<<< Pandas that way please.


That's funny considering this game has no way to measure performance atm, so it actually caters to everyone NOT paying attention to what they're doing since they can do whatever they please and noone will notice.



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For all the folks who have hit 50, wait for the rest of us to catch up and stop complaining there is nothing to do since you rushed to 50. We warned you not to do this, not to complain when you get there but yet you still do. You knew you'd be waiting, you do need people to do stuff at 50 right, you do realize this? This game has more end game content than any other MMO in history at launch, and still you 10%ers complain.


There's more than enough 50s to do things. Top guilds have already cleared all the pve content on the hardest difficulty. I keep hearing this "shoulda waited for more people" argument and I just don't understand it. Chances are if you hit 50 already it's cause your guild did, so you can roll with them. These people aren't going to be pugging end game content. As far as pvp goes, with the bolster system you will still be pvping. Only thing the first 50s might be missing out on is Illium pvp, and let's think about it logically, with the different shards on worlds, it might not even be that big of battles.


Look at it this way. You go to the airport, there's few/no planes flying. More people showing up at the airport is not going to fix that.

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lol - keep telling yourself that...Happy thoughts work great for Peter Pan too...


No, Warhammer's launch was just as smooth as this launch was (actually, This launch was worse IMO with the terrible idea of EGA and the artificial caps on servers causing huge ques and then dead servers...not to mention the 30+ game in SWTOR is terribly buggy and broken ...Ive seen more bugs in SWTOR than Warhammer ever dared to have past 30...)


So keep wishing there Tinkerbell....


Are you barking mad, warhammers launch was HORRIBLE no one in EU could play what so ever whilst the rest of the world could (and what they could play was horrible aswell). It was horrible horrible horrible. There are even parodys out there on the warhammer launch. Just check youtube. If your going to claim something then atleast dont blatantly lie with ignorance and hope no one notices....

Edited by Icecrypt
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That's funny considering this game has no way to measure performance atm, so it actually caters to everyone NOT paying attention to what they're doing since they can do whatever they please and noone will notice.




You said Game and "Measure Performance" in the same sentence. This is the WoW crowd. This is what Blizzard has done to gaming. They made GAME, which is supposed to be fun, into something whereby people want to "measure performance" like gaming is a job or something.

I play games to do something FUN with friends and to make new friends in the process. I dont care that Bob's DPS is lower than mine because I like Bob and I want Bob to succeed with me and the rest of my friends.


You, WoW player, are looking at Gaming all wrong and your "Blizzard-Attitude" has contaminated good gaming for way too long.


<<< Panda that way.

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you said game and "measure performance" in the same sentence. This is the wow crowd. This is what blizzard has done to gaming. They made game, which is supposed to be fun, into something whereby people want to "measure performance" like gaming is a job or something.

I play games to do something fun with friends and to make new friends in the process. I dont care that bob's dps is lower than mine because i like bob and i want bob to succeed with me and the rest of my friends.


You, wow player, are looking at gaming all wrong and your "blizzard-attitude" has contaminated good gaming for way too long.


<<< panda that way.


^ qfft

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BEST IN LAUNCH HISTORY IS COMPLETELY FALSE.You guys do realize that World of Warcraft sold over 2.5 million copies within two days of being launched, right? It was also released the same day as its competition, EverQuest 2, which sold 500,000 copies within the first several days. Keep in mind, Warcraft was a relatively unknown title at time of its release, particularly when compared to Star Wars. The release date of Warcraft was no where near Christmas. Lastly during the time period World of Warcraft released, the entire MMO community was less than 4 million players total. Selling a million and a half today in a gaming community that is easily over 30 million players is no where near the accomplishment of selling 2.5 million copies to a community whose total numbers fell short of 4 million total.


Dead wrong,WOW had about 400k sales at launch in NA and hit about 1.5 mill wordwide when it released in EU 6 mo's later.Had approx 750k NA and 750k EU.


Also it released 2 weeks after EQ2 not same day,pretty sure EQ2 was 11/08.

Edited by Khirra
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