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1.5m subs, best in launch history


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Thats not because of the game quality itself, is product of a:


-Star wars franchise

-Good propaganda and commercials

-People who looks desperately for a new MMO to play because they are tired from the old ones ( many ppl from wow )

-And Bioware previous reputation



this "boom" of subscriptions will surely change ( for bad or good ) depending only in the game quality itself after 6 month or so


but honestly i predict more bad than good.

Edited by Stormag
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lol - and here is the problem...your 17...Just wait...You can say this now but when you do finally hit 40+ and all these bugs are STILL in the game (as they have been in for MONTHS in beta) and your game suddently becomes a buggy pile of poo...


I wonder what you'll be saying then...


The forums should have a level restriction on them and only people 30+ can post because people under 20 really cannot speak on a subject they have absolutely no clue about...


Its like claiming you know how to be a doctor cause you took Biology in college...Sorry, no, thats not how it works...


Congratulations on posting IMO the most condescending post ina forum ever!!!!

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lol - keep telling yourself that...Happy thoughts work great for Peter Pan too...


No, Warhammer's launch was just as smooth as this launch was (actually, This launch was worse IMO with the terrible idea of EGA and the artificial caps on servers causing huge ques and then dead servers...not to mention the 30+ game in SWTOR is terribly buggy and broken ...Ive seen more bugs in SWTOR than Warhammer ever dared to have past 30...)


So keep wishing there Tinkerbell....



OMG really.

cool story bro.

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if warhammer was so much better than swtor then how come i could not stand it and only lvled to 10 in warhammer and uninstalled the game and now iam lvl 49 in swtor plox explain?Stop ************ about some little bugs they are not gamebreaking.


Well it's pretty easy to answer.


You're a fanboy.








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"I think the fact that wowhead launched torhead and askmrrobot now has a swtor section too says a lot about the backing and chances the game has. When 2 of the major wow sites launch fansites for the competition too (something not done for any other games before) it's likely they're getting good sub numbers going."



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"I think the fact that wowhead launched torhead and askmrrobot now has a swtor section too says a lot about the backing and chances the game has. When 2 of the major wow sites launch fansites for the competition too (something not done for any other games before) it's likely they're getting good sub numbers going."




Wrong the wowhead people had a rift version out as soon as the nda for rift was lifted.

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Wow... people calling back to Warhammer? Really? WAR was a fun game, but it was implemented horribly. WAR did not have 1.5 million subs on launch, where the hell did someone get that? WARs launch was horribly buggy. Quests not working, crap mechanics, and empty zones are what I remember. The PvP was pretty fun....until people started playing BW and making nuke groups. Oh that only took them 2 years to fix, by then the game was dead because PvP was horribly unbalanced and the PvE sucked. I played it for 3 months and quit. I recently resubbed for a month (within the last 4 months) to see where the game was at. Well, there about 60 or 70 active players between the 2 servers still up. Yeah, cancelled yet again.


Now, I'll admit, PvP seems like an afterthought in this game, but that doesn't bother me because I PvE now. But still, the PvE is really good in this game. The storyline is actually interesting and you can develop relationships with your companions. You can level fairly easily and pick up groups when need be. I think Flashpoints are fun. They have many of the same mechanics all the WoW fanboys like. "Oh run and hide...LoS him, interrupt!!!!" Whatever, it's just as good as any other MMO. If you like the lore and simplicity of the game then that's fine. Stop looking for a game to break every MMO standard. Guess what? WoW didn't break any MMO standard, it just simplified ones already in place and made it accessible to the masses of casuals.

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lol - keep telling yourself that...Happy thoughts work great for Peter Pan too...


No, Warhammer's launch was just as smooth as this launch was (actually, This launch was worse IMO with the terrible idea of EGA and the artificial caps on servers causing huge ques and then dead servers...not to mention the 30+ game in SWTOR is terribly buggy and broken ...Ive seen more bugs in SWTOR than Warhammer ever dared to have past 30...)


So keep wishing there Tinkerbell....


I was there when Warhammer online released, i came back a few months later and played it for 1-2 years. There is no way in hell you can ever compare Warhammer online's launch vs SWTOR.


Warhammer online has so many, many millions of trillions of bugs, it's...

It took them well over a year to make it really playable.


The lag, the connection issues, the bugs (In billions) the stuck, the freeze...

There is not one single mmorpg to date that has so many problems with a game, warhammer online takes the prize.


however, when they started to fix stuff. RvR/PvP was superb, and to-date i have yet to find PvP/RvR as good as WO. Collision detection does it all, without it PVP/RvR is useless.

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however, when they started to fix stuff. RvR/PvP was superb, and to-date i have yet to find PvP/RvR as good as WO. Collision detection does it all, without it PVP/RvR is useless.


Yeah they got that right. Tanks CAN be Tanks with CD.

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I was there when Warhammer online released, i came back a few months later and played it for 1-2 years. There is no way in hell you can ever compare Warhammer online's launch vs SWTOR.


Warhammer online has so many, many millions of trillions of bugs, it's...

It took them well over a year to make it really playable.


The lag, the connection issues, the bugs (In billions) the stuck, the freeze...

There is not one single mmorpg to date that has so many problems with a game, warhammer online takes the prize.


however, when they started to fix stuff. RvR/PvP was superb, and to-date i have yet to find PvP/RvR as good as WO. Collision detection does it all, without it PVP/RvR is useless.


Warhammer did have a lot of /stuck issues I remember.


Other than that I literally don't remember having any other issues with the game, except some lag during fort sieges.

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"I think the fact that wowhead launched torhead and askmrrobot now has a swtor section too says a lot about the backing and chances the game has. When 2 of the major wow sites launch fansites for the competition too (something not done for any other games before) it's likely they're getting good sub numbers going."




Other MMOs have had similar sites, this means nothing.

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Warhammer did have a lot of /stuck issues I remember.


Other than that I literally don't remember having any other issues with the game, except some lag during fort sieges.


You must have missed the fact that the campaign was broken. You literally could not flip zones so it was impossible to push towards a city siege. Even the world first city siege on Karak 8 Peaks EU needed full GM support to facilitate it, it was completely broken. Not good since it was the whole crux of the game.


The bugs in this game are minor in comparison.

Edited by Mandrax
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BEST IN LAUNCH HISTORY IS COMPLETELY FALSE.You guys do realize that World of Warcraft sold over 2.5 million copies within two days of being launched, right? It was also released the same day as its competition, EverQuest 2, which sold 500,000 copies within the first several days. Keep in mind, Warcraft was a relatively unknown title at time of its release, particularly when compared to Star Wars. The release date of Warcraft was no where near Christmas. Lastly during the time period World of Warcraft released, the entire MMO community was less than 4 million players total. Selling a million and a half today in a gaming community that is easily over 30 million players is no where near the accomplishment of selling 2.5 million copies to a community whose total numbers fell short of 4 million total. Edited by RecondoJoe
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BEST IN LAUNCH HISTORY IS COMPLETELY FALSE.You guys do realize that World of Warcraft sold over 2.5 million copies within two days of being launched, right? It was also released the same day as its competition, EverQuest 2, which sold 500,000 copies within the first several days. Keep in mind, Warcraft was a relatively unknown title at time of its release, particularly when compared to Star Wars. The release date of Warcraft was no where near Christmas. Lastly during the time period World of Warcraft released, the entire MMO community was less than 4 million players total.


World of Warcraft was the most anticipated MMO release of all time, with people buying beta keys for thousands of dollars on e-bay. Everyone who was a gamer knew about WoW.


I mean, I am dubious about TOR's status as fastest-of-all-time, but let's be real here. The hype for WoW made TOR look like a the hush of a tennis match.

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This game has blown all other MMOs in history out of the water with 1.5m subs at launch


And they still have no money to hire maintenance staff for EU servers, come on, make your friends subscribe, maybe if we get up to 5m subs they will have money for it.

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World of Warcraft was the most anticipated MMO release of all time, with people buying beta keys for thousands of dollars on e-bay. Everyone who was a gamer knew about WoW.


I mean, I am dubious about TOR's status as fastest-of-all-time, but let's be real here. The hype for WoW made TOR look like a the hush of a tennis match.


Cold hard numbers are still there regardless. Warcraft sold more copies while facing competition, and a natural disadvantage for being released after Christmas. I personally remember 50% of the MMO community actually being split between EverQuest 2 and Warcraft, with most of the well known players from EverQuest (the only successful MMO at the time) naturally favoring EverQuest 2 over World of Warcraft. Hardly feel that World of Warcraft was anything other than the under dog going into that fight.

Edited by RecondoJoe
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And they still have no money to hire maintenance staff for EU servers, come on, make your friends subscribe, maybe if we get up to 5m subs they will have money for it.


Things don't happen overnight you know...

And we need to keep in mind how much money this game has required in the making process and I'm quite sure they have lot of other bills to pay, it'll be a moment before the incomes can be put to other use.



EDIT: Yes, this is just me speculating...

Edited by Deamor
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BEST IN LAUNCH HISTORY IS COMPLETELY FALSE.You guys do realize that World of Warcraft sold over 2.5 million copies within two days of being launched, right? It was also released the same day as its competition, EverQuest 2, which sold 500,000 copies within the first several days. Keep in mind, Warcraft was a relatively unknown title at time of its release, particularly when compared to Star Wars. The release date of Warcraft was no where near Christmas. Lastly during the time period World of Warcraft released, the entire MMO community was less than 4 million players total. Selling a million and a half today in a gaming community that is easily over 30 million players is no where near the accomplishment of selling 2.5 million copies to a community whose total numbers fell short of 4 million total.


Your citation doesn't even remotely support your argument. It in fact refutes your numbers completely.

Edited by canadria
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Your citation doesn't even remotely support your argument. In in fact refutes your numbers completely.


"Summary of weekly unit sales from launch broken down by tracked regions (for first 10 weeks of sale)."


Hence Warcraft's total number of copies sold falling far behind the 11 million players it boasted a few months ago.

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"Summary of weekly unit sales from launch broken down by tracked regions (for first 10 weeks of sale)."


Hence Warcraft's total falling far behind the 11 million players it boasted a few months ago.



I'm sorry, but if there is a point here, I don't get it.

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BEST IN LAUNCH HISTORY IS COMPLETELY FALSE.You guys do realize that World of Warcraft sold over 2.5 million copies within two days of being launched, right? It was also released the same day as its competition, EverQuest 2, which sold 500,000 copies within the first several days. Keep in mind, Warcraft was a relatively unknown title at time of its release, particularly when compared to Star Wars. The release date of Warcraft was no where near Christmas. Lastly during the time period World of Warcraft released, the entire MMO community was less than 4 million players total. Selling a million and a half today in a gaming community that is easily over 30 million players is no where near the accomplishment of selling 2.5 million copies to a community whose total numbers fell short of 4 million total.


They sold over 240.000 copies by 23th november 2004, the first day of release. See http://uk.pc.gamespy.com/pc/world-of-warcraft/569888p1.html


The game was not released in Europe nor the Asia back then.

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And they are about to drop drastically if they don't fix their game in 1 month. :p


People that like Open World PvP will be go if they don't change it.

People with FPS problems will be gone if they don't fix it.

People that are annoyed with Ability Delay will be gone if they don't fix it.

People that are bored with endcontent will be gone.

People that only play warzones will be gone if they don't fix the performance issues.


They have so much to fix in such little time.

Edited by HerrFett
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Will be interesting to see the numbers after three month... speculation: down to 1m.


Yeah, that's how long I'm signed up for because their website refused to take my credit card information, and Best Buy here only sold 60-day game cards. (Brilliant ploy, although I doubt it was intentional). I like SW:ToR, but I find the inexplicable FPS on moderate to high-end gaming systems to be intolerable, particularly when the graphics themselves seem lackluster when compared to World of Warcraft, or any other MMO that has been released in the last 5 years.

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