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1.5m subs, best in launch history


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While its true the launch has been pretty good keep in mind other games have had good launches and then died out very quickly. Only time will tell is swtor follows that pattern or not.


As far as bug goes yes there are quite a few game breaking bugs at the higher levels. In the eternity vault operation alone I have seen the following bugs:


Loot not drop from bosses or numerous other loot based glitches such as being able to see gear but not collect it.


When riding the speederbike transport sometimes characters will just randomly die.


The escape pods you ride down to the planet sometimes randomly kills players.


The bosses often bug out and have to be reset, sometimes multiple times, in order to get them to work right.


My personal favorite is the "ghost" bug where your raid will be standing there not even in combat and then suddenly your group members will suddenly start dropping dead one by one for no reason at all. While hilarious the first time it gets old really quick.


The debuffs on the 4th boss not clearing correctly and forcing members to relog to clear it.


Graphical bugs with some of the bosses such as invisible lighting balls on the last boss that easily cause wipes.


The turrets on the first boss sometimes bug out if you use CC on them.


That is all from ONE instance. There are several bugs with the other operation such as if you wipe and zone in again you spawn right in front of the boss and he proceeds to kill the group as you zone in. The BH class quest to go to illum is bugged for darkside players. ETC ETC. I myself consider many of these to be gamebreaking or at the very least highly annoying.


I am not hating on the game(in fact I like it a lot) and its natural that a new game will have bugs. However don't sit there and pretend that this game is perfect or that it has "only minor flaws". When you hit the higher levels and end game you encounter a lot of broken stuff that needs to be fixed. Right now its not a major issue because most of the players are not 50 yet but give it a couple more weeks and you all will see just how bad things can get. Its not fun when you have to cancel a raid simply because of bugs.


I personally have faith that BW will resolve most of these issues in the coming weeks. But it just annoys me when fanboys attack people who raise valid concerns about the game. This game is good but there is CONSIDERABLE work and debugging that must be done for the game to maintain its subs for the long term. As it stands now in its current form I feel many people will cancel after they hit 50 and the free month is over. Not because there is a lack of content but because the content does not work half the time. Tho I must say when the stuff does work it is very enjoyable. EV puts DS from wow to shame in my opinion.



blah blah blah, your gripes sound legitimate and not aimed at destroying a game and rather at fixing small things that you have witnessed, there is a big difference

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Only post in this thread that's worth reading, and that's including the OP's one :)


I'm a HUGE Bioware/Kotor fan, and I've cancelled my subscription today. Not down to any of the bugs/issue that people have complained about on the forums; most of which are nonsense and/or people so use to WoW that everything must resemble it, but mainly due to the game just lacking overall in quality gameplay and story. It's not bad, it's just boring.


*** game are you playing? Cause its definitely not tor...

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This game has blown all other MMOs in history out of the water with 1.5m subs at launch. This game is fantastic and will continue to grow. Yes it has some bugs, I triggered the Kira bug which has yet to be retro fixed on my JK but I'm now greatly enjoying my sith warrior. It needs more polish but so far for launch this game has massive amounts of content.


For all the folks who have hit 50, wait for the rest of us to catch up and stop complaining there is nothing to do since you rushed to 50. We warned you not to do this, not to complain when you get there but yet you still do. You knew you'd be waiting, you do need people to do stuff at 50 right, you do realize this? This game has more end game content than any other MMO in history at launch, and still you 10%ers complain.


Did you play WoW, and power lvl to cap at their launch with only one or two raids at the end for about 9 months with nothing else to do? And you guys complain about SWTOR? How in the heck did you guys last in WoW at launch when end game was so pitiful in that game for months on end?


Get a grip and do something else, roll another character, get in on the market, or perhaps do something in real life? It will take me at least a year to play all the class story lines with work, don't know how you guys have so much time on your hands.


Oh, if you don't know what a 10%er is, well they're folks that have more time on their hands, way too much time on their hands compared to the other 90% of humanity.


Epic fanboi post. Let's take a look at the subs in 6 months, then at a year. 6 months MAYBE 1 million left, MAYBE. A year, not a chance.

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very nice launch for swtor, especially considering they hype built up, they did a fantastic job - as well as not letting us down too much on hype, it seems mostly only the open world PvP crowd is crying right now and the rest are happy leveling toons.


I think this game has a realistic play time of 2-3 months on average to begin with. That is not a failure by any means but asks big questions about its future. EA has big hurdles set here, and courting a 2-3 months interest should keep the game in profit for years simply by bringing new people through. If they want a steadier subscriber (why wouldn't they right?) they should either go hybrid subscribition/cash shop or else cater to the needs of the ones that want to play and stick around for many reasons. It's easy to want to stick around a game that has a lot of cutting edge technology and innovations as well as standard product hype. Reality is losing the PvP crowd will likely not hurt the game that much.


Comparing this to WAR release, I was there as well. WAR release was fine for non-demanding players, and most problems relating to bugs were cleared up within months... However WAR was quite a bit on a grander scale of things. 24 classes vs 16. A ToK 10 times the size, far larger starting areas, way more ambitious in terms of open world capabilities from a technological stand-point. I think SWTOR is very grand, but in a scalable way. Bioware has clearly taken their own approach to MMORPG - and done quite well. Saying SWTOR had a smoother launch might be because that most of it is really not that Massive, at least not all at once...


SWTOR has a lot of work to do to make SWTOR a MMO to keep people playing as long as how they intend to market the game to towards but they probably won't need to change. They will be fine with everything they have right now, all they will have to do is release regular patches and a big patch release every year or so and the IP and management will do the rest. They don't need WoW's playerbase either and it doesn't look like they want to mimmick any other games success. Bioware is coming off as confident and focused with a game that is made close to home territory - and doing quite well. I honestly don't see big changes come aside from optimizations and candy features.

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blah blah blah, your gripes sound legitimate and not aimed at destroying a game and rather at fixing small things that you have witnessed, there is a big difference


I may only speak for myself but I don't think operations bugging out to the point of being unplayable at times or broken class quests(which are the backbone of your questing experience and story) as "small things".


I mean there are only two ops at the moment and both are pretty badly bugged. That is not counting the plethora of other minor bugs such as certain preference settings and companion abilities not saving when you zone. As you get higher in levels the bugs start to add up. Its pretty obvious that the higher level content is not as stable or refined as the lower level stuff and with the population leveling up they are going to be hitting these bugs. They need to be fixed or it WILL discourage players.


BW needs to resolve or at least make progress on these things by the end of the free month or people will start to leave. Nobody is gonna pay a fee for a product that does not work right half the time, especially when there are competitors who offer a similar more stable product. Why should I raid EV and watch my group die to the "ghost" when I could raid DS in wow which is known to run smooth? I am just saying these are the kinds of questions player will be asking themselves. I have no desire at all to see this game lose subs I am just pointing out flaws that need to be fixed or you will see subs begin to fall.

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Only thing that matters is how many they have on January 21st after the free 30 days ends for pre-orders.







This (and no, I'm not being "payed" or paid)

It does not really matter how many people played while it was free beyond getting people to at least try the game and hope they enjoy it enough to stick around.

If over half of the people bail as soon as their free time is up (NO, Im not saying they will). Then it really does not matter that they had so many.

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...BW needs to resolve or at least make progress on these things by the end of the free month or people will start to leave. Nobody is gonna pay a fee for a product that does not work right half the time, especially when there are competitors who offer a similar more stable product. Why should I raid EV and watch my group die to the "ghost" when I could raid DS in wow which is known to run smooth? I am just saying these are the kinds of questions player will be asking themselves. I have no desire at all to see this game lose subs I am just pointing out flaws that need to be fixed or you will see subs begin to fall.



I remember how bad the Wow bugs (not to mentiont he downtimes, queues, etc) were for a long time after launch, and yet people, including myself, stayed with it.


i understand that "things have changed since then", etc...but the point is that people will put up with quite a lot if there are aspects of a game they are really having fun with.

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I remember how bad the Wow bugs (not to mentiont he downtimes, queues, etc) were for a long time after launch, and yet people, including myself, stayed with it.


i understand that "things have changed since then", etc...but the point is that people will put up with quite a lot if there are aspects of a game they are really having fun with.



The difference is that people have more options than they did back in 2004 and the MMO player was a different breed then. People put up with the intial bugs in wow because many of the other games at the time also had bugs(SWG had bugs that lasted for months and in some cases years). Not to mention there was not as many casual friendly MMOs on the market at the time. The competition facing swtor is alot tougher now than what wow went up against in 2004 and the needs and expectations of the MMO gamer are much higher. Like you said things have changed and any comparison between wows launch is irrelevant to swtor.


I have no fears that this game will "die" because there is enough here to keep fans of the kotor franchise and BW appeased, but at the same time there is a danger of this game becoming another rift. It will survive but it wont be considered to be any real force in the MMO genre. For some people that is enough but I would like to see the game succeed and not be held back because BW couldn't debug the game in a timely fashion.

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1. Ability delay


2. Nodes appearing on map though they don't exist. ( they even tried to say they fixed it, lol)


3. Almost every flashpoint after Hammer Station


4. Load screen durations


5. Glaring issues with certain video cards.


6. Pet AI, and pet autocast options not sticking.


7. Other UI options not sticking (Sith corruption, etc)


Do you need more? I can post more.


BTW don't try and say it's user-specific or anything, plenty of people have reported these issues and almost no issue in any situation affects EVERYONE.


None of these are game breaking.


They are merely issues to be patched. Have you been playing PC games long? I have NEVER played a PC game that did not need to be patched after release.


If you don't like the game, move on.

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This game has blown all other MMOs in history out of the water with 1.5m subs at launch. This game is fantastic and will continue to grow. Yes it has some bugs, I triggered the Kira bug which has yet to be retro fixed on my JK but I'm now greatly enjoying my sith warrior. It needs more polish but so far for launch this game has massive amounts of content.


For all the folks who have hit 50, wait for the rest of us to catch up and stop complaining there is nothing to do since you rushed to 50. We warned you not to do this, not to complain when you get there but yet you still do. You knew you'd be waiting, you do need people to do stuff at 50 right, you do realize this? This game has more end game content than any other MMO in history at launch, and still you 10%ers complain.


Did you play WoW, and power lvl to cap at their launch with only one or two raids at the end for about 9 months with nothing else to do? And you guys complain about SWTOR? How in the heck did you guys last in WoW at launch when end game was so pitiful in that game for months on end?


Get a grip and do something else, roll another character, get in on the market, or perhaps do something in real life? It will take me at least a year to play all the class story lines with work, don't know how you guys have so much time on your hands.


Oh, if you don't know what a 10%er is, well they're folks that have more time on their hands, way too much time on their hands compared to the other 90% of humanity.


+1 l totally agree with you, if people are bored cause of rushing to 50 guess what reroll and cap another class. The game hasnt been out for a month yet. l remember playing SWG at launch it was horrible. This is heaven compared, guys that are whining i bet have not experienced that many mmo launches.

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I don't really worry about the # of games sold, I'm curious at the sales figures for the first few months of subscriptions.


1, 3, 6 months will be the telling points on whether or not it will last.


Free month, 3 month subs, 6 month subs......those who did the 3 and 6 month subs are usually locked in to play, they feel obligated. But once the subs hit the renewel dates, that's when decisions are made.

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1. Ability delay


2. Nodes appearing on map though they don't exist. ( they even tried to say they fixed it, lol)


3. Almost every flashpoint after Hammer Station


4. Load screen durations


5. Glaring issues with certain video cards.


6. Pet AI, and pet autocast options not sticking.


7. Other UI options not sticking (Sith corruption, etc)


Do you need more? I can post more.


BTW don't try and say it's user-specific or anything, plenty of people have reported these issues and almost no issue in any situation affects EVERYONE.


Read the patch notes on Test right now, most of those are resolved in the one patch. Your argument is flawed. If they can fix those issues in 1 patch, and during the Christmas holiday period for that matter as well, then I have high hopes for this development team.

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Everyone I hear on podcasts and forums saying the game is great are under 20. Around 30-35 the game turns into (insert bad word here).


I am 33, my hair is starting the gray, but I love the game. I've been online since 1987, before most people here were born. Seen a lot of stuff come and go, but I like SWTOR.

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lol - keep telling yourself that...Happy thoughts work great for Peter Pan too...


No, Warhammer's launch was just as smooth as this launch was (actually, This launch was worse IMO with the terrible idea of EGA and the artificial caps on servers causing huge ques and then dead servers...not to mention the 30+ game in SWTOR is terribly buggy and broken ...Ive seen more bugs in SWTOR than Warhammer ever dared to have past 30...)


So keep wishing there Tinkerbell....


haha warhammers max level was 40

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